I've done an equation system that takes as input the equations (you choose the number of equations), and gives as output the values of the unknowns.
I splitted the code in four files:
-equation class(move all to left member and acquire values)
-matrix class(find determinants)
-equations system class(craft matrices to find all the determinants)
-the main() asks for the equations
#include "EquationSystem.h"
int main()
vector<string> equations;
string nEq;
cout << "Quante equazioni? ";
getline(cin, nEq);
stringstream ss;
ss << nEq;
int n;
if (ss >> n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
string eq;
cout << "Inserisci l'equazione numero " << i + 1 << " : ";
getline(cin, eq);
EquationSystem system(equations);
else cout << "ERROR\n";
return 0;
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Equation
string equation;
string leftMember, rightMember;
map<string, double> unknowns;
void elaborate(string &member, bool isLeft)
int unkCount = count_if(member.begin(), member.end(), isalpha);
int prevUnkPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < unkCount; i++)
int unkPos = find_if(member.begin() + prevUnkPos, member.end(), isalpha) - member.begin();
if (!isdigit(member[unkPos - 1]) && !isalpha(member[unkPos - 1]))
member.insert(unkPos, "1");
prevUnkPos = find_if(member.begin() + prevUnkPos, member.end(), isalpha) - member.begin() + 1;
cout << member << endl;
this->parse(member, isLeft);
void parse(string &member, bool isLeft)
istringstream iss(member);
while ((int)iss.tellg() != EOF)
double coef, pow;
char let, powSign;
iss >> coef;
stringstream ss;
while (isalpha(iss.peek()))
iss >> let;
ss << let;
if (iss.peek() == '^')
iss >> powSign >> pow;
ss << powSign << pow;
if (!isLeft)
coef *= -1;
unknowns[ss.str()] += coef;
friend class EquationSystem;
Equation(string equation)
this->equation = equation;
if (this->equation.find_first_of("=") == string::npos)
cout << "NOT AN EQUATION\n";
this->leftMember = this->equation.substr(0, this->equation.find_first_of("="));
this->rightMember = this->equation.substr(this->equation.find_first_of("=") + 1, this->equation.length());
this->elaborate(leftMember, 1);
this->elaborate(rightMember, 0);
#include "Equation.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include <set>
class EquationSystem
vector<Equation> equations;
vector<string> unknowns;
map<string, double> solutions;
EquationSystem(vector<string> equation)
set<string> unk;
for (auto i : equation)
for (auto i : equations)
for (auto j : i.unknowns)
unknowns.assign(unk.rbegin(), unk.rend());
void solve()
double det = toMatrix("").det();
for_each(unknowns.begin(), unknowns.end() - 1, [this, det](string unknown) {solutions[unknown] = toMatrix(unknown).det() / det; });
for (auto i : solutions)
cout << i.first << " e' uguale a " << i.second << endl;
Matrix toMatrix(string toChange)
vector<vector<double>> nums(equations.size(), vector<double>(unknowns.size() - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < equations.size(); i++)
int j = 0;
for_each(unknowns.begin(), unknowns.end() - 1, [this, &nums, i, &j, toChange](string unknown) {if (unknown == toChange) nums[i][j] = -equations[i].unknowns[""]; else nums[i][j] = equations[i].unknowns[unknown]; j++; });
Matrix mat(nums);
cout << "Il determinante ";
if (!(toChange == ""))
cout << "di " << toChange << " ";
cout << "e' \n";
cout << mat << " = " << mat.det() << endl << endl;
return mat;
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Matrix
vector<vector<double>> mat;
Matrix algComp(int x, int y)
Matrix algComp(this->mat);
for_each(algComp.mat.begin(), algComp.mat.end(), [x](vector<double> &row) {row.erase(row.begin() + x); });
algComp.mat.erase(algComp.mat.begin() + y);
return algComp;
Matrix(vector<vector<double>> &matrix)
this->mat = matrix;
double det()
double det = 0;
if (mat.size() > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < mat.size(); i++)
det += pow(-1, i)*mat[0][i] * algComp(i, 0).det();
return det;
else return mat[0][0];
vector<double> &operator[](int n)
return mat[n];
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, Matrix m)
for (int i = 0; i < m.mat.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m.mat[i].size(); j++)
os << right << setw(3) << m[i][j] << " ";
if (!(i == m.mat.size() - 1))
os << endl;
return os;
How does it look like?
files, not in.hpp
files. Including them is quite common in larger projects though, it's only uncommon in small, one-off programs. \$\endgroup\$