My objective is to create a linear algebra calculator that would be able calculate expressions containing vectors, matrices, (eventually complex numbers/imaginary; quaternions), and real numbers. I've got the code for parsing tokens from a given string into a vector of Token object pointers:
// Function for an operator to implement.
typedef Value*(*EvaluationFunction)(Value** args);
// The associativity of the operator.
enum Associativity : unsigned char
NONE = 0, LEFT = 1, RIGHT = 2
// The evaluator structure that would be an
// operator and a function.
struct Evaluator
EvaluationFunction evalFunc;
unsigned char args; // The argument count expected.
// A structure for an operator.
struct Operator : public Evaluator
String id;
Associativity association;
unsigned int precedence;
// A constructor to create this struct
// anonymously.
Operator(String&& idp, unsigned int precedencep,
Associativity assoc = Associativity::NONE)
id = idp;
precedence = precedencep;
association = assoc;
args = 2;
// The list of active operators.
static std::vector<Operator*> smOperators;
// Amount of space to reserve for vector when getting tokens.
static constexpr unsigned char RESERVE_MORE_VECTOR_SPACE{ 5 };
// Definitions for the token types.
// 'U' indicates unused beyond token parsing.
#define TOKEN_OPERATOR 'o'
#define TOKEN_FUNCTION 'f'
#define TOKEN_VALUE 'v'
#define TOKEN_COMMA ','
// A token structure used to represent
// expressional tokens.
struct Token
String source;
char type;
const Operator* op;
const Function* func;
Value* value;
// Gets the specified operator.
static Operator* GetOperator(const char* src)
for (auto& ptr : smOperators)
if (ptr->id == src)
return ptr;
return NULL;
// Gets the tokens from an expression string.
static void GetTokens(const String& str, std::vector<Token*>& output)
if (str.GetLength() == 0)
bool targetIsAlphaNumeric{ IsCharAlphaNumeric(str.At(0)) };
bool readingMatrix{ false };
unsigned int subStrIndex{ 0 };
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
char cat = str.At(i);
// Checks whether a matrix is being read in.
if (readingMatrix)
output.emplace_back(CreateToken(str.Sub(subStrIndex - 1, i + 1))); // subStrIndex - 1 is there to include the left bracket
// and i + 1 is to include the right bracket.
subStrIndex = i + 1;
readingMatrix = false;
// If it's a non-unary, non-function, operator.
|| cat == TOKEN_COMMA
// Checks whether the character is
// the beginning of a matrix definition.
readingMatrix = true;
// Checks whether there should be a token
// pushed onto the tokens vector
if (subStrIndex != i)
output.emplace_back(CreateToken(str.Sub(subStrIndex, i)));
// Checks if a value is followed by a left parentheses.
// Then it will insert a multiplication operator.
if (output.size() > 0)
auto& lastElem = - 1);
&& (lastElem->type == TOKEN_VALUE
|| lastElem->type == TOKEN_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS
|| lastElem->type == U_TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET)))
Token* t = new Token;
t->source = "*";
t->op = GetOperator("*");
// If the operator is not a comma or left bracket, it will
// be pushed on the vector.
if (cat != TOKEN_COMMA && cat != U_TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET)
output.emplace_back(CreateToken(str.Sub(i, i + 1)));
subStrIndex = i + 1;
// If there are still more characters to read,
// then the target will be reassigned and the
// substring index recalculated.
if (i + 1 < str.GetLength())
targetIsAlphaNumeric = IsCharAlphaNumeric(str.At(i + 1));
subStrIndex = i + 1;
// If the vector is out of capacity, it will allocate
// 5 more slots just for efficiency.
if (output.capacity() == output.size())
output.reserve(output.capacity() + RESERVE_MORE_VECTOR_SPACE);
// If the end of the current token has been reached:
else if((!targetIsAlphaNumeric && IsCharAlphaNumeric(cat))
|| (targetIsAlphaNumeric && !IsCharAlphaNumeric(cat)) )
// Places the token into the vector and adjusts
// the target and substring index.
