I have a folder that contains around 1000 text files, their sizes varies from few KBs up to 500 MB (Total size is around 60 GB).
I have a text file that contains a 166k lines, each line contains a set of numbers (length up to 11), what I'm doing here is to go through each file in that folder and try to find a match between the 166k and those files, then store the line from the file and print that out to a file.
My approach is working but there are several issues:
- It is not fast (taking a lot of time to go through the files)
- Memory consumption, I believe that is because I'm storing everything into a list of strings and then print all of it at once
Please take a look at my code below, and let me know if I can enhance it and improve it in any possible way.
static void Main(string[] args)
char splitter = '\u0001';
//166k file
string path = "Z:\\subid.txt";
//Destination file
string RxPath = "Z:\\matched.txt";
List<string> subid = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
List<string> RxClaims = new List<string>();
string[] lineObject;
int count = 0;
//folder location (contains 1000 text files)
string folderPath = "Z:\\rawfiles";
foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderPath))
Console.WriteLine("Processing " + file);
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(file))
lineObject = line.Split(splitter);
//Check if that value is equal to any of the numbers in the 166k, if so store in the list to print out later
File.WriteAllLines(RxPath, RxClaims);
Console.WriteLine("Done, Number of Claims" + count);