
I've been looking for an implementation of a recursive shared mutex to handle a very special data tree inside a heavy multi-threaded application.

Because boost and the stdlib does not have this special type, I wrote one myself. However, I am not sure if I missed something...

You find the full implementation with tests at github. Tested with GCC 5.4.


  • Recursive for exclusive ownership with lock and lock_shared.
  • Recursive for sharable ownership with lock_shared.
  • Threads trying to get exclusive ownership have a higher priority then new threads trying to get sharable ownership.
  • Maximum waiting writers, level of ownerships: uint32::max


 * Copyright (c) 2017 Toni Neubert, all rights reserved.
#pragma once

#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>

class RecursiveSharedMutex {
     * @brief Constructs the mutex.

     * @brief Locks the mutex for exclusive write access for this thread.
     *              Blocks execution as long as write access is not available:
     *              * other thread has write access
     *              * other threads try to get write access
     *              * other threads have read access
     *              A thread may call lock repeatedly.
     *              Ownership will only be released after the thread makes a matching number of calls to unlock.
    void lock();

     * @brief Locks the mutex for sharable read access.
     *              Blocks execution as long as read access is not available:
     *              * other thread has write access
     *              * other threads try to get write access
     *              A thread may call lock repeatedly.
     *              Ownership will only be released after the thread makes a matching number of calls to unlock_shared.
    void lock_shared();

     * @brief Unlocks the mutex for this thread if its level of ownership is 1. Otherwise reduces the level of ownership
     *              by 1.
    void unlock();

     * @brief Unlocks the mutex for this thread if its level of ownership is 1. Otherwise reduces the level of ownership
     *              by 1.
    void unlock_shared();

    /// Protects data access of mutex.
    std::mutex _mtx;
    /// Number of threads waiting for exclusive write access.
    std::atomic<uint32_t> _waitingWriters;
    /// Thread id of writer.
    std::atomic<std::thread::id> _writerThreadId;
    /// Level of ownership of writer thread.
    uint32_t _writersOwnership;
    /// Level of ownership of reader threads.
    std::unordered_map<std::thread::id, uint32_t> _readersOwnership;


 * Copyright (c) 2017 Toni Neubert, all rights reserved.
#include "recursive_shared_mutex.hpp"
#include <cassert>

RecursiveSharedMutex::RecursiveSharedMutex() :
    _writersOwnership(1) {

void RecursiveSharedMutex::lock() {
    // Case 1:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // * Zero readers, no writer.
    // -> The thread gets exclusive ownership as writer.

    // Case 2:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // * Many readers, no writer.
    // -> Gets exclusive ownership as writer and waits until last reader is unlocked.

    // Case 3:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // * Zero readers, one writer.
    // -> Gets exclusive ownership as writer after other writer thread is unlocked.

    // Case 4:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // * Zero readers, one writer.
    // * Many threads try to get exclusive ownership.
    // -> Various attempts until exclusive ownership as writer has been acquired. The acquisition order is arbitrarily.

    // Case 5:
    // * Thread has exclusive ownership.
    // * Zero readers, one writer.
    // -> Increases threads level of ownership.

    // Case 6:
    // * Thread has sharable ownership.
    // -> Deadlock.

    auto threadId = std::this_thread::get_id();
        // Increase level of ownership if thread has already exclusive ownership.
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);
        if (_writerThreadId == threadId) {

    // Notify the new waiting writer.
    assert(_waitingWriters != 0x7fffffff);
    _waitingWriters += 1;

    for (;;) {
        // Attempt to get exclusive ownership.
        std::thread::id emptyThreadId;
        if (_writerThreadId.compare_exchange_weak(emptyThreadId, threadId)) {
            for (;;) {
                // Wait until no readers exist.
                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);
                if (_readersOwnership.size() == 0) {
                    // Notify a waiting writer is gone.

void RecursiveSharedMutex::lock_shared() {
    // Case 1:
    // * Thread has/has no ownership.
    // * Zero/Many readers, no writer.
    // -> The thread gets shared ownership as reader.

