I have a listing of invoice line items that I need to apply some convoluted business logic to. We have another listing of items that I compare the invoice items to and if I find matches, I then need to ensure that that all of the values from yet another listing of items are present on the invoice in the correct quantities, based on the number of the original invoice line item was ordered.
Reading that back doesn't make much sense to me, and I wrote it. I'll try to help by providing a couple examples.
We have an item, let's call it PIZZA KIT
, which is just a placeholder item for all the other items inside that kit. On our invoice, there will be the PIZZA KIT
item, and then several other items sequentially following it on the invoice within that kit. All of these values (name of kit, name of item, quantity required to qualify for kit) are stored separately and provided to this method via the DataTable kitData
for comparison.
DataTable invoiceData
contains all of the necessary raw data from applicable invoices to this process. The item PIZZA KIT
does not have any value on the invoice itself, the items below it summed together hold all of the value for the kit.
The customer which receives the result of this process doesn't want to see any of the non kit items, they just want to see PIZZA KIT
and the sum total of the value of all the items as the PIZZA KIT
value. I need to validate that if a kit item is on a particular invoice, all the associated sub-items are also on this invoice, in the correct quantities.
I've written the very lengthy function below, which works as desired from my testing to date. As I said, it's quite lengthy and it seems to me that there should be a more elegant way to write it. I'm open to any/all suggestions on ways I can improve the code length, look, or overall algorithm.
If there are any questions, please let me know.
As requested: schema for both tables:
kitData: kit_description string,
item_number string,
quantity decimal,
price decimal
invoiceData: file identifier string,
supplier string,
supplier site string,
supplier e-mail string,
invoice number string,
invoice description string,
invoice date string,--date formatted as MMDDYYYY for export
po number string,
po line int,
po shipment string,
invoice quantity decimal,
unit price decimal,
line amount decimal,
tax amount decimal,
freight amount decimal,
misc. amt. decimal,
misc desc. string
private DataTable rollupKitValues(DataTable invoiceData, DataTable kitData)
DataTable finalizedData = invoiceData.Clone();
var enumeratedInvoiceLines = invoiceData.AsEnumerable();
var enumeratedKits = kitData.AsEnumerable();
var distinctInvoices = enumeratedInvoiceLines.Select(r => Convert.ToInt32(r["Invoice Number *"])).Distinct();
var distinctKits = enumeratedKits.Select(r => r["Kit_Description"].ToString().Trim()).Distinct();
foreach (var invoiceNumber in distinctInvoices)//scan per invoice item/kits are invoice specific
var allInvoiceLines = invoiceData.Clone();//staging table to store lines while being rolled up
var invoiceItems = enumeratedInvoiceLines.Where(r => Convert.ToInt32(r["Invoice Number *"]) == invoiceNumber)
.OrderBy(r => Convert.ToInt32(r["PO Line *"]))
for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < invoiceItems.Length; itemIndex++)
string invoiceItemNum = invoiceItems[itemIndex]["Invoice Description"].ToString().Trim();
if (!distinctKits.Contains(invoiceItemNum))//not a kit sku, add to staging table and continue to next item
else//line item is a kit sku, find out which kit it is and then scan the items following on the invoice to ensure all items are present
var kitLineItem = invoiceItems[itemIndex];
var matchedKitItems = enumeratedKits.Where(r =>
String.Equals(r["Kit_Description"].ToString().Trim(), kitLineItem["Invoice Description"].ToString().Trim()));
int numberOfKitsInvoiced = Convert.ToInt32(kitLineItem["Invoice Quantity *"]);
int requiredKitItemCount = matchedKitItems.Count();
int startingPOLineNum = Convert.ToInt32(kitLineItem["PO Line *"]) + 1;//incrementing 1 to start with the next line
int endingPOLineNum = startingPOLineNum + requiredKitItemCount - 1;//decrementing 1 to not skip ahead beyond the kit item count
var invoiceItemsToCheck = invoiceItems.Where(r => Convert.ToInt32(r["PO Line *"]) >= startingPOLineNum
&& Convert.ToInt32(r["PO Line *"]) <= endingPOLineNum);
if (invoiceItemsToCheck.Count() != requiredKitItemCount)//missing item(s) in kit
//probably need to assign tax amount and freight amount to the next line item and drop the kit sku
throw new Exception(String.Format("Items on invoice {0} do not match kit {1}.", invoiceNumber, invoiceItemNum));
bool allItemsQuantitiesMatched = true;
foreach (var checkedItem in invoiceItemsToCheck)
var kitItem = matchedKitItems.Single(r =>
String.Equals(r["Item_Number"].ToString().Trim(), checkedItem["Invoice Description"].ToString().Trim()));
var comparisonValues = new
decimalCountOfKitsOnInvoice = Convert.ToDecimal(numberOfKitsInvoiced),
kitRequiredQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(kitItem["Quantity"]),
invoicedQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(checkedItem["Invoice Quantity *"])
allItemsQuantitiesMatched = (comparisonValues.invoicedQuantity ==
(comparisonValues.kitRequiredQuantity * comparisonValues.decimalCountOfKitsOnInvoice));
if (!allItemsQuantitiesMatched)
if (allItemsQuantitiesMatched)//merge line item values into kit sku values cells and skip inserting them to the staging table
foreach (var verifiedItem in invoiceItemsToCheck)
kitLineItem["Line Amount *"] = Convert.ToDecimal(kitLineItem["Line Amount *"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(verifiedItem["Line Amount *"]);
kitLineItem["Unit Price *"] =
Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(kitLineItem["Line Amount *"]) / Convert.ToDecimal(numberOfKitsInvoiced), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
itemIndex = endingPOLineNum - 1;//this is skipping a row otherwise as the po line index is 1 based
else//some item quantities didn't match kit
//probably need to assign tax amount and freight amount to the next line item and drop the kit sku
throw new Exception(String.Format("Quantity mismatch on invoice {0} with kit {1}.", invoiceNumber, invoiceItemNum));
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < allInvoiceLines.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
//renumber PO Lines to match current order and count of rows to account for rows that were rolled up
allInvoiceLines.Rows[rowIndex]["PO Line *"] = rowIndex + 1;
//add renumbered row to master table for return and export
return finalizedData;