I have the following two approaches for writing a custom string reverse algorithm and I was hoping someone could tell me which is the most efficient / preferable option and explain why. I am fairly new to Java and this would be educational for me. FYI I know this can be done using Stringbuilder but I wanted to write my own solution.
Solution 1: uses two arrays, copying the contents of one into another but in reverse order
//include needed util
import java.util.Scanner;
* This class will reverse a string
* @author Richard
public class ReverseString {
* This method will take in a string, convert that to two
* char arrays, then swap the contents of one for the contents
* of the other except moving in opposite directions and so
* will reverse the order of the output string
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
//declare variables
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String inputString = "";
int length = 0, indexOfArrayToChange = 0, indexOfReferenceArray = 0;
//get input string
System.out.print("Enter the string you want to reverse: ");
inputString = input.nextLine();
//find length of string, it needs to be reduced by one to prevent an error
//as index start at 0.
length = inputString.length()-1;
//set 'indexOfReferenceArray' equal to string.length-1 for use later in loop
indexOfReferenceArray = length;
//convert to arrays
char[] arrayToChange = inputString.toCharArray();
char[] referenceArray = inputString.toCharArray();
//loop through and reverse order as long as we are still within bounds of original string length
while (indexOfArrayToChange<=length) {
//change the first letter of one array to be the same as the last letter of reference array
arrayToChange[indexOfArrayToChange] = referenceArray[indexOfReferenceArray];
//increment/decrement to move through arrays
//convert back to string
String newString = new String(arrayToChange);
//output result
//close resources
Solution 2: uses one array and swaps from back to front meeting in the middle. However the code within the loop has to be longer to do the swapping.
//include needed util
import java.util.Scanner;
* This class will reverse an inputed string
* @author Richard
public class ReverseString {
* This method will take in a string, convert that to a
* char array, then swap the contents of the array from back to front
* meeting in the middle.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
//declare variables
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String inputString = "";
int length = 0, indexStart = 0, indexEnd = 0;
//get input string
System.out.print("Enter the string you want to reverse: ");
inputString = input.nextLine();
//find length of string, it needs to be reduced by one to prevent an error
//as index start at 0.
length = inputString.length()-1;
//set 'indexOfReferenceArray' equal to string.length-1 for use later in loop
indexEnd = length;
//convert to arrays
char[] array = inputString.toCharArray();
//loop through and reverse order until two vars meet in middle of array
while (indexStart<=(length/2)) {
//swap array elements
char temp = array[indexStart];
array[indexStart] = array[indexEnd];
array[indexEnd] = temp;
//increment/decrement to move through arrays
//convert back to string
String newString = new String(array);
//output result
//close resources