isn't true to its name. It just returns the first prime number in the given list or 1
otherwise. So firstPrime :: [Int] -> Int
might be more apt.
At the moment, you check \$ n \$ candidates in listOfFactors
. But that's not necessary. First of all, if we found a divisor x
, then we also found a second divisor, n `div` x
. We also only need to check x
up to \$ \sqrt{n}\$:
listOfFactors :: Int -> [Int]
listOfFactors n = concat [[x,d] | x <- [1..nsqrt], let (d,m) = n `divMod` x, m == 0]
nsqrt = ceiling (sqrt (fromIntegral n))
Now we only need to check \$\left\lceil \sqrt{600851475143}\right\rceil = 775147\$ numbers, which is much, much less. This variant will actually finish in under one second, whereas I didn't run my program till the end.
However, you now have to sort your list, or use filter isPrime
followed by maximum
in findLargestPrimeFactor
, whose name would be then mostly (beside the Factor
) apt.
If you rewrite findLargestPrime
so that it returns the largest prime from a given list, we would end up with the following main
main :: IO ()
main = print (findLargestPrime (listOfFactors 600851475143))
Which seems reasonable.
Another approach
While one can solve this problem in this way, one can also just generate the prime factors of the number:
primeFactors :: Int -> [Int]
primeFactors n = go 2 n
go _ 1 = []
go k n = case n `quotRem` k of
(n', 0) -> k : go k n'
_ -> go (k + 1) n'
If k
is going to be put in the list, it will always be prime. Note that one can improve this function further, but that's left as an exercise.
- In the section "efficency", we were able to reduce the runtime by narrowing the search space. However, why is it enough to run up to $\ \sqrt{n} \$ only?
- In the section "another approach", one can cut the amount of checked numbers almost by half. How?