I am making a GUI for my C# Monogame project. So since this was the first time I ever made a GUI that is not winforms-based I took a wrong approach in making it and thus I decided to change it entirely. But now the behavior is not the same.
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Abducted.GUIElements;
using Abducted.Helpers;
namespace Abducted.GameScreens
public class TitleScreenOld : GameScreen
string[] menuTxt;
ButtonGUI[] buttons;
WindowGUI[] windows;
CheckBoxGUI[] checkBoxes;
WindowGUI playWindow, achieveWindow, optionsWindow, exitPromptBox;
public TitleScreenOld() { }
public override void LoadContent(ContentManager Content)
if (tempMPBtn == null) tempMPBtn = Content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.TempObjPath + @"0") as Texture2D;
xPos = 50;
if (menuTxt == null)
menuTxt = new string[18];
menuTxt[0] = "";
menuTxt[1] = @"Version 1.0-alpha";
menuTxt[2] = @"Copyright (C) 2016 PowerUser Studios";
menuTxt[3] = @"Play Game";
menuTxt[4] = @"Choose a game mode";
menuTxt[5] = @"Single Player";
menuTxt[6] = @"Multi Player";
menuTxt[7] = @"Achievements";
menuTxt[8] = @"Your Achievements";
menuTxt[9] = @"Settings";
menuTxt[10] = @"Game Settings";
menuTxt[11] = @"Display FPS";
menuTxt[12] = @"Enable Sound";
menuTxt[13] = @"Exit Game";
menuTxt[14] = @"Confirm?";
menuTxt[15] = @"OK";
menuTxt[16] = @"Cancel";
if (buttons == null)
buttons = new ButtonGUI[9];
// Unused Dummy Button
buttons[0] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle((int)MainGame.DefaultPos.X, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.Y, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), MainGame.EmptyString, new Rectangle((int)MainGame.DefaultPos.X, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.Y, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.X, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
// Real Buttons
buttons[1] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(xPos, 310, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[3], new Rectangle(101, 328, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[3]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[3]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
buttons[2] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(xPos, 390, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[7], new Rectangle(73, 411, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[7]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[7]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
buttons[3] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(xPos, 470, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[9], new Rectangle(120, 488, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[9]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[9]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
buttons[4] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(xPos, 550, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[13], new Rectangle(106, 571, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[13]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[13]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
buttons[5] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(550, 199, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[5], new Rectangle(580, 217, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[5]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[5]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
buttons[6] = new ButtonGUI(true, new Rectangle(550, 279, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[6], new Rectangle(588, 297, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[6]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[6]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.DisabledColor, Content);
buttons[7] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(548, 362, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[15], new Rectangle(659, 382, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[15]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[15]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.BadColor, Content);
buttons[8] = new ButtonGUI(false, new Rectangle(548, 442, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUI.btnSize.Y), menuTxt[16], new Rectangle(629, 462, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[16]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[16]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.NoTint, Content);
windowPos = new Vector2(516.0f, 84.0f);
if (windows == null)
windows = new WindowGUI[4];
windows[0] = playWindow = new WindowGUI(windowPos, menuTxt[4], new Vector2(748.0f, 147.0f), true, Content);
windows[1] = achieveWindow = new WindowGUI(windowPos, menuTxt[8], new Vector2(763.0f, 147.0f), true, Content);
windows[2] = optionsWindow = new WindowGUI(windowPos, menuTxt[10], new Vector2(801.0f, 147.0f), true, Content);
windows[3] = exitPromptBox = new WindowGUI(new Vector2(521.0f, 222.0f), menuTxt[14], new Vector2(610.0f, 249.0f), false, Content);
if (checkBoxes == null)
checkBoxes = new CheckBoxGUI[2];
checkBoxes[0] = new CheckBoxGUI(false, false, new Rectangle(800, 200, 16, 16), MainGame.GameFontSmall, MainGame.NoTint, menuTxt[11], content);
checkBoxes[1] = new CheckBoxGUI(true, true, new Rectangle(800, 300, 16, 16), MainGame.GameFontSmall, MainGame.NoTint, menuTxt[12], content);
if (MainGame.IsFPSEnabled) checkBoxes[0].IsChecked = true;
else checkBoxes[0].IsChecked = false;
checkBoxes[0].Click += new EventHandler(CheckBox0_Click);
public override void UnloadContent()
if (tempMPBtn != null) tempMPBtn = null;
if (menuTxt != null) menuTxt = null;
foreach (ButtonGUI btn in buttons) btn.UnloadContent();
foreach (WindowGUI win in windows) win.UnloadContent();
foreach (CheckBoxGUI checkBox in checkBoxes) checkBox.UnloadContent();
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
foreach (ButtonGUI btn in buttons) if (btn != buttons[6]) btn.Update();
foreach (WindowGUI win in windows) win.Update();
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen)) for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) CheckBtnInputTS(buttons[i]);
CheckWinInputTS(playWindow, buttons[5], buttons[6]);
CheckWinInputTS(achieveWindow, null);
CheckWinInputTS(optionsWindow, null);
CheckWinInputTS(exitPromptBox, buttons[7], buttons[8]);
CheckBoxInputTS(optionsWindow, gameTime, checkBoxes[0]);
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) buttons[i].Draw(spriteBatch);
foreach (WindowGUI win in windows) win.Draw(spriteBatch);
if (playWindow.IsOpen)
// buttons[6].Draw(spriteBatch);
// Dirty hack until the button bugs are fixed.
