
I wanted to see how would I deal with a large amount of data being scraped and written into a CSV file, so I decided to get the info out of a random website.

First off, I found a way to search for all the products on the website and I figured out that any product will have a space in its name or description, so I searched for that.

Second, I had to know how many pages there are so I can go through all of them and take some information about every product.

from csv import DictWriter, QUOTE_MINIMAL
from lxml import html

import requests

SEARCH_PAGE_URL = "https://www.richelieu.com/us/en/search?s=%20"
DYNAMIC_PRODUCTS_PAGE = "https://www.richelieu.com/us/en/search/?s=%20&imgMode=m&sort=&nbPerPage=48&page={}#results"

    "User-Agent": "User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
                  "Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36"

def get_total_products():
    """Return the total number of products"""

    search_page = requests.get(SEARCH_PAGE_URL, headers=HEADERS).text
    search_page_tree = html.fromstring(search_page)

    return int(search_page_tree.xpath("//div[@class='ts_resultOptions']//p[1]")[0].text.split()[2])

def get_product_url(total_products):
    """Yield the links for products pages"""

    for page_number in range(1, total_products + 1):
        products_url = DYNAMIC_PRODUCTS_PAGE.format(page_number)

        products_page = requests.get(products_url, headers=HEADERS).text
        products_page_tree = html.fromstring(products_page)

        products_links = [a_tag.attrib["href"]
                          for a_tag in products_page_tree.xpath("//*[@id='prodResult']/li//div[@class='imgWrapper']/a")]

        for link in products_links:
            yield link


def check_if_more_products(tree):
    """Check to see if there are more SKU's for the same product"""

    more_prods = [all_prod.attrib['href'] for all_prod in tree.xpath("//td[@class='sku ']/div/a")]

    if not more_prods:
        return False
    return more_prods

def get_product_number(tree):
    return {
        "Product number": tree.xpath("//div[@id='pm2_questions']/div[@class='noProdReadOnly']/span")[0].text

def get_product_name(tree):
    return {
        "Name": tree.xpath("//*[@id='pm2_topInfo']/div/h1/span")[0].text

def get_product_category(tree):
    breadcrumb = tree.xpath("/html/body/div[2]//li//span")
    return {
        "Category": " / ".join([x.text for x in breadcrumb][1:-1])

def get_product_description(tree):
        description = tree.xpath("//*[@id='pm2_topInfo']/div/p")[0].text
    except IndexError:
        description = ''
    return {
        "Description": description

def get_extra_data(tree):
    data = {}

    keys = [a.text for a in tree.xpath("//div[@class='prodTableContainer']/table/thead/tr/th[position()>1]/a")]
    vals = [td.text for td in tree.xpath("//div[@class='prodTableContainer']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[position()>1]")]

    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        data[key] = val

    return data

def create_technical_tables(tree):
    keys = [el.text for el in tree.xpath("//table[@class='table']/tbody/tr/th/span")]
    vals = [el.text.strip() for el in tree.xpath("//table[@class='table']/tbody/tr/td")]

    info_table = get_extra_data(tree)

    data, extra_data = {}, {}

    table_1, table_2 = '', ''

    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        if val.startswith("From") and key.lower() == "suggested price":
        if key.lower() == "product number":
        if key.lower() == "our divisions":
        if key.lower() == "material":
            extra_data[key] = val
        if "color" in key.lower():
            extra_data[key] = val
        if "finish" in key.lower():
            extra_data[key] = val

        data[key] = val

    for key, val in info_table.items():
        if 'material' in key.lower():
            extra_data[key] = val
        if 'color' in key.lower():
            extra_data[key] = val

    for key, val in data.items():
        table_1 += "<p><strong>{}:</strong>{}</p>".format(key, val)

    for key, val in extra_data.items():
        table_2 += "<p><strong>{}</strong>{}</p>".format(key, val)

    return table_1, table_2

def first_table(tree):
    return {
        "Technical specifications": create_technical_tables(tree)[0]

def second_table(tree):
    return {
        "Info": create_technical_tables(tree)[1]

def get_catalog_link(tree):
        catalog_link = tree.xpath("//*[@id='carouselSegment1b']/ul/li[1]/div/a")[0].attrib['href']
    except IndexError:
        catalog_link = ''
    return {
        "Catalog link": catalog_link

def get_line_art_link(tree):
        line_art = "https://www.richelieu.com{}".format(
    except IndexError:
        line_art = ''
    return {
        "Line art": line_art

def get_right_part_info(tree):
    data = {}

    extras = [a.text.strip()
              for a in tree.xpath("//div[@id='pm2_blocDroitFixe']/div[@class='feAncetres clearfix']/ul/li/a")]

    for item in extras:
        name, value = item.split(': ')
        data[name] = value

    return data

def get_product_images(tree):
    data = {}

    links = ["https://www.richelieu.com{}".format(a.attrib["href"])
             for a in tree.xpath("//div[@id='rcMediaPlayerCarousel']//li/a")]

    for i, link in enumerate(links, start=1):
        key = 'image_{}'.format(i)
        data[key] = link

