Everything is working fine; it just works too slowly. Specially, when there are 3 workbooks that a single Userform
needs to open and update 3 ListBox
Here I have a class that I use to:
Open a
(as read-only), copy its contents into an array.- I pass this array to a
, so the user can see what is the content of thatWorkbook
. - The user can now choose what record/s he/she wants to update.
- I pass this array to a
With the help of a
named Trans_no, where there are unique numbers. I update the the that entirerow (depending on the number ofControls
associated to eachColumn
.)- Given the
, I can locate the cell/row that needs updating (using subLOOK_FOR
), or the cell below the last non-blank cell inTrans_no
. - I loop through the
of controls with subPASS_THIS
- Given the
Delete the record, depending on the selected
Here is a sample userform:
Here is the code for class cls_Connection
Private sCon As String '// Connection string
Private eApp As Excel.Application '// New instance of Excel Application
Private eWB As Excel.Workbook '// The workbook in Excel Application
Private eWS As Worksheet '// The worksheet in Excel Workbook
Private bRonly As Boolean '// Is the workbook ReadOnly?
Private bOpen As Boolean '// Is the connection open?
Private vDa() As Variant '// The data from the worksheet
Private LastMod As Date '// The time when the last change took place
Property Get timeLastModified() As Date '// this property doesnt have
timeLastModified = LastMod '// a let proerty. so the user
End Property '// wont be able to change its value
Property Get isReadOnly() As Boolean '// This property doesn't have
isReadOnly = bRonly '// a let property. so the user
End Property '// wont be able to change its value
Property Let ConnectionString(ByVal FilePath As String)
sCon = FilePath '// This property sets the connection
End Property '// string.
Property Get ConnectionString() As String
ConnectionString = sCon '// This property shows the connection
End Property '// string.
Property Get Data() As Variant '// There is only get data property.
Data = vDa() '// So the user won't be able to
End Property '// set/change its value.
Private Sub OpenConnection(ByRef sPass As String, Optional ByRef bRead As Boolean = False)
Set eApp = New Excel.Application '// Creating new instance of excel
On Error GoTo ErrHandler '// basic error handler
Set eWB = eApp.Workbooks.Open(sCon, , bRead, , sPass, , True)
Set eWS = eWB.Sheets(1) '// sets new worksheet
bOpen = True '// is it open?
bRonly = eWB.ReadOnly '// is it opened as readonly?
LastMod = eWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Save Time")
Exit Sub '// exits the sub after updating last mod
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, Err.Number & " - Call a programmer!"
End Sub
Private Sub CloseConnection(ByRef bChanges As Boolean)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler '// basic error handling
If Not bRonly Then
LastMod = eWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Save Time")
End If
eWB.Close bChanges '// Closes the workbook and save it as needed.
eApp.Quit '// Quits the new instance of Excel.
bOpen = False '// changes the global boolean
Exit Sub '// exits the sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, Err.Number & " - Call a programmer!"
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateMe(ByRef Password As String)
OpenConnection Password, True '// Opens the workbook.(readonly)
If eWS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub '// Exit if there is no worksheet.
Update '\\ calls the update routine
CloseConnection False '// Closes the workbook.
End Sub
Private Sub Update()
If Not bOpen Then Exit Sub '// checks if there is an open wb
Erase vDa() '// clears the database
With eWS '// updates it by getting the last row+cols
vDa() = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(GET_LAST(Row, .Cells), .Cells.End(xlToRight).Column))
End With
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateRecords _
(ByVal Password As String, ByVal whatToDo As xlAddNewEditDelete, _
Optional ByVal transNo As String, Optional ByRef cControls As Collection)
Dim strMsg As String
Dim rActive As Range
If CanWeProceed(sCon) Then '\\ calls the canweproceed FUNCTION
If Not whatToDo = AddNew Then '// basic checking if arguements
If Len(Trim(transNo)) = 0 Then Exit Sub ' for addnew records are
End If '// present
If Not whatToDo = Delete Then '// basic checking if arguements
If cControls Is Nothing Then Exit Sub '// for delete records are
End If '// present
OpenConnection Password, False '\\ opens the workbook that will be updated
If bRonly Then GoTo FileOpen '// do not proceed if opened as readonly
Select Case whatToDo '// select case depending on what the
Case AddNew '// in case the user want to add new records
Set rActive = eWS.Cells(GET_LAST(Row, eWS.Range("A:A")) + 1, 1)
PASS_THIS cControls, rActive '// after locating the lastrow, pass the data
Case Edit '// in case the user want to edit
Set rActive = LOOK_FOR(transNo) '// locate the trans# then update
If Not rActive Is Nothing Then PASS_THIS cControls, rActive
Case Delete '// in case the user want to delete
Set rActive = LOOK_FOR(transNo) '// locate the trans# then delete
If Not rActive Is Nothing Then rActive.EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlUp
End Select
Update '\\ calls the update routine
CloseConnection True '\\ closes the workbook and save the changes
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Request denied! Encountered a critical error!" & vbCrLf & _
"Do not close this error message.", vbCritical, " Call a programmer!"