Token* newToken = CreateToken(str.Sub(subStrIndex, i));
// Makes sure that if the expression starts with an
// operator (usually a negative sign), it will be, for example,
// "0 - x" instead of "- x"; so it won't break.
if (newToken->type == TOKEN_OPERATOR && output.size() == 0)
Token* t = new Token;
t->source = "0";
t->value = new Number(0);
t->type = TOKEN_VALUE;
// Checks to see if a right parenthesis is followed by
// a number, and if so it will insert a multiplication operator
// between the number and the parenthesis.
if (output.size() > 0
&& newToken->type == TOKEN_VALUE
Token* t = new Token;
t->source = "*";
t->op = GetOperator("*");
subStrIndex = i;
targetIsAlphaNumeric = !targetIsAlphaNumeric;
// If the vector is out of capacity, it will allocate
// 5 more slots just for efficiency.
if (output.capacity() == output.size())
output.reserve(output.capacity() + RESERVE_MORE_VECTOR_SPACE);
// Checks to see if another token can
// be placed into the vector.
if (subStrIndex != str.GetLength())
Token* newToken = CreateToken(str.Sub(subStrIndex, str.GetLength()));
// Checks to see if a right parenthesis is followed by
// a number, and if so it will insert a multiplication operator
// between the number and the parenthesis.
if (output.size() > 0
&& newToken->type == TOKEN_VALUE
Token* t = new Token;
t->source = '*';
t->op = GetOperator("*");
// Resizes the vector to fit the contents
// (may not be necessary, but for now it will stay).
#ifndef _STRING_H
#define _STRING_H
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
// Enumeration that will define how
// a string will be constructed.
enum StringMode : char
// Sets the mode for which the
// Strings will be input through istream
// by.
void SetStringInputMode(StringMode mode);
// Gets the mode for which the
// Strings will be input through istream
// by.
StringMode GetStringInputMode();
// This class should containg a pointer
// to a character/character array, but should
// use less memory than the std::string. The main
// purpose for this class is to simplify the
// "routing" of char*s when evaluating expressions.
class String final
// Uses the std::istream to input a string
// object.
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, String&);
// Uses the std::ostream to output the specified string.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const String&);
char* c_str; // The "c string"
unsigned int length; // The length of the "c string"
// Compares the characters between the two strings starting
// at the specified index in this string.
void inline CompareFrom(unsigned int, const String&, bool&) const;
// A default constructor just in case
// we need the string to be input from
// an istream.
// Defining a copy constructor to make
// sure the pointers are transfered correctly
// and the string is generated with a specified mode.
String(const String&, StringMode = StringMode::DEFAULT);
// The constructor for the String class
// that takes the original C string, and it
// will copy it into a new heap allocated space
// with a specified mode.
String(const char*, StringMode = StringMode::DEFAULT);
// Creates a new string that takes in a
// buffer size but sets all of the values
// to 0 / null.
String(unsigned int size);
// A destructor is defined for this class
// to destroy the allocated heap memory.
// Deletes the current c_str and
// redefines this string with the specified
// length.
void Redefine(unsigned int);
// Resizes this string to match the
// specified length.
void Resize(unsigned int);
// Gets the pointer to the heap allocated
// char*
const char* GetPointer() const;
// Gets a substring. First index is inclusive;
// second index is exclusive.
String Sub(unsigned int, unsigned int) const;
// Gets the length of this string
unsigned int GetLength() const;
// Places the specified character c into
// the index position 'index'
void Put(char, unsigned int);
// Gets the character at the specified
// index.
char At(unsigned int) const;
// Finds the first instance of the specified
// character in this string.
unsigned int Find(char) const;
// Attempts to find an instance of a specified
// string within this string.
unsigned int Find(const String&) const;
// Attempts to find all matches of the specified
// string within this string.
void FindAll(const String&, std::vector<unsigned int>&) const;
// An assignment operator to make sure
// the operator from one string gets
// transfered correctly to this string.
void operator=(const String&);
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are identical.
// True = identical; False = not identical.
bool operator==(const String&) const;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are not identical.
// True = not identical; False = identical.
bool operator!=(const String&) const;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are identical.
// True = identical; False = not identical.
bool operator==(const char*) const;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are not identical.
// True = not identical; False = identical.
bool operator!=(const char*) const;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// this string and specified char are identical.
// True = identical; False = not identical.
bool operator==(const char) const;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// the string and char are not identical.
