So I have a file containing a huge list of sentences, some containing keywords, and some not, so in order to specifically focus on the ones with keywords, I used this method. It works, but is there another way to this without having to create a new file?
keyW = ["love", "like", "best", "hate", "lol", "better", "worst", "good", "happy", "haha", "please", "great", "bad", "save", "saved", "pretty", "greatest", 'excited', 'tired', 'thanks', 'amazing', 'glad', 'ruined', 'negative', 'loving', 'sorry', 'hurt', 'alone', 'sad', 'positive', 'regrets', 'God']
with open('tweets.txt') as oldfile, open('newfile.txt', 'w') as newfile:
for line in oldfile:
if any(word in line for word in keyW):
because with these specific tweets, I'm going to use them when doing another function
for line in open('tweets.txt'):
line = line.split(" ")
lat = float(line[0][1:-1]) #Stripping the [ and the ,
long = float(line[1][:-1]) #Stripping the ]
if eastern.contains(lat, long):
eastScore += score(line)
elif central.contains(lat, long):
centralScore += score(line)
elif mountain.contains(lat, long):
mountainScore += score(line)
elif pacific.contains(lat, long):
pacificScore += score(line)
Ultimately, this is what my code looks like.
from collections import Counter
keyW_Path = input("Enter file named keywords: ")
keyFile = open(keyW_Path, "r")
except IOError:
print("Error: file not found.")
# Read the keywords into a list
keywords = {}
wordFile = open('keywords.txt', 'r')
for line in wordFile.readlines():
word = line.replace('\n', '')
if not(word in keywords.keys()): #Checks that the word doesn't already exist.
keywords[word] = 0 # Adds the word to the DB.
# Read the file name from the user and open the file.
tweet_path = input("Enter file named tweets: ")
tweetFile = open(tweet_path, "r")
except IOError:
print("Error: file not found.")
#Calculating Sentiment Values
with open('keywords.txt') as f:
sentiments = {word: int(value) for word, value in (line.split(",") for line in f)}
with open('tweets.txt') as f:
for line in f:
values = Counter(word for word in line.split() if word in sentiments)
if not values:
keyW = ["love", "like", "best", "hate", "lol", "better", "worst", "good", "happy", "haha", "please", "great", "bad", "save", "saved", "pretty", "greatest", 'excited', 'tired', 'thanks', 'amazing', 'glad', 'ruined', 'negative', 'loving', 'sorry', 'hurt', 'alone', 'sad', 'positive', 'regrets', 'God']
with open('tweets.txt') as oldfile, open('newfile.txt', 'w') as newfile:
for line in oldfile:
if any(word in line for word in keyW):
def score(tweet):
total = 0
for word in tweet:
if word in sentiments:
total += 1
return total
def total(score):
sum = 0
for number in score:
if number in values:
sum += 1
#Classifying the regions
class Region:
def __init__(self, lat_range, long_range):
self.lat_range = lat_range
self.long_range = long_range
def contains(self, lat, long):
return self.lat_range[0] <= lat and lat < self.lat_range[1] and\
self.long_range[0] <= long and long < self.long_range[1]
eastern = Region((24.660845, 49.189787), (-87.518395, -67.444574))
central = Region((24.660845, 49.189787), (-101.998892, -87.518395))
mountain = Region((24.660845, 49.189787), (-115.236428, -101.998892))
pacific = Region((24.660845, 49.189787), (-125.242264, -115.236428))
eastScore = 0
centralScore = 0
pacificScore = 0
mountainScore = 0
happyScoreE = 0
for line in open('newfile.txt'):
line = line.split(" ")
lat = float(line[0][1:-1]) #Stripping the [ and the ,
long = float(line[1][:-1]) #Stripping the ]
if eastern.contains(lat, long):
eastScore += score(line)
elif central.contains(lat, long):
centralScore += score(line)
elif mountain.contains(lat, long):
mountainScore += score(line)
elif pacific.contains(lat, long):
pacificScore += score(line)
print("The number of tweets in the Pacific region is:", pacificScore)
print("The number of tweets in the Montain region is:", mountainScore)
print("The number of tweets in the Central region is:", centralScore)
print("The number of tweets in the Eastern region is:", eastScore)
contain? Your first use of the file suggests that it contains one word per line only, while your second use of it suggests it is a 2-column CSV file. \$\endgroup\$keywords
? You just assemble it and print it at the end of the program, but you don't use it for any processing or calculations. \$\endgroup\$