spriteBatch.Draw(tempMPBtn, new Vector2(550.0f, 279.0f), MainGame.NoTint);
if (achieveWindow.IsOpen)
// TODO: Draw stuff
if (optionsWindow.IsOpen)
if (exitPromptBox.IsOpen)
public void CheckBtnInputTS(ButtonGUI btn)
if (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(btn.texRect)) if ((!btn.IsHeld) || (!btn.IsDisabled)) btn.IsHovered = true;
if (!btn.IsDisabled)
if (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(btn.texRect))
btn.IsHovered = true;
if (btn == buttons[7]) btn.Color = Color.Red;
else btn.Color = MainGame.HoverColor;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftClicked())
if (btn == buttons[1])
playWindow.IsOpen = true;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
if (btn == buttons[2])
achieveWindow.IsOpen = true;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
if (btn == buttons[3])
optionsWindow.IsOpen = true;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
if (btn == buttons[4])
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = true;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
if (btn == buttons[5])
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
MainGame.ScreenManager.AddScreen(new CharacterScreen());
if (btn == buttons[6])
if (btn == buttons[7])
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
MainGame.ClassExit = true;
if (btn == buttons[8])
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[1]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[2]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[3]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[4]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[5]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[6]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[7]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) if (btn == buttons[8]) btn.IsHeld = true;
if (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen) buttons[8].IsHeld = false;
btn.IsHovered = false;
btn.IsHeld = false;
btn.Color = MainGame.NoTint;
else btn.Color = MainGame.DisabledColor;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F1))
if ((!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
playWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F2))
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
achieveWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F3))
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
optionsWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F4))
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen))
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = true;
/// <summary>
/// ButtonGUI value can be null not because we are passing the button
/// that opened the window but the buttons that exist within the window.
/// The main buttons are already calling CheckBtnInputTs(ButtonGUI btn)
/// so no need to do that again.
/// </summary>
public void CheckWinInputTS(WindowGUI win, params ButtonGUI[] btn)
if ((MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(win.ExitRect)) && (win.IsOpen))
win.IsExitHovered = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftClicked()) win.IsOpen = false;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) win.IsExitHeld = true;
else if ((!MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(win.ExitRect)) || (!win.IsOpen))
win.IsExitHovered = false;
win.IsExitHeld = false;
for (int i = 5; i < buttons.Length; i++) if ((btn != null) && (win.IsOpen)) CheckBtnInputTS(buttons[i]);
public void CheckBoxInputTS(WindowGUI win, GameTime gameTime, params CheckBoxGUI[] cb)
foreach (CheckBoxGUI checkBox in checkBoxes)
if (!checkBox.IsDisabled)
if ((MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxRect)) || (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxTxtRect)) || (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxMiddleRect)))
checkBox.IsHovered = true;
checkBox.TxtColor = MainGame.HoverColor;
else if ((!MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxRect)) || (!win.IsOpen))
checkBox.IsHovered = false;
checkBox.TxtColor = MainGame.NoTint;
else checkBox.TxtColor = MainGame.DisabledColor;
private void CheckBox0_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
MainGame.IsFPSEnabled = !MainGame.IsFPSEnabled;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Abducted.Helpers;
namespace Abducted.GUIElements
public class ButtonGUIOld
// TODO: Fix disabled buttons still emitting sound upon click.
