I generally feel that the pattern I use for development is kind of wrong. I start with simple functionality, then when I realize that some pieces can be reused I usually start to write "scope root level" functions in order to be more DRY. I usually place these functions at the bottom of my "scope". Would these functions (changeColumn
, in this case) better be methods of main object? Would this script better be organized in a more object-oriented way? Are there major problems with my coding style?
Unfortunately, I work directly with back-end programmers who don't give a damn about JS and so I am left with myself at this. I am trying to look at “rock stars”, but they mainly write tools, not simple interaction functionality, so for this kind of scripts I rarely get to see examples of really good code to learn from.
/** Depends on:
* - jQuery (tested with 1.5.1)
* http://jquery.com/
* - jQuery scrolTo (tested with 1.4.2)
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2009/05/jqueryscrollto-142-released.html
// Main obj
omami = {
init: function() {
// scrollable area
var content = $('#content').css('overflow-x', 'scroll'),
// flag identifying scroll event
// flag identifying if scroll event
// is caused by mouse / trackpad etc.
// i.e. user action
// flag identifying if scroll event
// is caused by script action
// content sections
cols = content.find('.column'),
// hash table to store initial columns x-axis positions
positionsMap = {},
// Checks if first argument is bigger than second
// and smaller than third
isInRange = function(num, a, b) {
return (num > a && num < b);
// store initial columns positions
cols.each(function() {
var col = $(this);
positionsMap[col.attr('id')] = col.position().left;
// don't bind complex logic directly on scroll –
// http://ejohn.org/blog/learning-from-twitter/
content.bind('scroll', function(e) {
didScroll = true;
// for each user initiated scroll event
// poll current section
setInterval(function() {
if ( didScroll && !scriptScroll ) {
didScroll = false;
var curScroll = content.scrollLeft(), colID;
// find what column is selected
for ( colID in positionsMap ) {
// safe sex
if ( {}.hasOwnProperty.call(positionsMap, colID) ) {
// we compare current left scroll of container element
// with initial positions of columns
if ( isInRange(curScroll, positionsMap[colID] - 150, positionsMap[colID] + 410) ) {
// cut "col-" from column ID
currentColHash = colID.substring(4);
// if current col isn't already selected
if (location.hash.indexOf(currentColHash) == '-1') {
// indicate user action
userScroll = true;
// highlight current column in the address bar
location.hash = currentColHash;
}, 250);
// Controller
$(window).bind('hashchange', function() {
var hash = location.hash;
if (hash != '' && hash != '#') {
// cut '#' off
hash = hash.substring(1);
// don't override user action
if (!userScroll) {
// indicate that scroll happens programmatically
scriptScroll = true;
// do the scrolling
( content.scrollLeft() + $('#col-' + hash).position().left ) - 20
, 500, {
onAfter: function() {
// done with JavaScript scrolling
// start polling current section again
scriptScroll = false;
userScroll = false;
} else {
// support back-button up to empty-hash state
// on page load, scroll to the proper section
// scroll to the next/previous column controls
// just updating location.hash
// controller will take care of taking appropriate action
$('.column .scroll').bind('click', function(e) {
var arrow = $(this);
// change the column
direction : arrow.hasClass('right') ? 'right' : 'left',
currentColumn : arrow.closest('.column')
});// .scroll bind('click) fn
// handle left and right arrows
$(window).bind('keyup', function(e) {
// 37 – left arrow
// 39 - right arrow
if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39) {
direction: (e.keyCode == 39) ? 'right' : 'left'
});// window bind('keyup') fn
// updates location.hash with slug of the column
// user wants to view, either by scrolling to it,
// either by navigating to it with arrows/header nav
// @param {Object} options object
// @option {String} direction – determens change direction
// @option {jQuery} currentColumn – currently selected column
function changeColumn(opts) {
// defaults
var settings = {
direction : 'right',
currentColumn : (function(){
// calculate current column from hash if it's selected
var colHash = location.hash.substring(1);
// if it's not, we suppose we are at first column
return (colHash.length != 0) ? $('#col-' + colHash) : cols.first();
// merge options and defaults
$.extend(settings, opts);
// what's the next column?
var nextColumn =
(settings.direction == 'right')
// scroll right
? (settings.currentColumn.next().length != 0)
// scroll to the next column
? settings.currentColumn.next()
// scroll to the first column
: settings.currentColumn.siblings().first()
// scroll left
: (settings.currentColumn.prev().length != 0)
// scroll to the previous column
? settings.currentColumn.prev()
// scroll to the last column
: settings.currentColumn.siblings().last();
// update the hash
location.hash = nextColumn.attr('id').substring(4);
}// fn changeColumn
} // fn omami.init
};// obj omami