I wrote a simple Pomodoro Timer in Python 3:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from gi import require_version
require_version('Notify', '0.7')
from gi.repository import Notify
import sys
class State:
#length: the length of the state in minutes
def __init__(self, length):
if not length == None:
self.length = length
class Clock:
work = None
sBreak = None
lBreak = None
numWork = 4
remWork = numWork #number of work sessions remaining
remBreaks = numWork - 1 #number of short break sessions remaining
current = None #the current state
endtime = None #datetime object for end time of current
def __init__(self, workTime, sBreakTime, lBreakTime):
if workTime == None or sBreakTime == None or lBreakTime == None:
self.work = State(workTime)
self.sBreak = State(sBreakTime)
self.lBreak = State(lBreakTime)
self.states = [self.work, self.sBreak, self.lBreak]
def change(self):
if not self.current == None and not self.current in self.states:
title = ''
timeStr = 'End Time: '
#current doesn't exist: start the first work period
if self.current == None:
self.current = self.work
title = 'Work Period'
#in work state now: either short or long break
elif self.current == self.work:
self.remWork -= 1
if self.remBreaks == 0:
self.current = self.lBreak
title = 'Long Break'
self.current = self.sBreak
title = 'Short Break'
#in short break now: start work
elif self.current == self.sBreak:
self.remBreaks -= 1
self.current = self.work
title = 'Work Period'
#in long break now: reset number of work and short break periods
elif self.current == self.lBreak:
self.current = self.work
title = 'Work Period'
self.remWork = self.numWork
self.remBreaks = self.numWork - 1
self.endtime = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds = self.current.length)
timeStr += self.endtime.strftime("%H:%M")
def tickTock(self):
while True:
if datetime.now() >= self.endtime:
def main():
lengths = sys.argv[1:]
workLen = int(lengths[0])
sbLen = int(lengths[1])
lbLen = int(lengths[2])
clock = Clock(workLen, sbLen, lbLen)
print("One or more arguments were invalid.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
First of all, is this a good way to simulate the timer? Also, is there a way to get around using self.variable_name every time I want to use a variable in the Clock class? Finally, what would be a good package to look into if I wanted to extend this into a GUI application?