// True = not identical; False = identical.
bool operator!=(const char) const;
// This class will be used when an
// unknown number of characters need to
// be put into a string.
class StringBuffer final
char** buffers; // The collection of buffers.
unsigned int unitBufferSize; // The size of one individual buffer.
unsigned int capacity; // The capacity of the buffers array.
unsigned int currentBuffer; // Keeps track of an open buffer location.
unsigned int iterator; // Iterator that will keep track of the current buffer location.
// Places a character into the buffer using
// and inline method.
inline void PutChar(char c);
// Adds n amount of buffers.
void AddBuffers(unsigned int);
// Locates a character at a specified
// location.
inline char At(unsigned int) const;
// A default constructor that will be used to
// initialize the currentBuffer pointer to a
// heap allocated one.
explicit StringBuffer(unsigned int = 0, unsigned int = 64);
// No need to have a copy constructor.
StringBuffer(StringBuffer&) = delete;
// A destructor to remove the heap allocated
// buffers array.
// Gets the size of a unit buffer.
unsigned int GetUnitBufferSize() const;
// Sets the size of a unit buffer.
void SetUnitBufferSize(unsigned int);
// Gets the count of unit buffers.
unsigned int GetUnitBufferCount() const;
// Gets the length of the buffer.
unsigned int GetLength() const;
// Input a character into the buffer.
void operator<<(char);
// Inputs a string into the buffer.
void operator<<(const String&);
// Inputs a string into the buffer.
void operator<<(const char*);
// Copies the buffer data into a string object.
void CopyInto(String&) const;
// Converts the buffers into a String object.
String Collect() const;
// Clears any data stored in the buffers.
// The size remains the same.
void Reset(unsigned int = 0);
// No need for an assignment operator.
void operator=(StringBuffer&) = delete;
// Checks whether a string matches what is in
// this buffer.
bool operator==(const String&) const;
#endif // _STRING_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "String.h"
#define PRIVATE
static StringMode INPUT_MODE{ StringMode::DEFAULT }; // Mode by which strings are input by.
// Sets the mode for which the
// Strings will be input through istream
// by.
void SetStringInputMode(StringMode mode)
INPUT_MODE = mode;
// Gets the mode for which the
// Strings will be input through istream
// by.
StringMode GetStringInputMode()
return INPUT_MODE;
// ------ STRING -------
// Uses the std::istream to input a string
// object.
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, String& output)
StringBuffer buffer{ 1 };
char n;
while (input.get(n))
if (n == 10)
if (n == ' ' && INPUT_MODE == StringMode::REPLACE_WHITE_SPACE)
buffer << n;
return input;
// Uses the std::ostream to output the specified string.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const String& str)
output << str.c_str;
return output;
// A default constructor just in case
// we need the string to be input from
// an istream.
: c_str{ (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)) }, length{ 0 }
*(c_str) = NULL;
// Defining a copy constructor to make
// sure the pointers are transfered correctly
// and the string is generated with a specified mode.
String::String(const String& str, StringMode mode)
: length{ 0 }
if (mode == StringMode::REPLACE_WHITE_SPACE)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
if (*(str.c_str + i) != ' ')
if (length == 0)
c_str = nullptr;
c_str = (char*)malloc(length * sizeof(char) + 1);
unsigned int whiteSpaceCount{ 0 };
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
if (*(str.c_str + i) != ' ')
*(c_str + i - whiteSpaceCount) = *(str.c_str + i);
*(c_str + length) = 0;
length = str.length;
c_str = (char*)malloc(length * sizeof(char) + 1);
strcpy(c_str, str.c_str);
// The constructor for the String class
// that takes the original C string, and it
// will copy it into a new heap allocated space
// with a specified mode.
String::String(const char* defined, StringMode mode)
: length{ 0 }
if (mode == StringMode::REPLACE_WHITE_SPACE)
for (unsigned int i = 0; defined[i] != 0; i++)
if (*(defined + i) != ' ')
if (length == 0)
c_str = nullptr;
c_str = (char*)malloc(length * sizeof(char) + 1);
unsigned int whiteSpaceCount{ 0 };
for (unsigned int i = 0; defined[i] != 0; i++)
if (*(defined + i) == ' ')
*(c_str + i - whiteSpaceCount) = *(defined + i);
*(c_str + length) = 0;
length = strlen(defined);
c_str = (char*)malloc(length * sizeof(char) + 1);
strcpy(c_str, defined);
// Creates a new string that takes in a
// buffer size but sets all of the values
// to 0 / null.
