Goals for the class
- Create Immutable objects – i.e. only Getters – no Setters
- Object creation only possible through a constructor, not via
keyword, to ensure that no objects are created without a valid state. - Keep the constructor method in the same code module as the class itself.
Other common solutions for VBA constructors
Creating a global Factory class/module that provides constructors for all creatable objects, as suggested in this post. This can be arduous to maintain, creates a dependency between the modules and arguably violates encapsulation/single responsibility principal. Does not prevent use of
keyword to create objects.Creating a Factory class for each class Provides more encapsulation, less dependancy and narrower responsibility, but again does not prevent use of
keyword and soon results in a proliferation of types.Providing a constructor in the class itself and make it available through a predeclared instance using the VB_PredeclaredId attribute, as discussed in this post. Better, but still allows use of
keyword, and does not prevent access to the (potentially invalid) state of the predeclared instance.
Proposed Solution
- Use the predeclared instance of a class as the “Factory Instance". Only this predeclared instance may create other instances of the class.
- Provide a constructor method (I use the name
) in the class module itself. It can be called on the Factory Instance usingClassName.Make
, or on another instance of the class usingObjectName.Make
. Other instances delegate creation to the Factory Instance and return a new object – it doesn’t alter their own state. - Each time a new instance is initialised it checks if it is being made by the Factory Instance, otherwise throws a runtime error – i.e. use of
keyword is not allowed. - An attempt to access the state of the Factory Instance returns a runtime error.
IMaker.cls - Interface
Option Explicit
Public Property Get IsMaking() As Boolean
End Property
Provides an interface for objects to query the Factory Instance to check if their creation was requested. Put in a separate interface so that it does not show up in the public members of the class. Same interface can be used by all classes that use this pattern.
Point.cls - Edited in Notepad so that
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Example class with two properties: X and Y. Verbose comments added for illustrative purposes
Option Explicit
Private Const CLASS_NAME As String = "Point"
Private Maker As IMaker
Private IsMaking As Boolean
Private X_ As Double
Private Y_ As Double
Implements IMaker
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Check Instance isn't the Factory Instance (which can be created without checks)
If Not Me Is Point Then
' Create a reference to the Factory Instance, cast as type IMaker
Set Maker = Point
' Throw Runtime error if creation wasn't requested by Factory Instance
If Not Maker.IsMaking Then ThrowError_AttemptToCreateInstanceOutsideOfConstructor
End If
End Sub
Public Function Make(ByVal X As Double, ByVal Y As Double) As Point
If Me Is Point Then ' Object is Factory Instance
' Allow new instances to be created
IsMaking = True
' Create a new instance
With New Point
' Pass parameters to its constructor and return new object
Set Make = .Make(X, Y)
End With
' Disallow new instances to be created
IsMaking = False
ElseIf Maker.IsMaking Then ' Object is new instance being created by the Factory Instance
' Set state and return self
X_ = X
Y_ = Y
Set Make = Me
' Delegate creation of new object to Factory Instance and return new object
Set Make = Point.Make(X, Y)
End If
End Function
Public Property Get X() As Double
' Disallow access to state of Factory Instance
If Me Is Point Then ThrowError_AttemptToAccessPredeclaredInstance
' Return state
X = X_
End Property
Public Property Get Y() As Double
' Disallow access to state of Factory Instance
If Me Is Point Then ThrowError_AttemptToAccessPredeclaredInstance
' Return state
Y = Y_
End Property
Private Property Get IMaker_IsMaking() As Boolean
' Indicate whether new instances of class can be created or not - only ever set to True by Factory Instance
IMaker_IsMaking = IsMaking
End Property
Private Sub ThrowError_AttemptToCreateInstanceOutsideOfConstructor()
Err.Raise VBA.vbObjectError + 513, CLASS_NAME, "Cannot create instance of " & CLASS_NAME & " via New"
End Sub
Private Sub ThrowError_AttemptToAccessPredeclaredInstance()
Err.Raise VBA.vbObjectError + 514, CLASS_NAME, "Cannot access state of predeclared instance of " & CLASS_NAME
End Sub
Example Usage
Sub ExampleUsage()
Dim Point1 As Point, Point2 As Point
Set Point1 = Point.Make(1, 2) ' Creates new object via Factory Instance
Set Point2 = Point1.Make(3, 4) ' Creates new object via existing object
Set Point1 = Point1.Make(5, 6) ' Creates new object and assigns to Point1 - does not change state of previous object
Set Point1 = New Point ' Throws Runtime Error
Dim Point3 As New Point ' Does not throw Error - Instantiation only occurs on first use
Debug.Print ObjPtr(Point3) ' Throws Runtime Error
Debug.Print Point.X ' Throws Runtime Error - cannot access state of Predeclared instance
Point1.X = 5 ' Throws Compiler Error - only GET methods provided
End Sub
This is obviously quite a bit of “boilerplate” for a simple object, but VBA’s lack of features seems to require it. I would welcome suggestions to streamline it. Putting a check in each method that the object isn’t the Factory Instance obviously adds overhead and verbosity – can be omitted if you don’t care too much about code accessing the state of the predeclared instance.