static Texture2D btnTex, btnTexHover, btnTexDisabled, btnTexHeld;
public static Vector2 btnSize;
SoundEffect clickSFX;
string BTNTxt { get; set; }
public bool IsClicked { get; set; }
public bool IsHovered { get; set; }
public bool IsDisabled { get; set; }
public bool IsHeld { get; set; }
public Rectangle BTNRect { get; set; }
public SpriteFont SpriteFont { get; set; }
public Color Color { get; set; }
public Rectangle texRect { get; set; }
public ButtonGUIOld(bool btnDisabled, Rectangle newTexRect, string newTxt, Rectangle newRect, SpriteFont newSpriteFont, Color newColor, ContentManager content)
texRect = newTexRect;
IsDisabled = btnDisabled;
SpriteFont = newSpriteFont;
BTNRect = newRect;
BTNTxt = newTxt;
Color = newColor;
if (btnTex == null) btnTex = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"0") as Texture2D;
if (btnTexHover == null) btnTexHover = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"1") as Texture2D;
if (btnTexDisabled == null) btnTexDisabled = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"2") as Texture2D;
if (btnTexHeld == null) btnTexHeld = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"3") as Texture2D;
if (clickSFX == null) clickSFX = content.Load<SoundEffect>(MainGame.BGSoundPath + @"1") as SoundEffect;
if (btnTex != null) btnSize = new Vector2(btnTex.Width, btnTex.Height);
public void UnloadContent()
if (btnTex != null) btnTex = null;
if (SpriteFont != null) SpriteFont = null;
if (BTNRect != MainGame.EmptyRect) BTNRect = MainGame.EmptyRect;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTNTxt)) BTNTxt = null;
if (Color != MainGame.SmallColor) Color = MainGame.SmallColor;
if (btnTexHover != null) btnTexHover = null;
if (btnTexDisabled != null) btnTexDisabled = null;
if (btnTexHeld != null) btnTexHeld = null;
if (clickSFX != null) clickSFX = null;
public void Update()
if (!MainGame.IsSoundDisabled)
if ((IsHovered) && (!IsDisabled))
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftClicked())
IsHovered = false;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
if ((SpriteFont != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTNTxt)))
if ((btnTex != null) && (btnTexHover != null) && (btnTexHeld != null) && (btnTexDisabled != null))
if (IsHeld) spriteBatch.Draw(btnTexHeld, texRect, MainGame.NoTint);
else if (IsHovered) spriteBatch.Draw(btnTexHover, texRect, MainGame.NoTint);
else if (IsDisabled) spriteBatch.Draw(btnTexDisabled, texRect, MainGame.NoTint);
else spriteBatch.Draw(btnTex, texRect, MainGame.NoTint);
TextOutliner.DrawBorderedText(spriteBatch, SpriteFont, BTNTxt, new Vector2(BTNRect.X, BTNRect.Y), Color);
From here start the new classes.
