Yesterday, I saw this post from another user: Calculator with history
I started refactoring the code while typing an answer but I end up not posting as an answer because I not sure if my implementation was good enough because of the difficulty I found to separate the concerns in that example.
I created my own implementation and tried to use new Java 8 features as much I as could and clean code practices (although I don't have much experience with these two).
I create some unit tests to ensure that the program works as the original. I will not post all the tests here, but I put it in a git repository as well as the project files: tests, project
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RunProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Calculator calculator = new Calculator(new Solver(), new Scanner(;;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Calculator {
public static final String EXIT_MESSAGE = "Okay! Nobody misses you" +
"\n But here's the calculations you've done so far";
private static final String WRONG_ACTION_MESSAGE = "Shit, wrong answer, you'll have to calculate " +
"with these numbers again and then you can do whatever you want";
private HistoryHolder historyHolder = new HistoryHolder();
private Solver solver;
private Scanner scanner;
private AskForAction askForAction;
private AskForNumber askForFirstNumber;
private AskForNumber askForSecondNumber;
private AskForOperation askForOperation;
private double firstNumber;
private double secondNumber;
public Calculator(Solver solver, Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner;
this.solver = solver;
private void initializeAskers() {
askForAction = new AskForAction(this.scanner);
askForFirstNumber = new AskForNumber("Input the 1st number", this.scanner);
askForSecondNumber = new AskForNumber("Input the 2nd number", this.scanner);
askForOperation = new AskForOperation(this.scanner);
public void run() {
Action action;
do {
Expression expression = buildExpression();
action = askAndVerifyAction();
if (action.isChangeNumbers()) {
} while (!action.isStopCondition());
private void askUsersUnitialNumbers() {
firstNumber = askForFirstNumber.ask();
secondNumber = askForSecondNumber.ask();
private Expression buildExpression() {
char operator = askForOperation.ask();
return Expression.Builder.anExpression()
private void endProgram() {
private Action askAndVerifyAction() {
Optional<Action> possibleAction = askForAction.ask();
return possibleAction.get();
private void verifyPossibleAction(Optional<Action> possibleAction) {
if (!possibleAction.isPresent()) {
private void processExpression(Expression expression) {
Optional<Double> possibleResult = solver.solveExpression(expression);
private void showWrongActionMessage() {
private void printExitMessage() {
private void addToHistory(Optional<Double> pretendResult) {
if (pretendResult.isPresent()) {
private void printResult(Optional<Double> pretendResult) {
if (pretendResult.isPresent()) {
private void printHistory() {
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
public enum Action {
private int actionNumber;
Action(int actionNumber) {
this.actionNumber = actionNumber;
public static Optional<Action> byActionNumber(int actionNumber) {
.filter(action -> action.actionNumber == actionNumber)
public boolean isStopCondition() {
return this == EXIT_AND_PRINT_HISTORY;
public boolean isChangeNumbers() {
return this == CHANGE_NUMBERS;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public class AskForAction {
private static final BiFunction<String, Scanner, Optional<Action>> READ_ACTION = (menuMessage, scanner) -> {
String actionString =;
return NumberUtils.isValidInt(actionString) ? Action.byActionNumber(Integer.parseInt(actionString)) : Optional.empty();
private static final String CHOOSE_ACTION_MENU = "Dormammu, I came to bargain! " +
"Wanna do some extra calculations?" +
"\n 1 - for 'Yes'" +
"\n 2 - for 'No'" +
"\n 3 - to change the numbers";
private Scanner scanner;
public AskForAction(Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner;
public Optional<Action> ask() {
return READ_ACTION.apply(CHOOSE_ACTION_MENU, scanner);
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public class AskForNumber {
private static final BiFunction<String, Scanner, Double> READ_NUMBER_FUNCTION = (menuMessage, scanner) -> {
