I have a c++ dll I am calling (PInvoking) from C# which corrects barrel and pincushion distortion. Basically I call a method which generates a set of look up arrays and I adjust the pixels of the input image accordingly. However this is causing some serious performance issues with 50% of my applications CPU usage being in this method. Could I improve the speed and or CPU usage any more? I am not a native C++ coder and I have done my best to speed this up but I cant seem to squeeze anything else out of the method.
//Global arrays for the image distortion correction
unsigned short MapBuffer1_x[5067304], MapBuffer2_x[5067304];
unsigned long MapBuffer1_y[5067304], MapBuffer2_y[5067304];
unsigned char MapBuffer_ratio_x[5067304], MapBuffer_ratio_y[5067304];
// Corrects image distortion, GenerateLensMap must be called first
// srcBuffer = pointer to the source buffer
// dstBuffer = pointer to destination buffer
// nWidth = width of image
// nHeight = height of image
BOOL __stdcall CorrectDistortion(unsigned char *srcBuffer, unsigned char *dstBuffer, DWORD nWidth, DWORD nHeight)
unsigned long x1, y1, r1, r2, r, end, dstPix, srcPix, srcPix_x, srcPix_y, pix, v1, v2;
//unsigned long srcPixB;
signed long x2, y2, width3;
width3 = nWidth * 3;
end = nHeight * width3;
pix = 0;
//scan dstPix through entire destination image
for (dstPix = 0; dstPix < end; dstPix += 3)
//Required source pixel must be interpolated between three adjacent pixels
//Get 1st (main) required source pixel from mapping buffers MapBuffer1
x1 = MapBuffer1_x[pix];
y1 = MapBuffer1_y[pix];
//Get 2nd required source pixel in x direction from mapping buffer MapBuffer2_x. This will share same y value as 1st pixel
x2 = MapBuffer2_x[pix];
//Get 3rd required source pixel in y direction from mapping buffer MapBuffer2_y. This will share same x value as 1st pixel
y2 = MapBuffer2_y[pix];
v1 = MapBuffer_ratio_x[pix];
v2 = MapBuffer_ratio_y[pix];
//The mix ratio between the first pixel and these two other pixels is next obtained
//(Ratio value in buffer is 128 times too big. This avoids using slow floating point numbers.)
r = v1 + v2;//proportion of the first pixel in both x and y direction to use
r1 = 128 - v1;//This is effectively 1 - ratio being the proportion of the second pixel (x direction) to use
r2 = 128 - v2;//This is effectively 1 - ratio being the proportion of the third pixel (y direction) to use
srcPix = y1 + x1;//main source pixel
srcPix_x = y1 + x2;//second source pixel (x direction)
srcPix_y = y2 + x1;//third source pixel (y direction)
//destination pixel is average of (first pixel interpolated with (second) pixel offset in x direction) AND
//(first pixel interpolated with (third) pixel offest in y direction)
dstBuffer[dstPix] = (r* srcBuffer[srcPix] + r1 * srcBuffer[srcPix_x] + r2 * srcBuffer[srcPix_y]) >> 8; //B
dstBuffer[dstPix + 1] = (r*srcBuffer[srcPix + 1] + r1*srcBuffer[srcPix_x + 1] + r2*srcBuffer[srcPix_y + 1]) >> 8; //G
dstBuffer[dstPix + 2] = (r*srcBuffer[srcPix + 2] + r1*srcBuffer[srcPix_x + 2] + r2*srcBuffer[srcPix_y + 2]) >> 8; //R
return 0;
This is the method that generates the lookup tables (Map Buffers)
// nWidth = width of image
// nHeight = height of image
// distortion = amount of distortion
LONG __stdcall GenerateLensMap(DWORD nWidth, DWORD nHeight, LONG Distortion)
//Generates the re-mapping look-up tables for correcting lens distortion.
//This routine is called whenever the zoom lens is zoomed.
//Distortion is reciprocal of required value
//Corrected image pixel is average of (first pixel interpolated with (second) pixel offest in x direction) AND
//(first pixel interpolated with (third) pixel offest in y direction)
long py, px, pix, x1, y1;
short width3;
unsigned long x, y, halfwidth, halfheight;
float k2, m, adj, x_sub, y_sub, remainder;
width3 = short(nWidth * 3);
halfwidth = nWidth / 2;
halfheight = nHeight / 2;
k2 = (float)1 / Distortion;
adj = (float)(1 / (1 + fabs(k2) * ((halfwidth * halfwidth) + (halfheight*halfheight)))); //reciprocal of maximum correction based on corner pixel
for (y = 0, pix = 0; y < nHeight; y++) {
py = y - halfheight; //will scan between -halfheight to +halfheight
for (x = 0; x < nWidth; x++, pix++) {
px = x - halfwidth; //will scan between -halfwidth to +halfwidth
m = (1 + k2 * ((py * py) + (px * px))) * adj; //correction to be applied to current pixel based on distance from centre
//calculate corrected pixel x position to sub pixel accuracy
x_sub = (px * m) + halfwidth;
if (x_sub < 0) x_sub = 0;//prevent overflowing buffer
if (x_sub > (signed)nWidth) x_sub = (float)nWidth;
remainder = x_sub - (int)x_sub;
MapBuffer1_x[pix] = (int)x_sub * 3; //*3 required to step thru colour channels
if (remainder < 0.5)//if subpixel to left of centre, interpolate between left pixel else interpolate between right pixel
x1 = (int)x_sub - 1;
x1 = (int)x_sub + 1;
if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0;//prevent overflowing buffer
if (x1 > (signed)nWidth) x1 = nWidth;
MapBuffer2_x[pix] = (int)x1 * 3; //*3 required to step thru colour channels
//Calculate mix ratio as 2*(0.5 - |remainder - 0.5|), i.e. ranges from 0 to 1 to 0 as passing through pixel
remainder = remainder - 0.5F;
if (remainder < 0) remainder = -remainder;//make positive
MapBuffer_ratio_x[pix] = (unsigned char)(128 * (0.5F - remainder));//scale to 128
//calculate corrected pixel y position to sub pixel accuracy
y_sub = (py * m) + halfheight;
if (y_sub < 0) y_sub = 0;//prevent overflowing buffer
if (y_sub > (signed)nHeight) y_sub = (float)nHeight;
remainder = y_sub - (int)y_sub;
MapBuffer1_y[pix] = (int)y_sub * width3; //* width3 required to step thru lines in VSCDistortionCorrection
if (remainder < 0.5)//if subpixel to above centre, interpolate between upper pixel else interpolate between lower pixel
y1 = (int)y_sub - 1;
y1 = (int)y_sub + 1;
if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0;//prevent overflowing buffer
if (y1 > (signed)nHeight) y1 = nHeight;
MapBuffer2_y[pix] = (int)y1 * width3; //* width3 required to step thru lines in VSCDistortionCorrection;
//Calculate mix ratio as 2*(0.5 - |remainder - 0.5|), i.e. ranges from 0 to 1 to 0 as passing through pixel
remainder = remainder - 0.5F;
if (remainder < 0) remainder = -remainder;//make positive
MapBuffer_ratio_y[pix] = (unsigned char)(128 * (0.5F - remainder));//scale to 128
return Distortion;