
I'm building my own scheduler and I took the first step by creating a cron expression parser.

To test it I used this expression to cover each case. (I guess the 52W is wrong but this doesn't matter yet - validation comes later).

"14,18,3-39/3,52 0/5 14,18,3-39,52W ? JAN,MAR,SEP MON-WED,FRI#3 2002-2010"


It starts with the tokenizer that has only one method with a loop that builds each token. It requires special handling of extensions like W, L or #.

class CronExpressionTokenizer
    private static readonly Dictionary<char, TokenType> TokenTypes = new Dictionary<char, TokenType>
        [' '] = TokenType.FieldSeparator,
        [','] = TokenType.ListItemSeparator,
        ['-'] = TokenType.RangeSeparator,
        ['/'] = TokenType.StepSeparator,
        ['*'] = TokenType.Blank,
        ['?'] = TokenType.Blank,
        ['L'] = TokenType.Extension,
        ['W'] = TokenType.Extension,
        ['#'] = TokenType.Extension,

    public static IEnumerable<Token> Tokenize(string text)
        var position = (int?)null;
        var value = new StringBuilder();
        var lastTokenType = TokenType.None;

        var updateLastTokenType = new Func<Token, Token>(t => { lastTokenType = t.Type; return t; });

        for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
            var c = text[i];

            var tokenType = TokenType.None;
            if (TokenTypes.TryGetValue(c, out tokenType))
                // Special extension handling.
                var isNotExtension =
                    // Parsed as extension...
                    tokenType == TokenType.Extension &&
                    // but a "W" not after a value or field-separator.
                    (c == 'W' && (lastTokenType != TokenType.Value || lastTokenType == TokenType.FieldSeparator));

                if (isNotExtension)
                    lastTokenType = TokenType.Value;
                    position = position ?? i;

                if (value.Any())
                    yield return updateLastTokenType(new Token
                        Type = TokenType.Value,
                        Position = position.Value,
                        Value = value.ToString()
                    lastTokenType = TokenType.Value;
                    position = i + 1;
                    value = new StringBuilder();

                yield return updateLastTokenType(new Token
                    Type = tokenType,
                    Position = i,
                    Value = c.ToString()

                lastTokenType = TokenType.Value;
                position = position ?? i;

        if (value.Any())
            yield return new Token
                Type = TokenType.Value,
                Position = position.Value,
                Value = value.ToString()

The result for the test expression is:

Type                Position    Value
Value               0           14
ListItemSeparator   2           ,
Value               3           18
ListItemSeparator   5           ,
Value               6           3
RangeSeparator      7           -
Value               8           39
StepSeparator       10          /
Value               11          3
ListItemSeparator   12          ,
Value               13          52
FieldSeparator      15   
Value               16          0
StepSeparator       17          /
Value               18          5
FieldSeparator      19   
Value               20          14
ListItemSeparator   22          ,
Value               23          18
ListItemSeparator   25          ,
Value               26          3
RangeSeparator      27          -
Value               28          39
ListItemSeparator   30          ,
Value               31          52
Extension           33          W
FieldSeparator      34   
Value               34          JAN
Blank               35          ?
FieldSeparator      36   
ListItemSeparator   40          ,
Value               41          MAR
ListItemSeparator   44          ,
Value               45          SEP
FieldSeparator      48   
Value               49          MON
RangeSeparator      52          -
Value               53          WED
ListItemSeparator   56          ,
Value               57          FRI
Extension           60          #
Value               61          3
FieldSeparator      62   
Value               63          2002
RangeSeparator      67          -
Value               68          2010

Then the CronExpressionParser comes in play. It groups all tokens into fields TokenGroup and creates Subexpressions. It also parses names of months and days of week. This for names and ordinal extensions I use three dictionaries.

class CronExpressionParser
    private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> DaysOfWeek = new[]
        "SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT"
    .Select((dayOfWeek, index) => new { dayOfWeek, index }).ToDictionary(x => x.dayOfWeek, x => x.index + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> Months = new[]
        "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAI", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"
    .Select((month, index) => new { month, index }).ToDictionary(x => x.month, x => x.index + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, CronExtension> Extensions = new Dictionary<string, CronExtension>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
        ["1"] = CronExtension.First,
        ["2"] = CronExtension.Second,
        ["3"] = CronExtension.Third,
        ["4"] = CronExtension.Fourth,
        ["5"] = CronExtension.Fifth,
        ["L"] = CronExtension.Last,
        ["W"] = CronExtension.Weekday,

    public static IEnumerable<Subexpression> Parse(IEnumerable<Token> tokens)
        var tokenGroups = GroupTokens(tokens);
        foreach (var tokenGroup in tokenGroups)
            var subexpression = ParseSubexpression(tokenGroup);
            yield return subexpression;

    private static IEnumerable<IGrouping<Type, Token>> GroupTokens(IEnumerable<Token> tokens)
        var subexpressionTypes = new Queue<Type>(new[]

