TLDR: Rendering is too slow when having lots of custom fields and rules. So I need help to improve this javascript code.
#9606: Trac ticket about issue
I have a trac 1.0.8 installed on a ubuntu machine with DynamicFields 1.2.6 installed (compiled from latest revisions 0.11 folder). I have more than 100 custom fields with 30 ticket types. Each field has its own rule.
- It takes too long to get response from js.
- Disabling Rules doesn't seem to speed up the page loading.
I mainly think there are some inefficiencies in the js code.
* Layout 'class'
var Layout = function (name) { = name;
// Selector for all field tds/ths
this.selector = '';
// Return the given field name's td/th element
this.get_tx = function (field) {};
// Return the given td/th element's field name
this.get_field = function (tx) {};
// Move a field's tds and ths to slot i
this.move_field = function (field, i) {};
// Returns true of the field needs its own row
this.needs_own_row = function (field) {
var $field = jQuery('#field-' + field);
if ($field.length)
return $'TEXTAREA');
return false;
// Update the field layout given a spec
this.update = function (spec) {
var this_ = this;
// save original field order
if (window.dynfields_orig_field_order == undefined)
window.dynfields_orig_field_order = Object();
if (window.dynfields_orig_field_order[] == undefined) {
window.dynfields_orig_field_order[] = [];
jQuery(this.selector).each(function (i, e) {
var field = this_.get_field($(this));
if (field)
// get visible and hidden fields
var visible = [];
var hidden = [];
jQuery.each(window.dynfields_orig_field_order[], function (i, field) {
var tx = this_.get_tx(field);
if (tx.hasClass('dynfields-hide')) {
} else {
// get new field order
var new_fields = jQuery.merge(visible, hidden); // warning: side-effects!
// order the fields
this.order_fields = function (new_fields) {
var this_ = this;
var skip_slot = 0;
// determine which fields need to move and move 'em!
jQuery(this.selector).each(function (i, e) {
var old_field = this_.get_field($(this));
var old_slot = -1;
if (old_field.length)
old_slot = jQuery.inArray(old_field, new_fields);
var new_field = new_fields[i];
// check to allow *this* field be in its own row
if (i % 2 == 1 && old_field.length && this_.needs_own_row(new_field))
skip_slot += 1;
var new_slot = i + skip_slot;
// check if field is in the correct slot in the new order
if (new_slot != old_slot && i < new_fields.length) {
// wrong order!
this_.move_field(new_field, new_slot);
// check to move *next* field to its own row
if (old_field.length && this_.needs_own_row(new_field))
skip_slot += 1;
* Inputs Layout implementation
var inputs_layout = new Layout('inputs');
// selector
inputs_layout.selector = '#properties td[class!=fullrow]:parent';
// get_tx
inputs_layout.get_tx = function (field) {
return jQuery('#field-' + field).closest('td');
// get_field
inputs_layout.get_field = function (td) {
var input = td.find(':input:first');
if (!input.length) return '';
return input.attr('id').slice(6);
// move_field
inputs_layout.move_field = function (field, i) {
var td = this.get_tx(field);
var th = td.prev('th');
// find correct row (tr) to insert field
var row = Math.round(i / 2 - 0.5); // round down
var $properties = jQuery('#properties');
row += $properties.find('td.fullrow').length; // skip fullrows
var tr = $properties.find('tr:eq(' + row + ')');
// find correct column (tx) to insert field
var col = 'col' + ((i % 2) + 1);
if (tr.find('th').length) {
if (col == 'col1') {
var old_th = tr.find('th:first');
if (old_th.get(0) != th.get(0)) { // don't move self to self
} else {
var old_td = tr.find('td:has(:input):last');
if (old_td.get(0) != td.get(0)) { // don't move self to self
} else {
// no columns so just insert
// let's set col
td.removeClass('col1 col2');
th.removeClass('col1 col2');
* Header Layout implementation
var header_layout = new Layout('header');
// selector
header_layout.selector = '#ticket .properties th:parent';
// get_tx
header_layout.get_tx = function (field) {
return jQuery('#h_' + field);
// get_field
header_layout.get_field = function (th) {
return (th.attr('id') ? th.attr('id').slice(2) : '');
// move_field
header_layout.move_field = function (field, i) {
var th = this.get_tx(field);
var td ='td');
// find correct row (tr) to insert field
var row = Math.round(i / 2 - 0.5); // round down
var tr = jQuery('#ticket').find('.properties tr:eq(' + row + ')');
// find correct column (tx) to insert field
if (tr.find('th').length) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
var old_th = tr.find('th:first');
if (old_th.get(0) != th.get(0)) { // don't move self to self
} else {
var old_td = tr.find('td:last');
if (old_td.get(0) != td.get(0)) { // don't move self to self
} else {
// no columns so just insert
Is there anyone who has knowledge about this subject?
Also here is my inspectation:
to convert a jQuery object to a plain javascript array, and then you can do a normal for loop or a forEach loop (just revert i and e in the callback). But I think you should take care of the functions that manipulate the DOM, instead. \$\endgroup\$var work = src.cloneNode(true); ....... src.parentNode.replaceChild(work, src);
. Although I'm not sure it makes any difference in case of jQuery and that layout library, but it might work in vanilla js. Also, building the entire html of the container as string and then using it to overwrite the source could work because there should be just one layout adjustment. \$\endgroup\$