I have several 3D items in listOri. For this example:
listOri has A,B,C,D,E.
A overlaps with C.
B overlaps with D.
D overlaps with E.
I have a recursive function which accepts listOri, check if each item overlaps with each other, and generates a final listNew which has AC
Iteration 1:
Loop through each item in listOri, generates listNew containing AC
Iteration 2:
Loop through AC
in listNew, generates (new) listNew containing, AC
Iteration 3: and so on.
Here is the snippet code which check if each 3D object in a list overlaps, and produces a new list recursively.
Private Function SimplifyModel2(ByVal listOri As List(Of Mesh3D)) As List(Of Mesh3D)
Dim listNew As New List(Of Mesh3D)(listOri)
Dim indexOut, indexIn, indexInner, PercentProgressCurrent As Integer
Dim currentMeshOutter, currentMeshInner As Mesh3D
Dim isExitForCalled As Boolean = False
totInnerLoops = totInnerLoops + 1 ' increment total number of inner loops
For indexOut = 0 To (listOri.Count - 1)
currentMeshOutter = listOri(indexOut)
indexInner = indexOut + 1
For indexIn = indexInner To (listOri.Count - indexInner)
currentMeshInner = listOri(indexIn)
If Is3DOverlap(currentMeshInner, currentMeshOutter) = True Then
listNew.Insert(0, currentMeshOutter)
listNew = SimplifyModel2(listNew) ' recursively call the function
isExitForCalled = True
Exit For
End If
If isExitForCalled = True Then
Exit For
End If
indLoopExit = indLoopExit + 1
Return listNew
End Function
The function works well with listOri with very few items. However, when there are thousands of 3D items in listOri, the functions takes very long time to produce the listNew.
- How do I increase the speed of the recursive function?
- Is there another way to write an algorithm which performs the same task above?
Let me know if you need any information.
Thank you.