End Sub
Private Sub PASS_THIS(ByRef cControls As Collection, ByVal rWhere As Range)
Dim int1 As Integer '// this sub takes a range object for update
With cControls '// of controls and passes it to the database
For int1 = 1 To .Count '// loops through the control.
rWhere.Offset(, int1 - 1).value = .Item(int1).value
Next '// pass each value to the worksheet
End With
End Sub
Private Function LOOK_FOR(ByRef strTrans As String) As Range
Dim bFound As Boolean '// this sub returns a range object
Dim loop1 As Long '// if there is a valid transaction
Dim rEach As Range '// number present in the database
Set LOOK_FOR = eWS.Cells(GET_LAST(Row, eWS.Range("A:A")) + 1, 1)
With eWS '// the default range is the last row
For loop1 = 2 To .UsedRange.rows.Count + 1
Set rEach = .Cells(loop1, 1) '// loops through the used range
If rEach.value = strTrans Then '// and check each transaction #
Set LOOK_FOR = rEach '// if there is an equivalent,
Exit Function '// return that range and exit function.
End If '// if the trans# to be updated is not
Next '// found, this will give the last row
End With '// and put the data in that row.
End Function
Private Function CanWeProceed(FilePath As String) As Boolean
Dim FileNo As Integer, ErrNo As Integer
On Error Resume Next '// Skips one error.
FileNo = FreeFile() '// Gets an available file number.
Open FilePath For Input Lock Read As #FileNo
Close FileNo '// Closes the file.
ErrNo = Err '// Resumes error handling.
On Error GoTo 0 '// Resumes error handling.
CanWeProceed = ErrNo = 0
End Function
Here is the code for class cls_NewRecords
This class represents the entirety of the Userform
Public WithEvents ContentBox As MSForms.ListBox '// Listbox containing the data
Public WithEvents FilterButton As MSForms.CommandButton '// Start to look for.
Public WithEvents FilterColumn As MSForms.ComboBox '// Where to look for.
Public FilterBox As MSForms.TextBox '// What to look for.
Public WithEvents buttonSave As MSForms.CommandButton '// Save button.
Public WithEvents buttonDelete As MSForms.CommandButton '// Delete button.
Public WithEvents buttonClear As MSForms.CommandButton '// Edit button.
Public WithEvents buttonRefresh As MSForms.CommandButton '// Edit button.
Private ControlCollection As Collection
Private vDatabase() As Variant
'Private vDetails() As Variant '// what is this for?
Private vHeaders() As Variant
Private ColumnOfEmpNumber As Integer
Private ColumnToFilter As Integer
Private DisableEvents As Boolean
Private DatabaseConnection As cls_Connection
Private ConnectionString As String
Private ExcelPassword As String
Private ColumnWidths As String
Private DatabaseLastMod As Date
Private Const MsgBoxHeader As String = "Masterlist"
Property Set Controls(ByVal cols As Collection)
Set ControlCollection = cols
End Property
Public Sub InitializeConnection(ByVal strCon As String, ByVal strPass As String)
ConnectionString = strCon
ExcelPassword = strPass
Set DatabaseConnection = New cls_Connection
With DatabaseConnection
.ConnectionString = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ConnectionString
.UpdateMe ExcelPassword
vDatabase() = .Data
End With
End Sub
Public Sub InitializeListBox(Optional ByVal strWidths As Variant)
ColumnWidths = strWidths
With ContentBox
If Not IsMissing(strWidths) Then .ColumnWidths = strWidths
.ColumnCount = UBound(vDatabase(), 2) + 1
End With
vHeaders() = TRANSPOSEARR(vDatabase())
ReDim Preserve vHeaders(LBound(vHeaders(), 1) To UBound(vHeaders(), 1), 1 To 1)
FilterColumn.List() = vHeaders()
TrackingDetails AddNew
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshList()
With DatabaseConnection
vDatabase() = .Data
ContentBox.List() = vDatabase()
DatabaseLastMod = .timeLastModified
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ClearList()
Dim int1 As Integer
With ControlCollection
For int1 = 1 To .Count
If TypeName(.Item(int1)) = "ComboBox" Then
.Item(int1).ListIndex = 0
.Item(int1) = ""
End If
End With
ContentBox.Locked = False
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonClear_Click()
TrackingDetails AddNew
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonRefresh_Click()
With DatabaseConnection
.UpdateMe ExcelPassword
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonDelete_Click()
Dim strMsg As String
strMsg = "The database is not updated." & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to refresh your database?"
