I'm relatively new to Python, I decided to make a simple battleship game. Is there anything I should do to make it shorter, or in practice, "better"?
from pprint import pprint as pp
import random
Rows = 0
Columns = 0
turns = 0
Answer = "NaN"
print("Welcome to battleship!")
while (Rows > 10) or (Columns > 10) or (Rows <= 0) or (Columns <= 0):
Rows = int(input("Please enter the number of rows you want. \n"))
Columns = int(input("Please enter the number of columns you want. \n"))
def create_grid(Rows, Columns):
#Creates the 2D Data Grid
grid = []
for row in range(Rows):
row = []
for col in range(Columns):
row.append(' ')
return grid
grid = create_grid(Rows,Columns)
def display_grid(grid, Columns):
#Prints the labels for the grid
column_names = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[:Columns]
print(' | ' + ' | '.join(column_names.upper()) + ' |')
for number, row in enumerate(grid):
print(number + 1, '| ' + ' | '.join(row) + ' |')
grid = create_grid(Rows, Columns)
display_grid(grid, Columns)
def random_row(grid):
#Makes a random row integer
return random.randint(1,len(grid))
def random_col(grid):
#Makes a random column integer
return random.randint(1,len(grid[0]))
def update_gridHit(grid, GuessRow, GuessColumn):
grid[GuessRow-1][GuessColumn-1] = 'O'
def update_gridMiss(grid, GuessRow, GuessColumn):
grid[GuessRow-1][GuessColumn-1] = 'X'
ShipRow = random_row(grid)
ShipColumn = random_col(grid)
#Testing purposes only, comment out if needed.
while (turns != 5):
GuessRow = int(input("What row do you guess? \n"))
GuessColumn = int(input("What column do you guess? \n"))
if (GuessRow == ShipRow) and (GuessColumn == ShipColumn):
turns += 1
update_gridHit(grid, GuessRow, GuessColumn)
display_grid(grid, Columns)
print("You hit the battleship! Congratulations!")
if (GuessRow < 1 or GuessRow > Rows) or (GuessColumn < 1 or GuessColumn > Columns):
#Warning if the guess is out of the board
print("Outside the set grid. Please pick a number within it your Rows and Columns.")
elif (grid[GuessRow-1][GuessColumn-1] == "X"):
#If "X" is there than print that it missed
print("You guessed that already.")
#Updates the grid with an "X" saying that you missed the ship
turns += 1
print("You missed the ship.")
update_gridMiss(grid, GuessRow, GuessColumn)
display_grid(grid, Columns)
if (turns >= 5):
print("Game over! You ran out of tries")