I have the following code that will skip certain URLs if needed:
SEARCH = "inurl:index.php?id="
def get_urls
puts "Searching for possible SQL vulnerable sites, using search query #{SEARCH}"
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.user_agent = @user_agent
page = agent.get('http://www.google.com/')
google_form = page.form('f')
google_form.q = "#{SEARCH}"
url = agent.submit(google_form, google_form.buttons.first)
url.links.each do |link|
if link.href.to_s =~ /url.q/
str = link.href.to_s
str_list = str.split(%r{=|&})
urls = str_list[1]
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'webcache.googleusercontent.com'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'search.clearch.org'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'duckfm.net'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'search1.speedbit.com'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'yoursearch.me'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'search.speedbit.com'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[1] == 'ads/preferences?hl=en'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'www.sa-k.net'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'github.com'
next if str_list[1].split('/')[2] == 'stackoverflow.com'
urls_to_log = URI.decode(urls)
puts "Site found: #{urls_to_log}"
File.open("#{PATH}/SQL_sites_to_check.txt", 'a+') { |s| s.puts("#{urls_to_log}'") }
puts "Possible vulnerable sites dumped into #{PATH}/SQL_sites_to_check.txt"
Is there a better more readable, less smelly, way to write the next if
100 times, just assignstr_list[1].split('/')[2]
to a variable. \$\endgroup\$