In my attempt to help improve Using Array to store calculations in VBA, I figured a good way to do it would be to create two dictionaries of values to lookup.
So this was my attempt at creating two dictionaries from two sheets and then gathering data from a third sheet into an array and looking up the items in the array based on a condition as to which dictionary to use.
My sample is pretty small and the last line of printing was just to see it worked. I actually struggled with this for a little while, so I'm thinking there are some improvements to be made. Also - is this sufficiently made to be scaled up to millions of data points? What about more than one dictionary - should that be refactored? What if there are more criteria needed for the lookup?
Option Explicit
Public Sub ArrayLookupAndPopulate()
Dim firstTable As Object
Set firstTable = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim secondTable As Object
Set secondTable = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim rowNumber As Long
Dim myKey As String
Dim lookupArray As Variant
Dim myIndex As Long
For rowNumber = 1 To 10
firstTable.Add CStr(Sheet1.Cells(rowNumber, 1)), Sheet1.Cells(rowNumber, 3)
secondTable.Add CStr(Sheet2.Cells(rowNumber, 1)), Sheet2.Cells(rowNumber, 3)
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim lastColumn As Long
lastColumn = Sheet3.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
ReDim lookupArray(1 To lastRow, 1 To lastColumn)
lookupArray = Sheet3.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lastRow, lastColumn))
For myIndex = 1 To 9
myKey = lookupArray(myIndex, 2)
If lookupArray(myIndex, 1) = "First" Then lookupArray(myIndex, 3) = firstTable.Item(myKey)
If lookupArray(myIndex, 1) = "Second" Then lookupArray(myIndex, 3) = secondTable.Item(myKey)
Sheet3.Range("F1:H9") = lookupArray
End Sub
I don't want to edit the code, but I just realized I don't need to redim