I've created a small User Control library in WPF that contains a few GUI widgets that allow users to enter regular expressions. The widgets provide visual feedback when the user has entered an invalid regular expression, and support all the RegexOptions
that are provided by the .NET regular expressions library.
Here is the view-model for all the regular-expression-input widgets:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace NewellClark.Wpf.UserControls.ViewModels
internal sealed class RegexViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public RegexViewModel()
_flagBools = new List<FlagBool>();
_dirtyProperties = new HashSet<string>();
_ignoreCase = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
_multiline = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.Multiline);
_explicitCapture = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
_compiled = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.Compiled);
_singleline = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.Singleline);
_ignorePatternWhiteSpace = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
_rightToLeft = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
_ecmaScript = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.ECMAScript);
_cultureInvariant = CreateFlag(RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
public Regex Regex
get { return _regex; }
set { UpdateRegex(value); }
private Regex _regex;
public string Pattern
get { return _pattern; }
set { SetField(ref _pattern, value); }
private string _pattern;
public bool IsValid
get { return _isValid; }
private set { SetField(ref _isValid, value); }
private bool _isValid;
public RegexError Error
get { return _error; }
set { SetField(ref _error, value); }
private RegexError _error;
public RegexOptions Options
get { return _options; }
foreach (FlagBool flag in _flagBools)
RegexOptions next = flag.ValueWhenEnabled & value;
RegexOptions current = flag.ValueWhenEnabled & _options;
if (next != current)
SetField(ref _options, value);
private RegexOptions _options;
public bool IgnoreCase
get { return _ignoreCase.Enabled; }
set { _ignoreCase.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _ignoreCase;
public bool Multiline
get { return _multiline.Enabled; }
set { _multiline.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _multiline;
public bool ExplicitCapture
get { return _explicitCapture.Enabled; }
set { _explicitCapture.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _explicitCapture;
public bool Compiled
get { return _compiled.Enabled; }
set { _compiled.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _compiled;
public bool Singleline
get { return _singleline.Enabled; }
set { _singleline.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _singleline;
public bool IgnorePatternWhitespace
get { return _ignorePatternWhiteSpace.Enabled; }
set { _ignorePatternWhiteSpace.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _ignorePatternWhiteSpace;
public bool RightToLeft
get { return _rightToLeft.Enabled; }
set { _rightToLeft.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _rightToLeft;
public bool ECMAScript
get { return _ecmaScript.Enabled; }
set { _ecmaScript.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _ecmaScript;
public bool CultureInvariant
get { return _cultureInvariant.Enabled; }
set { _cultureInvariant.Enabled = value; }
private FlagBool _cultureInvariant;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
// Because many of the properties depend on each other, we have to update them all at once.
// I don't want any event subscribers to see the object in an invalid state, so I hold off on firing any of the
// PropertyChanged events until all properties have been updated.
private void UpdateProperties()
_isUpdating = true;
SetRegexValueSwallowExceptions(_pattern, _options);
IsValid = Regex != null;
_isUpdating = false;
/// <summary>
/// Same as <c>UpdateProperties</c>, but called when the <c>Regex</c> property was set.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regex"></param>
private void UpdateRegex(Regex regex)
_isUpdating = true;
if (!SetField(ref _regex, regex, nameof(Regex)))
_isUpdating = true;
if (_regex != null)
Options = _regex.Options;
Pattern = _regex.ToString();
IsValid = _regex != null;
_isUpdating = false;
private bool SetField<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName]string name = "")
//return Common.SetField(PropertyChanged, ref field, value, name);
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value))
return false;
field = value;
if (!_isUpdating)
return true;
private void SetDirty(string propertyName)
private void RaiseEventsOnDirtyProperties()
foreach (string dirtyName in _dirtyProperties)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(dirtyName));
private void SetRegexValueSwallowExceptions(string pattern, RegexOptions options)
Regex result;
RegexError error = RegexError.None;
result = new Regex(pattern, options);
catch (ArgumentNullException)
result = null;
error = RegexError.NullPattern;
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
result = null;
error = RegexError.InvalidOptions;
catch (ArgumentException)
result = null;
error = RegexError.InvalidPattern;
Error = error;
Regex = result;
private FlagBool CreateFlag(RegexOptions valueWhenEnabled)
FlagBool result = new FlagBool(this, valueWhenEnabled);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the bit-flag that was assigned to it on <c>RegexViewModel.Options</c> when its <c>Enabled</c> property is set to true.
/// Also raises a PropertyChanged event on the containing <c>RegexViewModel</c> object when its <c>Enabled</c> property changes.
/// </summary>
private class FlagBool
public FlagBool(RegexViewModel outer, RegexOptions valueWhenEnabled)
_outer = outer;
ValueWhenEnabled = valueWhenEnabled;
Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(RegexOptions), valueWhenEnabled);
public RegexOptions ValueWhenEnabled { get; }
public RegexOptions CurrentValue
get { return _outer.Options & ValueWhenEnabled; }
public bool Enabled
get { return (_outer.Options & CurrentValue) == ValueWhenEnabled; }
if (value)
_outer.Options |= ValueWhenEnabled;
_outer.Options &= ~ValueWhenEnabled;
public string Name { get; }
private RegexViewModel _outer;
private List<FlagBool> _flagBools;
private HashSet<string> _dirtyProperties;
private bool _isUpdating = false;
internal enum RegexError
None = 0,
NullPattern = 1,
InvalidPattern = 2,
InvalidOptions = 3
The view-model does work, and I already have a couple regex-input-widgets that use it and they work fine. However, I feel like the view-model is somewhat ugly in some areas. In particular, the code that raises PropertyChanged
events is getting pretty tangled. The problem is that most of the properties on this object are dependent on other properties, so to raise all the correct property-changed events, any time I change one of the properties, I have to update all the properties.
This happens in the UpdateProperties()
method, unless it was the Regex
property that was initially mutated, in which case the UpdateRegex()
method is called instead. This was necessary because usually when all the properties are updated, a new regular expression object is created based on the values of the other properties. However, when it was the Regex
property that was mutated, we need to preserve its value and set the values of the other properties based on the properties of the regular expression that we were handed.
I feel like the code that implements INotifyPropertyChanged
is starting to smell, and is going to be a source of fragility if I ever need to add any properties to this class. I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to implementing INotifyPropertyChanged
. Any critiques would be appreciated.