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Abducted.Helpers;
namespace Abducted.GUIElements
public abstract class GUIElement
protected SpriteFont Font;
protected string Text;
protected SoundEffect ClickSFX;
public Rectangle Bounds, TextRect;
public Color ForeColor, BackColor;
public bool IsDisabled, IsHovered, IsClicked, IsHeld;
public event EventHandler Click;
public GUIElement(Rectangle newBounds, Rectangle textRect, SpriteFont font, string newTxt, bool isDisabled, ContentManager content)
Bounds = newBounds;
TextRect = textRect;
Text = newTxt;
IsDisabled = isDisabled;
Font = font;
ForeColor = MainGame.NoTint;
BackColor = MainGame.NoTint;
ClickSFX = content.Load<SoundEffect>(MainGame.BGSoundPath + @"1") as SoundEffect;
public virtual void UnloadContent()
if (Bounds != Rectangle.Empty) Bounds = MainGame.EmptyRect;
if (TextRect != Rectangle.Empty) TextRect = MainGame.EmptyRect;
if (Font != null) Font = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) Text = null;
if (ForeColor != MainGame.SmallColor) ForeColor = MainGame.SmallColor;
if (BackColor != MainGame.SmallColor) BackColor = MainGame.SmallColor;
if (ClickSFX != null) ClickSFX = null;
public virtual void Update()
if (!IsDisabled)
if (Bounds.Contains(MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect))
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftClicked()) IsClicked = true;
ForeColor = MainGame.HoverColor;
if (!IsHeld) IsHovered = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftClicked()) if (Click != null) Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) IsHeld = true;
else IsHeld = false;
IsHovered = false;
IsHeld = false;
ForeColor = MainGame.NoTint;
else ForeColor = MainGame.DisabledColor;
public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
if ((Font != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))) TextOutliner.DrawBorderedText(spriteBatch, Font, Text, new Vector2(TextRect.X, TextRect.Y), ForeColor);
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
namespace Abducted.GUIElements
public class ButtonGUINew : GUIElement
static Texture2D btnTex, btnTexHover, btnTexDisabled, btnTexHeld;
public static Vector2 btnSize;
public Rectangle boundsRect { get; set; }
public Rectangle txtRect { get; set; }
string BTNTxt { get; set; }
public ButtonGUINew(Rectangle boundsRectangle, Rectangle txtRectangle, SpriteFont font, string newTxt, bool isDisabled, ContentManager content)
: base(boundsRectangle, txtRectangle, font, newTxt, isDisabled, content)
boundsRect = boundsRectangle;
BTNTxt = newTxt;
IsDisabled = isDisabled;
if (btnTex == null) btnTex = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"0") as Texture2D;
if (btnTexHover == null) btnTexHover = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"1") as Texture2D;
if (btnTexDisabled == null) btnTexDisabled = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"2") as Texture2D;
if (btnTexHeld == null) btnTexHeld = content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.ButtonPath + @"3") as Texture2D;
if (btnTex != null) btnSize = new Vector2(btnTex.Width, btnTex.Height);
public override void UnloadContent()
if (btnTex != null) btnTex = null;
if (boundsRect != MainGame.EmptyRect) boundsRect = MainGame.EmptyRect;
if (txtRect != MainGame.EmptyRect) txtRect = MainGame.EmptyRect;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTNTxt)) BTNTxt = null;
if (btnTexHover != null) btnTexHover = null;
if (btnTexDisabled != null) btnTexDisabled = null;
if (btnTexHeld != null) btnTexHeld = null;
public override void Update()
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
if ((btnTex != null) && (btnTexHover != null) && (btnTexHeld != null) && (btnTexDisabled != null))
if (IsHeld) spriteBatch.Draw(btnTexHeld, boundsRect, MainGame.NoTint);
else if (IsHovered) spriteBatch.Draw(btnTexHover, boundsRect, MainGame.NoTint);
else if (IsDisabled) spriteBatch.Draw(btnTexDisabled, boundsRect, MainGame.NoTint);
else spriteBatch.Draw(btnTex, boundsRect, MainGame.NoTint);
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Abducted.GUIElements;
using Abducted.Helpers;
namespace Abducted.GameScreens
public class TitleScreenNew : GameScreen
string[] menuTxt;
ButtonGUINew[] buttons;
WindowGUI[] windows;
WindowGUI playWindow, achieveWindow, optionsWindow, exitPromptBox;
public TitleScreenNew() { }
public override void LoadContent(ContentManager Content)
if (tempMPBtn == null) tempMPBtn = Content.Load<Texture2D>(MainGame.TempObjPath + @"0") as Texture2D;
xPos = 50;
if (menuTxt == null)
menuTxt = new string[18];
menuTxt[0] = "";
menuTxt[1] = @"Version 1.0-alpha";
menuTxt[2] = @"Copyright (C) 2016 PowerUser Studios";
menuTxt[3] = @"Play Game";
menuTxt[4] = @"Choose a game mode";
menuTxt[5] = @"Single Player";
menuTxt[6] = @"Multi Player";
menuTxt[7] = @"Achievements";
menuTxt[8] = @"Your Achievements";
menuTxt[9] = @"Settings";
menuTxt[10] = @"Game Settings";
menuTxt[11] = @"Display FPS";
menuTxt[12] = @"Enable Sound";
menuTxt[13] = @"Exit Game";
menuTxt[14] = @"Confirm?";
menuTxt[15] = @"OK";
menuTxt[16] = @"Cancel";
if (buttons == null)
buttons = new ButtonGUINew[9];
// Unused Dummy Button
buttons[0] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle((int)MainGame.DefaultPos.X, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.Y, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle((int)MainGame.DefaultPos.X, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.Y, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.X, (int)MainGame.DefaultPos.Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, MainGame.EmptyString, false, Content);
// Real Buttons
