I've had great experience in the past getting feedback from uDev and python, but I'm dreading this attempt at C++. I have a little background in C - but absolutely none in C++ - so this code is constructed directly from reading many books, SO posts and the code from a lot of GitHub projects.
I know there's probably an overlap of C and C++, but I tried to catch as much as I understood. I just thought I better stop and get some feedback before I go any further.
Everything is working now - it reads the stream, checks for appropriate tags and the code is there to play an alert - but I haven't added the actual code that sends the message.
I'm just looking for obvious C++ blunders, sources of potential memory leaks and crashes. Also welcome feedback for improvements and suggestions for the future as I continue.
The code is only at 300 lines now - in my program - I should probably split out some stuff to a program header file.
Start of File
* ProcessMessages.cpp
* Process Messages via streaming socket
* Compile and Link with: g++ -std=c++11 -pthread
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm> /* used for replace */
#include <queue>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include "popen-noshell/popen_noshell.h" // https://github.com/famzah/popen-noshell
#include "network/SocketClient.h" // TCP-IP Sockets in C
#include "pugixml/pugixml.hpp" // https://github.com/zeux/pugixml
using namespace std;
using namespace nsCAP;
enum message_t { msg_type_text, msg_type_wav_file };
struct alert_t {
std::string alert_msg;
message_t msg_type;
alert_t sendAlert;
std::queue<alert_t> qAlerts;
pthread_mutex_t m_alert_queue = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
Adjust volume function (uses popen for alsa)
* adjustVolume
* recursive function to incrementally lower or increase volume of Line In
void adjustVolume(const int finalVolume) {
const int MAX_VOLUME = 50;
const int STEP_VOLUME = 5;
const int SHORT_SLEEP_MS = 100; // 100 milliseconds
static int current_volume = MAX_VOLUME; // Base starting volume
// increments volume
// exit if final volume has already been reached
if (finalVolume == 0) {
current_volume -= STEP_VOLUME;
if (current_volume < finalVolume)
} else {
current_volume += STEP_VOLUME;
if (current_volume > finalVolume)
FILE *fp;
int status;
struct popen_noshell_pass_to_pclose pclose_arg;
/* the command arguments used by popen_noshell() */
char *exec_file = (char *) "amixer";
char *arg1 = (char *) "set";
char *arg2 = (char *) "Line,0";
char *arg3 = (char *) (current_volume + "%");
char *arg4 = (char *) NULL; /* last element */
char *argv[] = {exec_file, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4}; /* NOTE! The first argv[] must be the executed *exec_file itself */
fp = popen_noshell(exec_file, (const char * const *)argv, "r", &pclose_arg, 0);
if (!fp) {
err(EXIT_FAILURE, "popen_noshell()");
status = pclose_noshell(&pclose_arg);
if (status == -1) {
err(EXIT_FAILURE, "pclose_noshell()");
// pause and then continue adjusting volume in stages
Play queue (threaded function)
* playQueue
* thread that checks message queue and plays message wave file
* or -To-Do- uses TTS to play text message
void *playQueue(void* unused) {
const int LONG_SLEEP_MS = 5000; // 5 seconds
while (true) {
if (!qAlerts.empty()) {
// Lock Queue
int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&m_alert_queue);
if (rc) { /* an error has occurred */
std::cout << "Error in : pthread_mutex_lock" << "]\n";
alert_t newAlert = qAlerts.front();
// Lower volume to background level
/*********** To DO *************
// Start playing the alert signal = then play the actual alert
// use espeak and pipe out to aplay
// aplay -Dplug:LineOut test.wav
// Raise volume to foreground level
// Unlock Queue
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_alert_queue);
if (rc) {
std::cout << "Error in : pthread_mutex_unlock" << "]\n";
std::cout << "Playing Alert [" << newAlert.alert_msg << "] \n";
