

This simple script will allow me to check for a specific opened port on a list of domains that I own. Instead of manually doing this check, I found Python a pretty good idea for such a task.

After profiling my code, I found out that def check_for_open_ports(): is really slow. It takes about 0:01:16.799242 seconds for 4 domains.

I wondered if there's a good / recommended way of improving this (maybe multithreading / multiprocessing). While asking for an answer which implements one of the above two methods is forbidden here, I wouldn't mind seeing one. I know that one shall use multiprocessing when there're I/O bound tasks which makes me believe I might go with a multithreading solution.

The code

from socket import gethostbyname, gaierror, error, socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from sys import argv, exit
import re

DOMAINS_FILE = argv[1]
PORT = argv[2]
OUTPUT_FILE = argv[3]

def get_domains():
    Return a list of domains from domains.txt
    domains = []
    if len(argv) != 4:
        exit("Wrong number of arguments\n")
        with open(DOMAINS_FILE) as domains_file:
            for line in domains_file:
    except IOError:
        exit("First argument should be a file containing domains")
    return domains

def check_domain_format(domain):
    This function removes the beginning of a domain if it starts with:

    clear_domain = re.match(r"(https?://(?:www\.)?|www\.)(.*)", domain)
    if clear_domain:
        return clear_domain.group(2)
    return domain

def transform_domains_to_ips():
    Return a list of ips specific to the domains in domains.txt
    domains = get_domains()
    domains_ip = []
    for each_domain in domains:
        each_domain = check_domain_format(each_domain)
        except gaierror:
            print("Domain {} not ok. Skipping...\n".format(each_domain))
    return domains_ip

def check_for_open_ports():
    Check for a specific opened PORT on all the domains from domains.txt
    ips = transform_domains_to_ips()
        with open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'a') as output_file:
            for each_ip in ips:
                    sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
                    result = sock.connect_ex((each_ip, int(PORT)))

                    if result == 0:
                        output_file.write(each_ip + '\n')
                except error:
                    print("Couldn't connect to server")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        exit("You pressed CTRL + C. Will exit now...\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':

A step further

After some checks, I realised that what was mainly slowing down the program can be improved by reducing the default timeout from the socket module using setdefaulttimeout(2).

Even if this solved a part of the problem, I still don't find it to be the cleanest one. Any advice related to performance is really welcome !

Extra info:

  • I'll probably use this only on Linux OSs
  • I've used Python 2.7.13

PS: I'd like you to ignore the fact that I didn't use optparse or argparse for parsing CLI arguments.


1 Answer 1

  • First a slight style note (IMHO, of course). You called your function check_domain_format, but it's actually returning a modified string and you're using the result, not checking it. I'd go for a name like validate_domain_format

About it being slow:

  • Yes, multi-threading would help in checking multiple domains at once, but if that was the only problem you could just make a separate bash script to launch your python script with different parameters.
  • You said that you own the domains, so I'm assuming you have RAW socket capabilities. If that's the case, you can speed up your check by using a SYN check. You can have a look here , even if the question has been down-voted, it should give you the general idea. Here you can find that same check.

  • If you're doing this for educational purposes that's ok, otherwise nmap will most likely do a better job, give you more options and be faster (because SYN check is already implemented and you can also scan for UDP ports, for example).


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