buttons[1] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(xPos, 310, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(101, 328, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[3]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[3]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[3], false, Content);
buttons[2] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(xPos, 390, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(73, 411, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[7]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[7]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[7], false, Content);
buttons[3] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(xPos, 470, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(120, 488, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[9]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[9]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[9], false, Content);
buttons[4] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(xPos, 550, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(106, 571, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[13]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[13]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[13], false, Content);
buttons[5] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(550, 199, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(580, 217, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[5]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[5]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[5], false, Content);
buttons[6] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(550, 279, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(588, 297, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[6]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[6]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[6], true, Content);
buttons[7] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(548, 362, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(659, 382, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[15]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[15]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[15], false, Content);
buttons[8] = new ButtonGUINew(new Rectangle(548, 442, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.X, (int)ButtonGUINew.btnSize.Y), new Rectangle(629, 462, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[16]).X, (int)MainGame.GameFontLarge.MeasureString(menuTxt[16]).Y), MainGame.GameFontLarge, menuTxt[16], false, Content);
windowPos = new Vector2(516.0f, 84.0f);
if (windows == null)
windows = new WindowGUI[4];
windows[0] = playWindow = new WindowGUI(windowPos, menuTxt[4], new Vector2(748.0f, 147.0f), true, Content);
windows[1] = achieveWindow = new WindowGUI(windowPos, menuTxt[8], new Vector2(763.0f, 147.0f), true, Content);
windows[2] = optionsWindow = new WindowGUI(windowPos, menuTxt[10], new Vector2(801.0f, 147.0f), true, Content);
windows[3] = exitPromptBox = new WindowGUI(new Vector2(521.0f, 222.0f), menuTxt[14], new Vector2(610.0f, 249.0f), false, Content);
if (checkBoxes == null)
checkBoxes = new CheckBoxGUI[2];
checkBoxes[0] = new CheckBoxGUI(false, false, new Rectangle(800, 200, 16, 16), MainGame.GameFontSmall, MainGame.NoTint, menuTxt[11], content);
checkBoxes[1] = new CheckBoxGUI(true, true, new Rectangle(800, 300, 16, 16), MainGame.GameFontSmall, MainGame.NoTint, menuTxt[12], content);
if (MainGame.IsFPSEnabled) checkBoxes[0].IsChecked = true;
else checkBoxes[0].IsChecked = false;
checkBoxes[0].Click += new EventHandler(CheckBox0_Click);
public override void UnloadContent()
if (tempMPBtn != null) tempMPBtn = null;
if (menuTxt != null) menuTxt = null;
foreach (ButtonGUINew btn in buttons) btn.UnloadContent();
foreach (WindowGUI win in windows) win.UnloadContent();
foreach (CheckBoxGUI checkBox in checkBoxes) checkBox.UnloadContent();
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
foreach (WindowGUI win in windows) win.Update();
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
buttons[i].IsHeld = false;
buttons[1].Click += new EventHandler(Button1_Click);
buttons[2].Click += new EventHandler(Button2_Click);
buttons[3].Click += new EventHandler(Button3_Click);
buttons[4].Click += new EventHandler(Button4_Click);
if (playWindow.IsOpen) buttons[1].IsHeld = true;
if (achieveWindow.IsOpen) buttons[2].IsHeld = true;
if (optionsWindow.IsOpen) buttons[3].IsHeld = true;
if (exitPromptBox.IsOpen) buttons[4].IsHeld = true;
if (playWindow.IsOpen)
buttons[5].Click += new EventHandler(Button5_Click);
buttons[6].Click += new EventHandler(Button6_Click);
if (exitPromptBox.IsOpen)
buttons[7].Click += new EventHandler(Button7_Click);
buttons[8].Click += new EventHandler(Button8_Click);
if (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(buttons[7].Bounds)) buttons[7].ForeColor = Color.Red;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F1))
if ((!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
playWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F2))
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
achieveWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F3))
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!exitPromptBox.IsOpen))
optionsWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F4))
if ((!playWindow.IsOpen) && (!achieveWindow.IsOpen) && (!optionsWindow.IsOpen))
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = true;
CheckBoxInputTS(optionsWindow, gameTime, checkBoxes[0]);
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) buttons[i].Draw(spriteBatch);
foreach (WindowGUI win in windows) win.Draw(spriteBatch);
if (playWindow.IsOpen)
// buttons[6].Draw(spriteBatch);
// Dirty hack until the button bugs are fixed.