ManageRecords Delete, ControlCollection.Item(1), ControlCollection, strMsg
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonSave_Click()
Dim strMsg As String
strMsg = "You are about to add/update a record." & vbCrLf & _
"Are you sure you want to proceed?"
With ControlCollection
On Error GoTo EarlyExit
If CDbl(.Item(1).value) > vDatabase(UBound(vDatabase(), 1), 1) Then
ManageRecords AddNew, .Item(1), ControlCollection, strMsg
TrackingDetails Edit
ManageRecords Edit, .Item(1), ControlCollection, strMsg
End If
End With
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 13 Then
MsgBox "You are trying to save an invalid transaction number", vbInformation, Err.Number & " - Select a valid record."
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, Err.Number & " - Call a programmer!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ContentBox_Click()
Dim i1 As Integer, a() As Variant, strTrans As String
With ContentBox
If .ListIndex < 1 Then Exit Sub
strTrans = .List(.ListIndex, LBound(.List(), 2))
a() = CLEANARR(vDatabase(), strTrans, 1, False, True, True)
End With
With ControlCollection
For i1 = 1 To .Count
.Item(i1).value = a(2, i1)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub FilterColumn_Change()
Dim sTemp As String, i As Integer, a() As Variant
sTemp = FilterColumn.value
If Len(Trim(FilterColumn.value)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
For i = LBound(vHeaders(), 1) To UBound(vHeaders(), 1)
If sTemp = vHeaders(i, 1) Then ColumnToFilter = i
End Sub
Private Sub FilterButton_Click()
If ContentBox.Locked Then Exit Sub
Dim a() As Variant, sTemp As String
sTemp = CStr(FilterBox.value)
If Len(Trim(sTemp)) = 0 Then
ContentBox.List() = vDatabase()
Exit Sub
a() = CLEANARR(vDatabase, sTemp, ColumnToFilter, False, False, True)
ContentBox.List = a()
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ManageRecords(ByVal whatToDo As xlAddNewEditDelete, _
ByRef transNo As String, ByRef colsControl As Collection, strMsg As String)
Dim iRefresh As Byte, iProceed As Byte
If Not isDatabaseLatest Then
iRefresh = MsgBox("The database is not updated." & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to refresh your database?", _
vbInformation + vbOKCancel, MsgBoxHeader)
If iRefresh = 1 Then ButtonRefresh_Click
End If
iProceed = MsgBox(strMsg, vbInformation + vbOKCancel, MsgBoxHeader)
If iProceed = 1 Then
DatabaseConnection.UpdateRecords ExcelPassword, whatToDo, ControlCollection.Item(1), ControlCollection
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TrackingDetails(ByRef whatToDo As xlAddNewEditDelete)
With ControlCollection
If whatToDo = AddNew Then .Item(1).value = GiveMax(vDatabase()) + 1
.Item(2).value = Now()
End With
End Sub
Private Function isDatabaseLatest() As Boolean
isDatabaseLatest = Not (CDate(FileDateTime(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ConnectionString)) < DatabaseLastMod)
End Function
Private Function GiveMax(v() As Variant) As Long
Dim i As Long, H As Long
On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(v(), 1) To UBound(v(), 1)
If v(i, 1) > H Then H = v(i, 1)
GiveMax = H
End Function
Here is the code for the Userform
On initilize of the userform I create a variable as cls_NewRecords
, set its properties and controls, then add them to a global collection.
Private CollectionOfClasses As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim colControl As Collection
Dim int1 As Integer
Dim ThisUserform As cls_NewRecords
Dim ThisHelper As cls_RecordHelper
Dim limitFormat As cls_FormattedControls
Set ThisUserform = New cls_NewRecords '<~ set this variable a new class
Set CollectionOfClasses = New Collection '<~ define the public collection as new collection
Set colControl = New Collection 'collection of controls. their index refers to what column they will be placed.