String::String(unsigned int size)
: length{ size }
if (size < 0)
c_str = nullptr;
length = 0;
c_str = (char*)malloc(length + 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
*(c_str + i) = 0;
*(c_str + length) = 0;
// A destructor is defined for this class
// to destroy the allocated heap memory.
delete c_str;
// Compares the characters between the two strings starting
// at the specified index in this string.
PRIVATE void inline String::CompareFrom(unsigned int si, const String& ss, bool& so) const
so = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ss.GetLength(); i++)
if (*(c_str + i + si) != *(ss.c_str + i))
so = false;
// Deletes the current c_str and
// redefines this string with the specified
// length.
void String::Redefine(unsigned int nSize)
length = nSize;
c_str = (char*)malloc(length * sizeof(char) + 1);
*(c_str + nSize) = 0;
// Resizes this string to match the
// specified length.
void String::Resize(unsigned int nSize)
if (nSize < 0)
char* new_str = (char*)malloc(nSize * sizeof(char) + 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
if (i < length)
*(new_str + i) = *(c_str + i);
*(new_str + nSize) = 0;
c_str = new_str;
length = nSize;
// Gets the pointer to the heap allocated
// char*
const char* String::GetPointer() const
return c_str;
// Gets a substring.
String String::Sub(unsigned int begin, unsigned int end) const
if (begin < 0 || begin >= length || end < 0 || end > length || begin >= end)
return String{ static_cast<unsigned int>(0) };
String sub{ end - begin };
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sub.length; i++)
*(sub.c_str + i) = *(c_str + begin + i);
return sub;
// Gets the length of this string
unsigned int String::GetLength() const
return length;
// Places the specified character c into
// the index position 'index'
void String::Put(char c, unsigned int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
*(c_str + index) = c;
// Gets the character at the specified
// index.
char String::At(unsigned int index) const
if (index < 0 || index >= length)
return NULL;
return *(c_str + index);
// Finds the first instance of the specified
// character in this string.
unsigned int String::Find(char c) const
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (*(c_str + i) == c)
return i;
return length;
// Attempts to find an instance of a specified
// string within this string.
unsigned int String::Find(const String& str) const
if (str.GetLength() > length || str.GetLength() == 0 || length == 0)
return length;
bool output;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= length - str.GetLength(); i++)
CompareFrom(i, str, output);
if (output)
return i;
return length;
// Attempts to find all matches of the specified
// string within this string.
void String::FindAll(const String& str, std::vector<unsigned int>& ind) const
unsigned int strLen = str.GetLength();
if (strLen > length || strLen == 0 || length == 0)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length - strLen; i++)
bool found{ false };
CompareFrom(i, str, found);
if (found)
i += strLen - 1;
// An assignment operator to make sure
// the operator from one string gets
// transfered correctly to this string.
void String::operator=(const String& str)
c_str = (char*)malloc(str.length * sizeof(char) + 1);
strcpy(c_str, str.c_str);
length = str.length;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are identical.
// True = identical; False = not identical.
bool String::operator==(const String& str) const
if (str.length != length)
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (*(c_str + i) != *(str.c_str + i))
return false;
return true;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are not identical.
// True = not identical; False = identical.
bool String::operator!=(const String& str) const
if (str.length != length)
return true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (*(c_str + i) != *(str.c_str + i))
return true;
return false;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are identical.
// True = identical; False = not identical.
bool String::operator==(const char* str) const
unsigned int len = strlen(str);
if (length != len)
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (*(c_str + i) != *(str + i))
return false;
return true;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// two strings are not identical.
// True = not identical; False = identical.
bool String::operator!=(const char* str) const
unsigned int len = strlen(str);
if (length != len)
return true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (*(c_str + i) != *(str + i))
return true;
return false;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// this string and specified char are identical.
// True = identical; False = not identical.
bool String::operator==(const char c) const
if (length != 1)
return false;
return *c_str == c;
// A comparison operator to check whether
// the string and char are not identical.
// True = not identical; False = identical.
bool String::operator!=(const char c) const
if (length != 1)
return true;
return *c_str != c;
// ------ STRING BUFFER -------
// A default constructor that will be used to
// initialize the currentBuffer pointer to a
// heap allocated one.