String input =;
if (NumberUtils.isValidFloat(input)) {
return Double.valueOf(input);
throw new InputMismatchException("not a valid number!");
private final String menuMessage;
private final Scanner scanner;
public AskForNumber(String menuMessage, Scanner scanner) {
this.menuMessage = menuMessage;
this.scanner = scanner;
public double ask() {
return READ_NUMBER_FUNCTION.apply(menuMessage, scanner);
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public class AskForOperation {
static final BiFunction<String, Scanner, Character> READ_OPERATION = (menuMessage, scanner) -> {
String operation =;
return operation.charAt(0);
private static final String OPERATION_MENU = "What to do?" +
"\n + for add" +
"\n - for minus" +
"\n * for multiply" +
"\n / for divide" +
"\n % for mod" +
"\n ^ for first number into the power of second number";
private Scanner scanner;
public AskForOperation(Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner;
public Character ask() {
return READ_OPERATION.apply(OPERATION_MENU, scanner);
public class Expression {
private char checker;
private double firstNumber;
private double secondNumber;
private Expression(char checker, double firstNumber, double secondNumber) {
this.checker = checker;
this.firstNumber = firstNumber;
this.secondNumber = secondNumber;
public char checker() {
return checker;
public double firstNumber() {
return firstNumber;
public double secondNumber() {
return secondNumber;
public static final class Builder {
private char checker;
private double firstNumber;
private double secondNumber;
private Builder() {
public static Builder anExpression() {
return new Builder();
public Builder operator(char checker) {
this.checker = checker;
return this;
public Builder firstNumber(double firstNumber) {
this.firstNumber = firstNumber;
return this;
public Builder secondNumber(double secondNumber) {
this.secondNumber = secondNumber;
return this;
public Expression build() {
Expression expression = new Expression(checker, firstNumber, secondNumber);
return expression;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class HistoryHolder {
private List<Double> history = new ArrayList<>();
public void add(Double number) {
public void printHistory() {
history.forEach(number -> {
System.out.print(number + " ");
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
public class NumberUtils {
static boolean isValidInt(String action) {
return action.chars().allMatch(Character::isDigit);
static boolean isValidFloat(String string) {
IntPredicate p = (x) -> x == '.';
return string.chars().allMatch(p.or(Character::isDigit));
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
public class Solver {
private static final BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> SUM = (firstNumber, secondNumber) -> firstNumber + secondNumber;
private static final BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> SUB = (firstNumber, secondNumber) -> firstNumber - secondNumber;
private static final BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> MUL = (firstNumber, secondNumber) -> firstNumber * secondNumber;
private static final BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> DIV = (firstNumber, secondNumber) -> firstNumber / secondNumber;
private static final BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> MOD = (firstNumber, secondNumber) -> firstNumber % secondNumber;
private static final BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> POW = (firstNumber, secondNumber) -> Math.pow(firstNumber, secondNumber);
private static Map<Character, BiFunction<Double, Double, Double>> map;
static {
map = new HashMap<>();
map.put('+', SUM);
map.put('-', SUB);
map.put('*', MUL);
map.put('/', DIV);
map.put('%', MOD);
map.put('^', POW);
public Optional<Double> solveExpression(Expression expression) {
BiFunction<Double, Double, Double> operation = map.get(expression.checker());
if (operation == null) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(operation.apply(expression.firstNumber(), expression.secondNumber()));
The mainly test class:
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class CalculatorTest {
public static final String OUTPUT_EXPECTED_TEST_1 = "Input the 1st number\n" +
"Input the 2nd number\n" +
"What to do?\n" +