        var field = new List<Token>();

        foreach (var token in tokens)
            if (token.Type == TokenType.FieldSeparator)
                yield return new TokenGrouping(subexpressionTypes.Dequeue(), field);
                field = new List<Token>();


        yield return new TokenGrouping(subexpressionTypes.Dequeue(), field);

    private static Subexpression ParseSubexpression(IGrouping<Type, Token> tokenGroup)
        var ranges = new List<CronRange>();

        var range = (CronRange?)null;
        var lastTokenType = TokenType.None;

        foreach (var token in tokenGroup)
            if (token.Type == TokenType.Value)
                var value = 0;
                var valueParsed =
                    int.TryParse(token.Value, out value) ||
                    DaysOfWeek.TryGetValue(token.Value, out value) ||
                    Months.TryGetValue(token.Value, out value);

                if (!valueParsed)
                    throw new Exception($"Invalid value \"{token.Value}\" at {token.Position}.");

                range = range ?? CronRange.Empty.SetMin(value).SetMax(value);

                if (lastTokenType == TokenType.ListItemSeparator)
                    range = CronRange.Empty.SetMin(value).SetMax(value);

                if (lastTokenType == TokenType.RangeSeparator)
                    range = range.SetMax(value);

                if (lastTokenType == TokenType.StepSeparator)
                    range = range.SetStep(value);

            var canUpdateExtension = new[] { lastTokenType, token.Type }.Any(t => t == TokenType.Extension) && token.Value != "#";
            if (canUpdateExtension)
                range = null;

            lastTokenType = token.Type;

        if (range.HasValue)

        return (Subexpression)Activator.CreateInstance(tokenGroup.Key, ranges);

I store all values as CronRange. If it's a single value then the min and max are equal. Some values can have a step or an extension.

struct CronRange
    public CronRange(int min, int max, int step, CronExtension extension)
        Min = min;
        Max = max;
        Step = step;
        Extension = extension;

    public static CronRange Empty => new CronRange();

    public int Min { get; }
    public int Max { get; }
    public int Step { get; }
    public CronExtension Extension { get; }

    private string DebuggerDisplay => ToString();

    public override string ToString() => $"Min = {Min} Max = {Max} Step = {Step} Extension = {Extension}";

Auxiliary types

The Token and two enums for their types and entensions:

enum TokenType

enum CronExtension

class Token
    public TokenType Type { get; set; }
    public int Position { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

The TokenGrouping for each field:

class TokenGrouping : IGrouping<Type, Token>
    private readonly IEnumerable<Token> _tokens;
    public TokenGrouping(Type key, IEnumerable<Token> tokens)
        Key = key;
        _tokens = tokens;
    public Type Key { get; }

    public IEnumerator<Token> GetEnumerator() => _tokens.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

For future use I define a couple of classes for each field. They're empty but later they will check the DateTime and validate if the TokenGroup has valid values.

class Subexpression
    protected Subexpression(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges)
        Ranges = ranges;
    protected IEnumerable<CronRange> Ranges { get; }

    private string DebuggerDisplay => ToString();

    public override string ToString() => $"Ranges = [{string.Join(", ", Ranges.Select(r => $"{{{r}}}"))}]";
class Second : Subexpression { public Second(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }
class Minute : Subexpression { public Minute(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }
class Hour : Subexpression { public Hour(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }
class DayOfMonth : Subexpression { public DayOfMonth(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }
class Month : Subexpression { public Month(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }
class DayOfWeek : Subexpression { public DayOfWeek(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }
class Year : Subexpression { public Year(IEnumerable<CronRange> ranges) : base(ranges) { } }

Lastly a few helper extensions:

static class RangeExtensions
    public static CronRange SetMin(this CronRange range, int min)
        return new CronRange(min, range.Max, range.Step, range.Extension);

    public static CronRange SetMax(this CronRange range, int max)
        return new CronRange(range.Min, max, range.Step, range.Extension);

    public static CronRange SetStep(this CronRange range, int step)
        return new CronRange(range.Min, range.Max, step, range.Extension);

    public static CronRange SetExtension(this CronRange range, CronExtension extension)
        return new CronRange(range.Min, range.Max, range.Step, extension);

    public static CronRange SetMin(this CronRange? range, int min) => range.Value.SetMin(min);

    public static CronRange SetMax(this CronRange? range, int max) => range.Value.SetMax(max);

    public static CronRange SetStep(this CronRange? range, int step) => range.Value.SetStep(step);

    public static CronRange SetExtension(this CronRange? range, CronExtension extension) => range.Value.SetExtension(extension);

static class StringBuilderExtensions
    public static bool Any(this StringBuilder stringBuilder)
        return stringBuilder.Length > 0;


This is what I get:

