I made this game of snakes and ladders for school, and it has to have:
- Multiple players
- Player Names
- Random Dice roll
- Snakes and ladders (obviously!)
- Subroutines
It is currently 124 lines, and is very repetitive. I need it to be at most 75 lines.
'''Take it in turns to roll the dice. Move your counter forward the number of spaces shown
on the dice. If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of
the ladder. If your counter lands on the head of a snake, you must slide down to the bottom
of the snake.'''
import time
import random
def Roll_dice():
return random.randint(1,6)
def Move(Player, value, P1N, P2N, P3N, P4N):
snake_squares = {16: 4, 33: 20, 48: 24, 62: 56, 78: 69, 94: 16}
ladder_squares = {3: 12, 7: 23, 20: 56, 47: 53, 60: 72, 80: 94}
Throw = Roll_dice()
if Player == 1:
num = value + Throw
print(P1N, "Rolled a", Throw, "And is now on", num)
if Player == 2:
num = value + Throw
print(P2N, "Rolled a", Throw, "And is now on", num)
if Player == 3:
num = value + Throw
print(P3N, "Rolled a", Throw, "And is now on", num)
if Player == 4:
num = value + Throw
print(P4N, "Rolled a", Throw, "And is now on", num)
if num in snake_squares:
print("Player got bitten by a snake and is now on square", snake_squares[num])
num = snake_squares[num]
elif num in ladder_squares:
print("Player climbed a ladder and is now on square", ladder_squares[num])
num = ladder_squares[num]
print("",end = "")
return num
def Setup_Players():
while True:
print("How many players are in the game?")
players = int(input())
if players > 4 or players < 2:
print("Must be less than 5 and greater than 1")
return players
print("Must be a number")
def Player_Names(NumP):
Names = []
for i in range(1,NumP+1):
Names.append(input("What is the name of Player"+str(i)+"?"))
return Names
P_Names = Player_Names(Num_Players)
P1N = 0
P2N = 0
P3N = 0
P4N = 0
for i in P_Names:
if P1N == 0:
P1N = i
if Num_Players == 1:
P2N, P3N, P4N = "", "", ""
elif P2N == 0:
P2N = i
if Num_Players == 2:
P3N, P4N = "", ""
elif P3N == 0:
P3N = i
if Num_Players == 3:
P4N = ""
elif P4N == 0:
P4N = i
print(P1N, P2N, P3N, P4N, ", Welcome To Snakes And Ladders")
input("Press Enter")
Num1 = 0
Num2 = 0
Num3 = 0
Num4 = 0
x = 0
while Num1 < 100 and Num2 < 100 and Num3 < 100 and Num4 < 100:
while x < Num_Players:
if x == 1:
Num1 = Move(1, Num1, P1N, P2N, P3N, P4N)
input("Press Enter")
if Num1 > 99:
print(P1N, "WINS!")
if x == 2:
Num2 = Move(2, Num2, P1N, P2N, P3N, P4N)
input("Press Enter")
if Num2 > 99:
print(P2N, "WINS!")
if x == 3:
Num3 = Move(3, Num3, P1N, P2N, P3N, P4N)
input("Press Enter")
if Num3 > 99:
print(P3N, "WINS!")
if x == 4:
Num4 = Move(4, Num4, P1N, P2N, P3N, P4N)
input("Press Enter")
if Num4 > 99:
print(P4N, "WINS!")
I know there are no comments, but the code itself is pretty self-explanatory
As you can see, it is very 'un-pythonic'. The main problems are the main body and the Move() subroutine. They are both very repetitive. Would it be possible to condense this code to, say, less than 50 lines?
In answers, please could you just give examples of things I would change, that would still fit with the code as a whole, and how to change them. Or alternatively, a code that is not too advanced (So that I can understand it - I am Year 10 / 10th Grade in school) that still has all of the things in my code.