" + for add\n" +
" - for minus\n" +
" * for multiply\n" +
" / for divide\n" +
" % for mod\n" +
" ^ for first number into the power of second number\n" +
"3.0\n" +
"Dormammu, I came to bargain! Wanna do some extra calculations?\n" +
" 1 - for 'Yes'\n" +
" 2 - for 'No'\n" +
" 3 - to change the numbers\n" +
"Okay! Nobody misses you\n" +
" But here's the calculations you've done so far\n" +
public static final String OUTPUT_EXPECTED_TEST_2 = "Input the 1st number\n" +
"Input the 2nd number\n" +
"What to do?\n" +
" + for add\n" +
" - for minus\n" +
" * for multiply\n" +
" / for divide\n" +
" % for mod\n" +
" ^ for first number into the power of second number\n" +
"3.0\n" +
"Dormammu, I came to bargain! Wanna do some extra calculations?\n" +
" 1 - for 'Yes'\n" +
" 2 - for 'No'\n" +
" 3 - to change the numbers\n" +
"What to do?\n" +
" + for add\n" +
" - for minus\n" +
" * for multiply\n" +
" / for divide\n" +
" % for mod\n" +
" ^ for first number into the power of second number\n" +
"1.0\n" +
"Dormammu, I came to bargain! Wanna do some extra calculations?\n" +
" 1 - for 'Yes'\n" +
" 2 - for 'No'\n" +
" 3 - to change the numbers\n" +
"Okay! Nobody misses you\n" +
" But here's the calculations you've done so far\n" +
"3.0 1.0";
public static final String OUTPUT_EXPECTED_TEST_3 = "Input the 1st number\n" +
"Input the 2nd number\n" +
"What to do?\n" +
" + for add\n" +
" - for minus\n" +
" * for multiply\n" +
" / for divide\n" +
" % for mod\n" +
" ^ for first number into the power of second number\n" +
"3.0\n" +
"Dormammu, I came to bargain! Wanna do some extra calculations?\n" +
" 1 - for 'Yes'\n" +
" 2 - for 'No'\n" +
" 3 - to change the numbers\n" +
"What to do?\n" +
" + for add\n" +
" - for minus\n" +
" * for multiply\n" +
" / for divide\n" +
" % for mod\n" +
" ^ for first number into the power of second number\n" +
"1.0\n" +
"Dormammu, I came to bargain! Wanna do some extra calculations?\n" +
" 1 - for 'Yes'\n" +
" 2 - for 'No'\n" +
" 3 - to change the numbers\n" +
"Input the 1st number\n" +
"Input the 2nd number\n" +
"What to do?\n" +
" + for add\n" +
" - for minus\n" +
" * for multiply\n" +
" / for divide\n" +
" % for mod\n" +
" ^ for first number into the power of second number\n" +
"-1.0\n" +
"Dormammu, I came to bargain! Wanna do some extra calculations?\n" +
" 1 - for 'Yes'\n" +
" 2 - for 'No'\n" +
" 3 - to change the numbers\n" +
"Okay! Nobody misses you\n" +
" But here's the calculations you've done so far\n" +
"3.0 1.0 -1.0";
Calculator calculator;
private ByteArrayOutputStream output;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
output = TestUtils.setSystemOutputAndReturnOutput();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void runOneRound() throws Exception {
String firstRoundInput = "1\n2\n+\n2\n";
calculator = new Calculator(new Solver(), TestUtils.getScannerWithInput(firstRoundInput));;
Matcher<String> expected = TestUtils.createIgnoreSeparatorMatcher(CalculatorTest.OUTPUT_EXPECTED_TEST_1);
assertThat(output.toString(), expected);
public void runTwoRoundsAddPowAndExit() throws Exception {
String firstRoundInput = "1\n2\n+\n1\n^\n2\n";
calculator = new Calculator(new Solver(), TestUtils.getScannerWithInput(firstRoundInput));;
Matcher<String> expected = TestUtils.createIgnoreSeparatorMatcher(CalculatorTest.OUTPUT_EXPECTED_TEST_2);
assertThat(output.toString(), expected);
public void runTwoRoundsAddPowChangeNumbersSubExit() throws Exception {
String firstRoundInput = "1\n2\n+\n1\n^\n3\n1\n2\n-\n2\n";
calculator = new Calculator(new Solver(), TestUtils.getScannerWithInput(firstRoundInput));;
Matcher<String> expected = TestUtils.createIgnoreSeparatorMatcher(CalculatorTest.OUTPUT_EXPECTED_TEST_3);
assertThat(output.toString(), expected);
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestUtils {
public static ByteArrayOutputStream setSystemOutputAndReturnOutput() {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(outputContent);
return outputContent;
public static void resetSystemOutput() {
static Scanner getScannerWithInput(String input) {
return new Scanner(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()));
static Matcher<String> createIgnoreSeparatorMatcher(String expected) {
return Matchers.equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace(expected);