I have a script like this that I would like to seek some suggestions on enhancing it.
cd /home/output/
cat R*op.txt > R.total.op.txt
awk '{if( (length($8)>9) || ($8 ~ /^AAA/) ) {print $0}}' R.total.op.txt > temp && mv temp R.total.op.txt
cat S*op.txt > S.total.op.txt
awk '{if( (length($8)>9) || ($8 ~ /^AAA/) ) {print $0}}' S.total.op.txt > temp && mv temp S.total.op.txt
cat R.total.op.txt S.total.op.txt | awk '{print $4}' | sort -k1,1 | awk '!x[$1]++' > genes.txt
rm *total.op.txt
head genes.txt
cd /home/output/
for j in R1_with-genename R2_with-genename S1_with-genename S2_with-genename
***** for i in `cat genes.txt`; do cat $j'.op.txt' | grep -w $i >> $j'_'$i'_gene.txt';done
ls -m1 *gene.txt | wc -l
find . -size 0 -delete
ls -m1 *gene.txt | wc -l
rm genes.txt
cd /home/output/
for i in `ls *gene.txt`
paste <(awk '{print $4"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$13}' $i | awk '!x[$1]++' | awk '{print $1}') <(awk '{print $4"\t"$8"\t"$9}' $i | awk '{if( (length($2)>9) || ($2 ~ /^AAA/) ) {print $0}}' | sort -k2,2 | awk '{ sum += $3 } END { if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }') <(awk '{print $4"\t"$8"\t"$9}' $i| awk '{if( (length($2)>9) || ($2 ~ /^AAA/) ) {print $0}}' | sort -k2,2 | wc -l) <(awk '{print $4"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$13}' $i | awk '{if( (length($2)>9) || ($2 ~ /^AAA/) ) {print $0}}' | sort -k2,2 | grep -v ":::" | wc -l) > $i'_stats.txt'
rm *gene.txt
cd /home/output/
for j in R1_with-genename R2_with-genename S1_with-genename S2_with-genename
cat $j*stats.txt > $j'.final.txt'
rm *stats.txt
cd /home/output/
for i in `ls *final.txt`
sed "1iGene_Name\tMean1\tCalculated\tbases" $i > temp && mv temp $i
head *final.txt
The second for loop (marked with asterisks) that has cat genes.txt is the grep loop that is taking 3 days to finish. Can someone please advice any enhancements to the command and if this entire script can be made into a single command? Thanks in advance. I posted in stackoverflow and was asked to send it here. :)