StringBuffer::StringBuffer(unsigned int cap, unsigned int unitBufSize)
: unitBufferSize{ unitBufSize < 1 ? 1 : unitBufSize }, iterator { 0 }, currentBuffer{ 0 }, capacity{ cap < 1 ? 1 : cap }
buffers = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * capacity);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
*(buffers + i) = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * unitBufferSize);
// A destructor to remove the heap allocated
// buffers array.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
free(*(buffers + i));
*(buffers + i) = nullptr;
// Gets the size of a unit buffer.
unsigned int StringBuffer::GetUnitBufferSize() const
return unitBufferSize;
// Sets the size of a unit buffer.
void StringBuffer::SetUnitBufferSize(unsigned int nBuffSize)
if (currentBuffer == 0 && iterator == 0) // Nothing has been appended so far.
unitBufferSize = nBuffSize == 0 ? 1 : nBuffSize;
// Gets the count of unit buffers.
unsigned int StringBuffer::GetUnitBufferCount() const
return capacity + 1;
// Gets the length of the buffer.
unsigned int StringBuffer::GetLength() const
return (unitBufferSize * currentBuffer) + iterator;
// Places a character into the buffer using
// and inline method.
PRIVATE inline void StringBuffer::PutChar(char c)
if (iterator == unitBufferSize)
if (currentBuffer + 1 == capacity)
iterator = 0;
*(*(buffers + currentBuffer) + iterator++) = c; // place char into next available spot
// Resizes the buffers array to a specified amount.
PRIVATE void StringBuffer::AddBuffers(unsigned int amt)
char** nAlloc = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (capacity + amt));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < amt + capacity; i++)
if (i < capacity && buffers != nullptr)
*(nAlloc + i) = *(buffers + i);
*(nAlloc + i) = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * unitBufferSize);
capacity += amt;
buffers = nAlloc;
// Locates a character at a specified
// location.
PRIVATE inline char StringBuffer::At(unsigned int loc) const
return (*(*(buffers + (loc / unitBufferSize)) + (loc % unitBufferSize)));
// Input a character into the buffer.
void StringBuffer::operator<<(char n)
// Inputs a string into the buffer.
void StringBuffer::operator<<(const String& str)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
// Inputs a string into the buffer.
void StringBuffer::operator<<(const char* str)
if (str == nullptr)
unsigned int i{ 0 };
while (*(str + i) != 0)
PutChar(*(str + i++));
// Copies the buffer data into a string object.
void StringBuffer::CopyInto(String& str) const
if (currentBuffer == 0 && iterator == 0)
unsigned int nStrLen = (currentBuffer * unitBufferSize) + iterator;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrLen; i++)
str.Put(At(i), i);
// Converts the buffers into a String object.
String StringBuffer::Collect() const
if (currentBuffer == 0 && iterator == 0)
return String{};
unsigned int nStrLen = (currentBuffer * unitBufferSize) + iterator;
String output{ nStrLen };
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrLen; i++)
output.Put(At(i), i);
return output;
// Clears any data stored in the buffers.
// The size remains the same.
void StringBuffer::Reset(unsigned int cap)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
free(*(buffers + i));
capacity = cap < 1 ? 1 : cap;
buffers = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * capacity);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
*(buffers + i) = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * unitBufferSize);
currentBuffer = 0;
iterator = 0;
// Checks whether a string matches what is in
// this buffer.
bool StringBuffer::operator==(const String& str) const
if (str.GetLength() != iterator + (currentBuffer * unitBufferSize))
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++)
if (str.At(i) != At(i))
return false;
return true;
Edit: After going back through the String class, I honestly have no idea what I was doing with "routing char pointers", but I also wanted to input a string directly from std::cin
and be able to replace the white-space as the input was coming through. Would it be better to use std::string
Even though the calculator in general currently evaluates an average expression such as 5+[(2+2)*5;5]
very fast (1/10 millisecond), from my looks the GetTokens
function can use some work. I'm specifically concerned about improving the second if
block in the main for
loop as I feel comparing the character again within the block is redundant. I've tried somehow fitting it into a switch
statement, but it would never work out the way I want it to.
That's pretty much it. Since I'm also relatively new to C++ (and "low level" programming in general), please do comment on any improvements in the code as a whole, and if anything can be done better/more efficiently.
? Where is the functionIsCharAlphaNumeric()
? Where isCreateToken()
? Or the classToken
for that matter?GetOperator()
? \$\endgroup\$