else {
// pause before checking queue again
std::cout << "Checking Message QUEUE Again " << " \n";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
const std::string ALERT_END = "</alert>";
const std::string XML_START = "<?xml";
// Define Streaming Server constants
const std::string STREAM_1 = "stream1.server.com";
const std::string STREAM_2 = "stream2.server.com";
const int SERVER_PORT = 8998;
const std::string DATA_FOLDER = "/audio-data/";
const std::string ALERT_TONE = "warning-tone.wav";
pthread_t t_alerts;
int rc;
long t = 0;
time_t now;
time_t lastBeat;
double seconds;
// Setup XML end tag search constants
std::string alertTag = ALERT_END;
std::size_t szAlertEnd = alertTag.length();
std::size_t posTag = 0;
std::string streamData;
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result result;
pugi::xml_node node;
pugi::xml_attribute attr;
cout << "Starting Processor" << "\n";
nsCAP::SocketClient sc(STREAM_1, SERVER_PORT);
if (sc.isClientConnected() ) {
cout << "Connected to [" << STREAM_1 << "] \n";
} else {
nsCAP::SocketClient sc(STREAM_2, SERVER_PORT);
if (sc.isClientConnected() ) {
cout << "Connected to [" << STREAM_2 << "] \n";
} else {
cout << "Failed to Connect" << "\n";
// Create Alert Queue Thread
/* create a new thread that will execute 'playQueue()' */
pthread_create(&t_alerts, NULL, playQueue, NULL);
// track time since last heartbeat received
time(&now); /* get current time; same as: now = time(NULL) */
// seconds = difftime(now,lastBeat);
std::string alertBuffer = sc.receive(BUFFER_SIZE);
while (alertBuffer.length() > 0) {
// Check for start of XML
posTag = alertBuffer.find(XML_START);
if (posTag != std::string::npos) {
alertBuffer = alertBuffer.substr(posTag);
// Check for end of alert
posTag = alertBuffer.find(ALERT_END);
if (posTag != std::string::npos) {
// Extract Alert XML including Alert tag
std::string alertXML = alertBuffer.substr(0, posTag + szAlertEnd);
cout << "ALERT XML [" << alertXML << "] \n";
// Process Alert XML
// if <status>System</status> - then heartbeat
// const char * cAlert = alertXML.c_str();
if (doc.load_string(alertXML.c_str())) {
std::string alertStatus = doc.child("alert").child_value("status");
std::string alertSender = doc.child("alert").child_value("sender");
std::cout << "Alert Status: [" << alertStatus << "]\n";
std::cout << "Alert Sender: [" << alertSender << "]\n";
if ( (alertStatus == "System") && (alertSender == "Heartbeat") ) {
std::cout << "Alert Heartbeat" << "\n";
time(&lastBeat); /* get heartbeat time as: lastBeat = time(NULL) */
} else {
std::string alertMessage = doc.child("alert").child_value("description");
std::cout << "Alert Description Found: [" << alertMessage << "]\n";
if (alertMessage == "") {
// Use Headline instead
std::string alertMessage = doc.child("alert").child_value("headline");
} else {
// Remove all <CR>
replace( alertMessage.begin(), alertMessage.end(), '\r', ' ');
// Replace <LF> with space (don't use std:replace)
replace( alertMessage.begin(), alertMessage.end(), '\n', ' ');
sendAlert.alert_msg = alertMessage;
sendAlert.msg_type = msg_type_text;
// Lock Queue
int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&m_alert_queue);
if (rc) { /* an error has occurred */
std::cout << "Error in : pthread_mutex_lock" << "]\n";
// Unlock Queue
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_alert_queue);
if (rc) {
std::cout << "Error in : pthread_mutex_unlock" << "]\n";
std::cout << "Alert Message queued For Play:" << alertMessage << "\n";
else {
std::cout << "XML [" << alertXML << "] parsed with errors, attr value: [" << doc.child("node").attribute("attr").value() << "]\n";
// replace current buffer with end of string
alertBuffer = alertBuffer.substr(posTag + szAlertEnd - 1);
// Collect more data
streamData = sc.receive(BUFFER_SIZE);
if (streamData.empty())
// Append data to buffer
alertBuffer += streamData;
cout << "End of Processor" << "\n";
/* Last thing that main() should do */