This is sort of a follow up to my post yesterday. I'm a relative newbie to Python and before I made a d20 dice roller for RPGs. Now I've made a dice roller for any type of dice, and I would love some feedback on this code.
from random import randint
def roll(sides, number_of_dice):
"""Rolls Dice."""
return [randint(1, sides) for i in range(num_of_dice)]
prompt = """
Would you like to roll the same combination of dice {}?
Please type 'yes', 'no', or 'quit'
# Main Program
name = raw_input("\nPlease tell me your name > ")
print """
Hello {} and welcome to an RPG Dice Roller by Ray Weiss.
Please type quit when prompted to exit or use CNTRL-C.
Thanks to everyone at Stack Overflow etc. for the help.
sides = input("\nHow many sides do you want on your dice? > ")
num_of_dice = input("\nHow many {} sided dice do you want to roll? >".format(sides))
results = roll(sides, num_of_dice)
print results
roll_again = raw_input(prompt.format(name))
while True:
if roll_again == "yes":
results = roll(sides, num_of_dice)
print results
roll_again = raw_input(prompt.format(name))
if roll_again == "no":
sides = input("How many sides do you want on your dice? > ")
num_of_dice = input("\nHow many {} sided dice do you want to roll? >".format(sides))
results = roll(sides, num_of_dice)
print results
roll_again = raw_input(prompt.format(name))
if roll_again == "quit":
print """
Thank you {} for using this RPG Dice Roller by Ray Weiss! Goodbye!