    // Case 2:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // * Zero readers, one writer.
    // -> Waits until writer thread unlocked. The thread gets shared ownership as reader.

    // Case 3:
    // * Thread has sharable ownership.
    // * Many readers, no writer.
    // -> Increases threads level of ownership.

    // Case 4:
    // * Thread has exclusive ownership.
    // * Zero readers, one writer.
    // -> Increases threads level of ownership.

    // Case 5:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // * Zero/Many readers, one/no writer.
    // * Many threads try to get exclusive ownership.
    // -> Waits until all exclusive ownership requests are handled. The thread gets shared ownership as reader.

    auto threadId = std::this_thread::get_id();
        // Increase level of ownership if thread has already exclusive ownership.
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);

        // As writer.
        if (_writerThreadId == threadId) {

        // As reader.
        if (_readersOwnership.count(threadId) != 0) {

    for (;;) {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);

        // Wait until no writer is waiting or writing.
        if (_waitingWriters.load() != 0 || _writerThreadId != std::thread::id()) {

        // Add new reader ownership.
        _readersOwnership.insert(std::make_pair(threadId, 1));

void RecursiveSharedMutex::unlock() {
    // Case 1:
    // * Thread has exclusive ownership.
    // -> If threads level of ownership is 0, releases exclusive ownership otherwise decrements threads level of
    //      ownership.

    // Case 2:
    // * Thread has no/has sharable ownership.
    // -> In debug mode: Assert will terminate program.
    // -> In release mode: Undefined behaviour! Case 1 will occur.

    assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == _writerThreadId);

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);
        // Decrease writer threads level of ownership if not 1.
        if (_writersOwnership != 1) {

    // Reset threads ownership.
    _writerThreadId = std::thread::id();

void RecursiveSharedMutex::unlock_shared() {
    // Case 1:
    // * Thread has sharable ownership.
    // -> If reader threads level of ownership is 0, releases sharable ownership otherwise decrements reader threads
    //    level of ownership.

    // Case 2:
    // * Thread has exclusive ownership.
    // -> Decrements threads level of ownership.

    // Case 3:
    // * Thread has no ownership.
    // -> In debug mode: Assert will terminate program.
    // -> In release mode: Undefined behaviour!

    // Reduce readers recursive depth.
    // Remove reader from map if depth == 0.
    auto threadId = std::this_thread::get_id();

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);

    // Decrease writer threads level of ownership if not 1.
    if (_writerThreadId == threadId) {

    assert(_readersOwnership.count(threadId) == 1);

    // Decrease threads level of ownership if not 1.
    if (_readersOwnership[threadId] != 1) {

    // Remove readers ownership.
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I recommend having a look at this one as well. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 15:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ The github link is out of date. Can you update it? Thanks. \$\endgroup\$
    – Brannon
    Commented May 30, 2018 at 23:09
  • \$\begingroup\$ Sorry, the repo doesn't exist anymore. \$\endgroup\$
    – Viatorus
    Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 5:35
  • \$\begingroup\$ I had asked about the repo to see if you had a separate license there or if you wanted this to fall under CodeReview's Creative Commons license. \$\endgroup\$
    – Brannon
    Commented Jun 5, 2018 at 1:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ CRs Creative Commons Licence. \$\endgroup\$
    – Viatorus
    Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 6:10

1 Answer 1


One thought I had on this: wouldn't it play nicer if there was a thread yield outside the mutex in the tight for-loops? Or perhaps we scale up to that?

I've also been using this try_lock addition;

bool RecursiveSharedMutex::try_lock() {
    auto threadId = std::this_thread::get_id();
    std::thread::id emptyThreadId;
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);

    if (_writerThreadId == threadId) {
        return true;

    if (_readersOwnership.size() == 0 && _writerThreadId.compare_exchange_weak(emptyThreadId, threadId))
        return true;

    return false;

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