Given an infinite number of different coin types (such as pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters) find out how many ways n cents can be represented.
My code appears to work (although I am curious to know if it has any correctness issue). But I feel like the memoization I am doing is a bit inelegant. Can we do without dictionaries/maps, perhaps a dynamic programming based approach using 2d arrays? Or is that even worse in terms of time and space complexity?
Also is my code to update the memoized_sol good in terms of coding technique?
cents: amount to get change for.
coin_vals: list of coin denominations in no particular order.
number of ways <cents> can be changes using any number of coins from the given list
def get_coin_change_count (cents, coin_vals):
memoized_sol = {}
return compute_coin_change_count(cents, coin_vals, 0, memoized_sol )
def compute_coin_change_count (rem_cents, coin_vals, coin_index, memoized_sol ):
if coin_index in memoized_sol:
if rem_cents in memoized_sol[coin_index]:
return memoized_sol[coin_index][rem_cents]
memoized_sol[coin_index] = {}
if rem_cents == 0:
return 1
if coin_index >= len(coin_vals):
return 0
coin_val = coin_vals[coin_index]
i = 0
count = 0
while i*coin_val <= rem_cents:
count = count + compute_coin_change_count\
( rem_cents - i*coin_val, coin_vals, coin_index+1, memoized_sol )
i = i + 1
memoized_sol[coin_index][rem_cents] = count
return count
w = get_coin_change_count ( 37, [10, 1, 5, 25])
print (w)
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