Ranges = [{Min = 14 Max = 14 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 18 Max = 18 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 3 Max = 39 Step = 3 Extension = None}, {Min = 52 Max = 52 Step = 0 Extension = None}]
Ranges = [{Min = 0 Max = 0 Step = 5 Extension = None}]
Ranges = [{Min = 14 Max = 14 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 18 Max = 18 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 3 Max = 39 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 52 Max = 52 Step = 0 Extension = Weekday}]
Ranges = []
Ranges = [{Min = 1 Max = 1 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 3 Max = 3 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 9 Max = 9 Step = 0 Extension = None}]
Ranges = [{Min = 2 Max = 4 Step = 0 Extension = None}, {Min = 6 Max = 6 Step = 0 Extension = Third}]
Ranges = [{Min = 2002 Max = 2010 Step = 0 Extension = None}]

2 Answers 2


There's not a single access modifier on any type, did you mean for them all to be internal? If so, specify that explicitly.

var position = (int?)null;

Really? In cases like this (casting null) don't use var, just specify the type.

var updateLastTokenType = new Func<Token, Token>(t => { lastTokenType = t.Type; return t; });

For your use case, this function is not helpful. You update lastTokenType manually as many times as you update it with this function, and one of the updates you do with this function is undone by a manual update. Just swallow the bullet and replace this with manual updates instead.

private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> Months = new[]
    "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAI", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"
.Select((month, index) => new { month, index }).ToDictionary(x => x.month, x => x.index + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Is MAI spelled like that? Not MAY?

Also, with what this and the property above it do, I would consider wrapping them in a function call that will do that conversion, that's a lot of code to have in an initializer.

private static IEnumerable<IGrouping<Type, Token>> GroupTokens(IEnumerable<Token> tokens)

You should be returning IEnumerable<TokenGrouping> there, since you are returning objects of that type anyway.

public static CronRange SetMin(this CronRange? range, int min) => range.Value.SetMin(min);

public static CronRange SetMax(this CronRange? range, int max) => range.Value.SetMax(max);

public static CronRange SetStep(this CronRange? range, int step) => range.Value.SetStep(step);

public static CronRange SetExtension(this CronRange? range, CronExtension extension) => range.Value.SetExtension(extension);

What happens when I provide null here? Easy fix: range?.Value.Set...

Overall, excellent work here. It's always nice to see your questions as they tend to be very good code-wise to begin with, the worst I can find here is a few nitpicks. :)

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ It can also be written like var position = default(int?). \$\endgroup\$
    – Xiaoy312
    Commented Dec 30, 2016 at 20:23
  • \$\begingroup\$ The SetProperty extension methods for nullable shouldn't be using the ?. operator, as it hides the underlying issue if any. \$\endgroup\$
    – Xiaoy312
    Commented Dec 30, 2016 at 21:30
private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> DaysOfWeek = /*...*/
private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> Months = /*...*/

You can use the CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat to extract the name of weekdays and months.

// So, you won't defaulting "May" into french.
private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> DaysOfWeek = 
        .Select((x, i) => new { Index = i, Value = x })
        .ToDictionary(x => x.Value.ToUpper(), x => x.Index + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> Months =
        .Where(x => x != string.Empty) // the array has 13 elements
        .Select((x, i) => new { Index = i, Value = x })
        .ToDictionary(x => x.Value.ToUpper(), x => x.Index + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

range = range ?? CronRange.Empty.SetMin(value).SetMax(value);
if (lastTokenType == TokenType.ListItemSeparator)
    range = CronRange.Empty.SetMin(value).SetMax(value);

if (lastTokenType == TokenType.RangeSeparator)
    range = range.SetMax(value);

if (lastTokenType == TokenType.StepSeparator)
    range = range.SetStep(value);

At first glance, it looked like some kind of awkward fluent syntax. Then, I realised you need immutability.

You should simply expose the properties as get-only from an interface which CronRange implements, and upgrade CronRange into a class.

public interface ICronRange
    int Min { get; }
    int Max { get; }
    int Step { get; }
    CronExtension Extension { get; }

internal class CronRange : ICronRange
    public int Min { get; set; }
    public int Max { get; set; }
    public int Step { get; set; }
    public CronExtension Extension { get; set; }

    // remove the ctor and use the default one

    public override string ToString() => $"Min = {Min} Max = {Max} Step = {Step} Extension = {Extension}";
    private string DebuggerDisplay => ToString();

Substitute CronRange for ICronRange anywhere it is used in Subexpression and its derived classes.

And, just use range.property = ... directly:

private static Subexpression ParseSubexpression(IGrouping<Type, Token> tokenGroup)
    //var range = (CronRange?)null;
    var range = default(CronRange);

    //range = range ?? CronRange.Empty.SetMin(value).SetMax(value);
    range = range ?? new CronRange{ min = value, max = value };

    range.Extension = token.Value;

    range = null;
  • \$\begingroup\$ These are very clever techniques, especially the one with the interface trick for faking an immutable type publicly. I have to admit the default looks much better now. \$\endgroup\$
    – t3chb0t
    Commented Dec 30, 2016 at 22:11

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