    return data

def prepare_product(tree):
    product_number = get_product_number(tree)
    product_name = get_product_name(tree)
    product_category = get_product_category(tree)
    product_description = get_product_description(tree)
    first_table_product = first_table(tree)
    second_table_product = second_table(tree)
    catalog_link = get_catalog_link(tree)
    line_art_link = get_line_art_link(tree)
    right_part_info = get_right_part_info(tree)
    product_images = get_product_images(tree)

    row = [

    super_row = [], {}
    for d in row:
        for k, v in d.items():
            super_row[k] = v

    return super_row

def main():
    total_products = get_total_products()
    all_fieldnames = set()

    for link in get_product_url(total_products):
        product_page = requests.get(link, headers=HEADERS).text
        product_tree = html.fromstring(product_page)

        more_products = check_if_more_products(product_tree)

        if not more_products:
            row = prepare_product(product_tree)
            fieldnames = row.keys()
            for product_link in more_products:
                new_page = requests.get(product_link, headers=HEADERS).text
                new_product_tree = html.fromstring(new_page)

                row = prepare_product(new_product_tree)
                fieldnames = row.keys()

    with open('products.csv', 'a', newline='') as f:
        writer = DictWriter(f, fieldnames=list(all_fieldnames), delimiter=';', quoting=QUOTE_MINIMAL)

        for link in get_product_url(total_products):
            product_page = requests.get(link, headers=HEADERS).text
            product_tree = html.fromstring(product_page)

            more_products = check_if_more_products(product_tree)

            if not more_products:
                row = prepare_product(product_tree)

                for product_link in more_products:
                    new_page = requests.get(product_link, headers=HEADERS).text
                    new_product_tree = html.fromstring(new_page)

                    row = prepare_product(new_product_tree)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Because the data for products from different categories are different - or even for the products in the same category (some of them, not all), I had to first go through all the products and create the header for my CSV file and just after that, get the actual info. Because of this and because there is a huge number of products (40k+), the code is really slow.

For anybody who'll want to test it, I'd recommend throwing a break after the loop in the get_product_url() method.

What I'm looking for:

  • Suggestions regarding ways to improve the code performance
  • Suggestions about improving my xpaths (or maybe bs4 would help out more)
  • I wouldn't like to use Scrapy, although I know it might help (I won't mind a quick intro into how this might be used in my case)

1 Answer 1


Here are some of the generic things you can apply to immediately boost performance:

  • currently, you have 48 results per page (nbPerPage parameter in the DYNAMIC_PRODUCTS_PAGE). Make it 200 (looks like it is maximum the website allows)
  • you don't actually have to know how many results are going to be there. I'd skip the get_total_products() step at all and start iterating over the pages. You just need to know when to stop. One of the ways to do that would be to use the fact that the last page would have the ...-23093 of 23093 results label
  • initialize requests.Session() session instance and re-use to make requests. This would have a positive impact on performance since underlying TCP connection would be re-used for subsequent requests to the same domain

Scrapy would absolutely bring it to the next level, not only in terms of speed, but in terms of code modularity and organization - you would have a nice separation of the spider/scraper logic, you would have your extracted products and the location/extraction logic defined in an Item, CSV exporting part would be in an exporter or a pipeline.

I don't think HTML parsing itself is the main bottleneck here, but as yet another option - what if you try using beautifulsoup4 on PyPy interpreter - BeautifulSoup is supported, but you would not be able to use lxml parser with it (BeautifulSoup(html_data, 'lxml') would not work). On the bright side, it would be under PyPy and you would be able to take advantage of other BeautifulSoup features, like that SoupStrainer class that would allow you to parse only the relevant part of a page skipping everything else. And, PyPy might speed up other parts of the program auto-magically.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for the response! When you have a bit of time, would you mind throwing a few lines here of how a Scrapy solution might look like? \$\endgroup\$
    – Cajuu'
    Commented Nov 19, 2017 at 10:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ More, any ideas on how I'd be able to avoid parsing twice the same page? ATM, I'm parsing everything once, to get the header of the csv, and again to get the info \$\endgroup\$
    – Cajuu'
    Commented Nov 19, 2017 at 20:42
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Cajuu' ah, got it - you have to get all the possible headers first, right? Well, one out-of-the-box option would be to just switch to a different serialization format - like JSON. What if, you would do all the requests once collecting both the possible field names and all the data and only when you have everything, write to CSV..? Thanks. \$\endgroup\$
    – alecxe
    Commented Nov 20, 2017 at 16:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ that's a good idea. How would that JSON look like? \$\endgroup\$
    – Cajuu'
    Commented Nov 21, 2017 at 7:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Cajuu' every product JSON object would contain only the available fields for this particular product, something like: {"name": "Product Name", "type": "...", "finish": "...", ...} - in other words, this would be "schemaless" design by nature. At the end, your exported JSON file would contain a list of this kind of objects [ {...}, {...}, {...}, ... ]. Hope that helps. \$\endgroup\$
    – alecxe
    Commented Nov 21, 2017 at 13:42

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