Below is a module that executes a sequence of actions in any possible order. LANGUAGE_DataKinds
and LANGUAGE_DefaultSignatures
are predefined cpp symbols.
Is this permutation applicative/monad implementation clear? I am particularly concerned about the use of DataKinds and GADTs, and if I should instead split it in to two separate implementations (one for Applicative/Alternative, one for Monad/MonadPlus).
#ifdef LANGUAGE_DataKinds
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, Rank2Types
, TypeSynonymInstances
, UndecidableInstances #-}
{- |
Stability: experimental
Portability: non-portable
module Control.Monad.Perm.Internal
( Perm
, runPerm
, PermT
, runPermT
, PermC
, liftPerm
, hoistPerm
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (Applicative)
import qualified Control.Applicative as Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Monad hiding (Monad)
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad (Monad)
import Control.Monad.Catch.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (lift))
import Data.Foldable (foldr)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import Prelude (Maybe (..), ($), (.), const, flip, fst, id, map, maybe)
-- | The permutation applicative
type Perm = PermC Applicative
-- | The permutation monad
type PermT = PermC Monad
{- |
The permutation action, available as either an 'Applicative.Applicative'
or a 'Monad.Monad', determined by the combinators used.
data PermC c m a = Choice (Maybe a) [Branch c m a]
data Branch c m b where
Ap :: PermC c m (a -> b) -> m a -> Branch c m b
Bind :: (a -> PermT m b) -> m a -> Branch Monad m b
#ifdef LANGUAGE_DataKinds
data Constraint = Applicative | Monad
data Applicative
data Monad
instance Functor (PermC c m) where
fmap f (Choice a xs) = Choice (f <$> a) (fmap f <$> xs)
instance Functor (Branch c m) where
fmap f (Ap perm m) = Ap (fmap (f .) perm) m
fmap f (Bind k m) = Bind (fmap f . k) m
instance Applicative.Applicative (PermC c m) where
pure a = Choice (pure a) mempty
f@(Choice f' fs) <*> a@(Choice a' as) =
Choice (f' <*> a') (fmap (`apB` a) fs <> fmap (f `apP`) as)
(*>) = liftThen (*>)
apP :: PermC c m (a -> b) -> Branch c m a -> Branch c m b
f `apP` Ap perm m = (f .@ perm) `Ap` m
f `apP` Bind k m = Bind ((f `ap`) . k) m
(.@) :: Applicative.Applicative f => f (b -> c) -> f (a -> b) -> f (a -> c)
(.@) = liftA2 (.)
apB :: Branch c m (a -> b) -> PermC c m a -> Branch c m b
Ap perm m `apB` a = flipA2 perm a `Ap` m
Bind k m `apB` a = Bind ((`ap` a) . k) m
flipA2 :: Applicative.Applicative f => f (a -> b -> c) -> f b -> f (a -> c)
flipA2 = liftA2 flip
instance Alternative (PermC c m) where
empty = liftZero empty
(<|>) = plus
instance Monad.Monad (PermT m) where
return a = Choice (return a) mempty
Choice Nothing xs >>= k = Choice Nothing (map (bindP k) xs)
Choice (Just a) xs >>= k = case k a of
Choice a' xs' -> Choice a' (map (bindP k) xs <> xs')
(>>) = liftThen (>>)
fail _ = Choice mzero mempty
bindP :: (a -> PermT m b) -> Branch Monad m a -> Branch Monad m b
bindP k (Ap perm m) = Bind (\ a -> k . ($ a) =<< perm) m
bindP k (Bind k' m) = Bind (k <=< k') m
instance MonadPlus (PermT m) where
mzero = liftZero mzero
mplus = plus
instance MonadTrans (PermC c) where
lift = liftPerm
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (PermT m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (PermT m) where
ask = lift ask
local f (Choice a xs) = Choice a (map (localBranch f) xs)
localBranch :: MonadReader r m =>
(r -> r) -> Branch Monad m a -> Branch Monad m a
localBranch f (Ap perm m) = Ap (local f perm) (local f m)
localBranch f (Bind k m) = Bind (local f . k) (local f m)
instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (PermT m) where
get = lift get
put = lift . put
#ifdef LANGUAGE_DefaultSignatures
instance MonadThrow e m => MonadThrow e (PermT m)
instance MonadThrow e m => MonadThrow e (PermT m) where
throw = lift . throw
liftThen :: (Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b) ->
PermC c m a -> PermC c m b -> PermC c m b
liftThen thenMaybe m@(Choice m' ms) n@(Choice n' ns) =
Choice (m' `thenMaybe` n') (map (`thenB` n) ms <> map (m `thenP`) ns)
thenP :: PermC c m a -> Branch c m b -> Branch c m b
m `thenP` Ap perm m' = (m *> perm) `Ap` m'
m `thenP` Bind k m' = Bind ((m >>) . k) m'
thenB :: Branch c m a -> PermC c m b -> Branch c m b
Ap perm m `thenB` n = (perm *> fmap const n) `Ap` m
Bind k m `thenB` n = Bind ((>> n) . k) m
liftZero :: Maybe a -> PermC c m a
liftZero zeroMaybe = Choice zeroMaybe mempty
plus :: PermC c m a -> PermC c m a -> PermC c m a
m@(Choice (Just _) _) `plus` _ = m
Choice Nothing xs `plus` Choice b ys = Choice b (xs <> ys)
-- | Unwrap a 'Perm', combining actions using the 'Alternative' for @f@.
runPerm :: Alternative m => Perm m a -> m a
runPerm = lower
lower (Choice a xs) = foldr ((<|>) . f) (maybe empty pure a) xs
f (perm `Ap` m) = m <**> runPerm perm
-- | Unwrap a 'PermC', combining actions using the 'MonadPlus' for @f@.
runPermT :: MonadPlus m => PermT m a -> m a
runPermT = lower
lower (Choice a xs) = foldr (mplus . f) (maybe mzero return a) xs
f (perm `Ap` m) = flip ($) `liftM` m `ap` runPermT perm
f (Bind k m) = m >>= runPermT . k
-- | A version of 'lift' without the @'Monad.Monad' m@ constraint
liftPerm :: m a -> PermC c m a
liftPerm = Choice empty . pure . liftBranch
liftBranch :: m a -> Branch c m a
liftBranch = Ap (Choice (pure id) mempty)
{- |
Lift a natural transformation from @m@ to @n@ into a natural transformation
from @'PermC' c m@ to @'PermC' c n@.
hoistPerm :: (forall a . m a -> n a) -> PermC c m b -> PermC c n b
hoistPerm f (Choice a xs) = Choice a (hoistBranch f <$> xs)
hoistBranch :: (forall a . m a -> n a) -> Branch c m b -> Branch c n b
hoistBranch f (perm `Ap` m) = hoistPerm f perm `Ap` f m
hoistBranch f (Bind k m) = Bind (hoistPerm f . k) (f m)
runPermT $ lift (char 'a') *> lift (char 'b')
should match"ab"
and always return'b'
. The same should happen if>>
is used instead of*>
, as well as ifliftPerm
is used instead oflift
, assuming the underlying monad'sApplicative
instances are coherent. \$\endgroup\$