For int1 = 1 To 20
colControl.Add Me.Controls("Col" & int1), "TextBox" & int1
With ThisUserform
Set .ContentBox = listFilter '<~ the listbox that represents the workbook
Set .FilterBox = textFilter '<~ 'text' we use to filter the workbook
Set .FilterColumn = selectFilter '<~ ComboBox that the user chooses what column should the 'text' looked for
Set .FilterButton = buttonFilter '<~ start looking for 'text' in the chosen column
Set .buttonSave = buttonSave '<~ save changes ( new record/edit record)
Set .buttonClear = buttonClear '<~ clear the userform.
Set .buttonDelete = buttonDelete '<~ delete the record.
Set .buttonRefresh = buttonRefresh '<~ refresh the list. (if there are changes done by other user)
Set .Controls = colControl
.InitializeConnection "data\att.xlsx", G.Cells(1, 1).Value '<~ sheet 'G' range 'A1' is where the password for the workbook is stored.
.InitializeListBox "0;0;0;0;30;110;50;30;65;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0" '<~ to hide unnecessary columns.
End With
CollectionOfClasses.Add ThisUserform '<~ adds this class to the collection
Set ThisUserform = Nothing '<~ minor cleanup
Set colControl = Nothing '<~ minor cleanup
With Col9
.AddItem "Whole Day"
.AddItem "Half Day"
.AddItem "Under Time"
.AddItem "Late"
.AddItem "Suspension"
End With
selectFilter.ListIndex = 5
With Col4
.AddItem "Direct"
.AddItem "NonDirect"
.ListIndex = 0
End With
End Sub
The following function/sub are located in a regular module.
This is the OPTIMIZE_VBA
Public Sub OPTIMIZE_VBA(ByVal isOn As Boolean)
Dim bHolder As Boolean
bHolder = Not isOn
With Application
.DisplayAlerts = bHolder
.ScreenUpdating = bHolder
.EnableEvents = bHolder
.Calculation = IIf(isOn, xlCalculationManual, xlCalculationAutomatic)
If .Version > 12 Then .PrintCommunication = bHolder
End With
End Sub
This is the GET_LAST
Public Function GET_LAST(c As Choice, rng As Range)
Dim o As XlSearchOrder
Dim r As Range
o = xlByRows '<~~ default value
If c = 2 Then o = xlByColumns '<~~ change it if looking for column
Set r = rng.Find(What:="*", after:=rng.Cells(1), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=o, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
If r Is Nothing Then Set r = rng.Cells(1, 1) '<~~ if we found nothing give "A1"
If c = Row Then GET_LAST = r.Row
If c = Column Then GET_LAST = r.Column
If c = Cell Then GET_LAST = rng.Parent.Cells(GET_LAST(Row, rng), GET_LAST(Column, rng)).Address(0, 0)
End Function
This is the CLEANARR
That receives a 2D array and loops from lbound upto ubound of 1stD.
Filters the array with the given column number and criteria ('s' as string).
Public Function CLEANARR _
(ByRef v() As Variant, ByVal s As String, ByVal c As Integer, _
Optional ByVal RemoveMatch As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal ExactMatch As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal KeepHeader As Boolean = True) _
As Variant
Dim a(), r As Long, i1 As Long, i2 As Long
Dim StartofLoop As Integer, deleteRecord As Boolean
ReDim a(LBound(v(), 1) To UBound(v(), 1), LBound(v(), 2) To UBound(v(), 2))
StartofLoop = LBound(v(), 1)
If KeepHeader Then Call GIVE_HEADER(a(), r, StartofLoop, v())
For i1 = StartofLoop To UBound(v(), 1)
If ExactMatch Then
If Not (UCase(Format(v(i1, c), "0")) = UCase(Format(s, "0"))) = RemoveMatch Then deleteRecord = True
If Not InStr(1, v(i1, c), s, vbTextCompare) = RemoveMatch Then deleteRecord = True
End If
If deleteRecord Then
r = r + 1
For i2 = LBound(v(), 2) To UBound(v(), 2)
a(r, i2) = v(i1, i2)
deleteRecord = False
End If
End Function
Public Function TRANSPOSEARR(ByRef v() As Variant) As Variant
Dim rows, cols As Long
Dim s() As Variant
ReDim s(LBound(v(), 2) To UBound(v(), 2), LBound(v(), 1) To UBound(v(), 1))
For rows = LBound(v(), 1) To UBound(v(), 1)
For cols = LBound(v(), 2) To UBound(v(), 2)
s(cols, rows) = v(rows, cols)
End Function
once is barely noticeable. But when calling it thrice or more (I do this when the Userform needs to work with multiple worksheet) takes too much load time. As of now I am considering to change my code into DOA/ADO based. \$\endgroup\$