I've got a working program that turns XML into a XmlObject. The object can then be accessed using getName(), getValue(), and getChild(). The code works but I'm looking for recommendations. I couldn't find anything built into c# that creates an object from XML. I'm currently learning by doing games in Unity so hopefully the code isn't too awful.
The static class for creating an XmlObject
namespace XmlToObject
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
/// XmlObjectCreator turns xml into an XmlObject
public static class XmlObjectCreator
/// Generates the xml object.
public static XmlObject generateXmlObject (TextAsset xmlTextFile, string nameOfFirstTag)
//load the xml document
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
xmlDoc.Load (new StringReader (xmlTextFile.text));
//Navigate to the first tag
XmlNode firstNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode ("//" + nameOfFirstTag);
//Return the built object
return recursiveBuildXmlObject (firstNode);
/// Recursivly builds an xml object.
private static XmlObject recursiveBuildXmlObject (XmlNode startNode)
//Create the buildObject
XmlObject buildObject = new XmlObject ();
//Set the name and value
buildObject.setName (startNode.Name);
buildObject.setValue (startNode.InnerText);
//Add child nodes to subList if they exist
foreach (XmlNode child in startNode.ChildNodes) {
buildObject.add (recursiveBuildXmlObject (child));
//Once children are done
return buildObject;
The XmlObject is what is actually used for accessing the data taken from the XML document.
namespace XmlToObject
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// Xml object is the actual object used for navigating the data.
public sealed class XmlObject
private string name;
private string value;
private List<XmlObject> subList;
/// Initializes a new instance of the XmlObject class.
public XmlObject ()
subList = new List<XmlObject> ();
value = null;
/// Add the specified inputXmlObject.
public void add (XmlObject inputXmlObject)
subList.Add (inputXmlObject);
/// Gets a xml child by name.
public XmlObject getChild (string name)
foreach (XmlObject child in subList) {
if (name.Equals (child.getName ())) {
return child;
throw new System.ArgumentException ("Child with name: " + name + " does not exist.");
//Setters and getters for fields: name, value
public string getName ()
return name;
public void setName (string newName)
name = newName;
public string getValue ()
return value;
public void setValue (string newValue)
value = newValue;
I've seen lots of code that deals with known XML structures, but few examples where the XML structure is not predefined/known. I'm sure that there is a better way to do what this code does, I'm just not sure what it is.