spriteBatch.Draw(tempMPBtn, new Vector2(550.0f, 279.0f), MainGame.NoTint);
if (achieveWindow.IsOpen)
// TODO: Draw stuff
if (optionsWindow.IsOpen)
if (exitPromptBox.IsOpen)
public void CheckWinInputTS(WindowGUI win)
if ((MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(win.ExitRect)) && (win.IsOpen))
win.IsExitHovered = true;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftClicked()) win.IsOpen = false;
if (MainGame.InputManager.IsLeftHeld()) win.IsExitHeld = true;
else if ((!MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(win.ExitRect)) || (!win.IsOpen))
win.IsExitHovered = false;
win.IsExitHeld = false;
public void CheckBoxInputTS(WindowGUI win, GameTime gameTime, params CheckBoxGUI[] cb)
foreach (CheckBoxGUI checkBox in checkBoxes)
if (!checkBox.IsDisabled)
if ((MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxRect)) || (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxTxtRect)) || (MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxMiddleRect)))
checkBox.IsHovered = true;
checkBox.TxtColor = MainGame.HoverColor;
else if ((!MainGame.InputManager.MouseRect.Intersects(checkBox.CheckBoxRect)) || (!win.IsOpen))
checkBox.IsHovered = false;
checkBox.TxtColor = MainGame.NoTint;
else checkBox.TxtColor = MainGame.DisabledColor;
private void ClearBtn()
foreach (ButtonGUINew btn in buttons)
btn.ForeColor = MainGame.NoTint;
btn.IsHovered = false;
btn.IsHeld = false;
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
playWindow.IsOpen = true;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
achieveWindow.IsOpen = true;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
private void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
optionsWindow.IsOpen = true;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
private void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = true;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
private void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
MainGame.ScreenManager.AddScreen(new CharacterScreen());
private void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
// ClearBtn();
private void Button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
MainGame.ClassExit = true;
private void Button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
exitPromptBox.IsOpen = false;
optionsWindow.IsOpen = false;
playWindow.IsOpen = false;
achieveWindow.IsOpen = false;
private void CheckBox0_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)
MainGame.IsFPSEnabled = !MainGame.IsFPSEnabled;
Every time I click on a ButtonGUI
it while the left mouse button is held the ButtonGUI
also has IsHeld = true
Now the old behavior was:
- I click on a
. - The specified
opens. ButtonGUI
hasIsHeld = true
while window is open andfalse
when I close it.
Current code behavior:
- I click on a
. - The specified
opens. Good so far... - But now
hasIsHeld = false
while window is open. So I was forced to do the dirty hacks that exist in TitleScreenNew.cs just to make it look the way I want it to.
Is this caused because firing events has delay? It would make sense as when I click the ButtonGUI
it still has the same behavior but the WindowGUI
opens with delay and the ButtonGUI
no longer has IsHeld = true
since the mouse was released.
public bool IsLeftClicked()
if ((PrevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && (CurrMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)) return true;
PrevMouseState = CurrMouseState;
return false;
public bool IsLeftHeld()
if ((PrevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && (CurrMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) return true;
PrevMouseState = CurrMouseState;
return false;
I'd like someone to analyze this for me. I don't want to be forced to keep these hacks in my TitleScreen
ButtonGUI.IsHeld = true
the button texture changes as you can see in bothButtonGUI
classes inDraw()
method. \$\endgroup\$