In my last question on Stack Overflow I was a very confused newcomer about classes and OOP and how to correctly implement everything to make things easier. So I started a different example to practice.
This has the classes of a band and person. The people audition but only some get in and the rest leave to form their own group. Then there's a battle of the bands and bands face off. Here is my code.
class Start{
var $name;
var $type;
//If construct not set, this is the construct.
function __construct($name){
$this->name = $name;
class Band extends Start{
var $name;
var $type;
var $membersAndInstruments = array();
var $badArray = array();
//Specify starting parameters.
function __construct($type, $name){
$this->type = $type;
$this->name = $name;
echo isset($this->name)
? "This " . $type . " band called " . $this->name . " has just been formed!" //If name is set
: "This band was formed. Genre: " . $type; //If name isn't.
//Add new members. Instrument => Member
function recruitMembers($instrument, $member){
$this->membersAndInstruments[$instrument] = $member;
//echo $instrument;
//Reject members from the audition
function reject($instrument, $rejectee){
$this->badArray[] = array($instrument => $rejectee);
//Show the ones who didn't make it
function sorryReject($msgStart, $msgEnd){
echo "<br /><br />$msgStart, ";
foreach($this->badArray as $k => $v){
//$k = array_values($k);
$v = array_values($v);
echo $v[0];
if ($k != count($this->badArray)-1){
echo ", ";
echo ". $msgEnd</br>";
//Show the members in the group and their instruments.
function displayMembers(){
foreach($this->membersAndInstruments as $craft => $member){
echo "<br />" . $member . " as " . $craft ;
//Challenge other bands. Input a band or an Array of bands.
function battle($band2, $winMsg){
echo "<br /><br /> BATTLE OF THE BANDS <br /><br />";
$band1 = $this;
if (!is_array($band2)){
$contestants = array($band1, $band2); //Ready bands
$contestants = array($band1);
foreach($band2 as $bandX){
$contestants[] = $bandX;
//Count members once and store in array of the same order the bands were entered
for($i = 0; $i < count($contestants); $i++){
$numOfMembers[] = count($contestants[$i]->membersAndInstruments);
//echo "<br />";
$moreMembers = ($numOfMembers[0] > $numOfMembers[1]) ? 0 : 1; //Set to the index that has more.
$winner = Randomizer($contestants, $contestants[$moreMembers], $numOfMembers[$moreMembers]);
echo $winner->name . " $winMsg";
class Person extends Start{
var $goodAtInstrument;
function __construct($name, $good){
$this->name = $name;
$this->goodAtInstrument = $good;
function audition($band, $good, $instrument){
$this->goodAtInstrument = $instrument;
$instrument = killTheLastLetter($instrument, "s");
$instrument != "Drum" ? $instrument .= "ist" : $instrument .= "mer";
if ($good){
$band->recruitMembers($instrument, $this->name);
$band->reject($instrument, $this->name);
//echo "<br /> Sorry, " . $this->name . " didn't make it.";
//Looks for a specified ending letter and cuts it if found and returns.
function killTheLastLetter($input, $cutThisLetter){
if (substr($input, -2, 2) == "ss"){
return $input;
substr($input, -1) == $cutThisLetter
? $input = substr($input, 0, -1)
: $input = $input;
return $input;
function Randomizer($choiceArray, $chanceChoice, $chances = 0){
? $TorF = array(true, false)
: $TorF = $choiceArray;
for($i = 0; $i < $chances; $i++){
//echo "DOJNE";
$TorF[] = $chanceChoice;
$random = array_rand($TorF);
//echo $random;
return $TorF[$random];
$FirstRockBand = new Band("Progressive Rock","Erais");
$bandMembers = array (
"Bass" => $M1 = new Person("Shepard", Randomizer()),
"Guitar" => $M2 = new Person("Sy", Randomizer()),
"Drums" => $M3 = new Person("Chris", Randomizer()),
"Keyboards" => $M4 = new Person("Jill", Randomizer()),
"Vocals" => $M5 = new Person("Michele", Randomizer()),
"Cowbell" => $M6 = new Person("Ben", Randomizer())
echo "<br /> Welcome to the auditions. <br />";
foreach($bandMembers as $k => $v){
$v->audition($FirstRockBand, $v->goodAtInstrument, $k);
//echo count($FirstRockBand->badArray);
if (count($FirstRockBand->badArray) > 0){
$FirstRockBand->sorryReject("Sorry", "you didn't make it in.");
echo "<br /><br /> The rejected members have started their own group: " . $SecondRockBand->name . "<br /><br />";
$SecondRockBand = new Band("Death Metal", "Sideshow Hubris");
$RockBands = array(
foreach($FirstRockBand->badArray as $k => $v){
foreach($v as $inst => $member){
$SecondRockBand->recruitMembers($inst, $member);
//echo '<div style = "background-color: 00FFFF">';
//echo "</div>";
//Battle of the Bands! Scales tipped on the side that has more members. Need to work on the whole talent thing.
$FirstRockBand->battle($SecondRockBand, "blew the crowd away!");
Some things seem iffy to me, like plugging members into an array and then going through other arrays and so on. But PHP isn't exactly interactive so unless I'm reading from a DB all answers should already be in there....
Anyway, if you could please look this over and tell me if this is confusing or if I seem to be using classes correctly and what else I could fix.