I have quite huge question/favor to ask but I hope I can get some useful answers. This is my first complete project, I'm still learning C#, my first programming language.
I'm afraid that there will be a lot of things that people won't probably understand but you can also check some of my other questions they include fairly enough information about some of my code.
The main thing about the project is obviously the way I determine the play hand. Here's a link to a little bit more detailed explanation of why I'm using modulus and divide operator to check the current card type/suit : Defining what combination the user have in Poker
How I keep things up-to date: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/121942/update-method-using-timer-in-winforms-poker-app
How I actually check if the player has a specific combination: Strategy pattern using an abstract class and an interface
There are a few more question in my user profile which you can try using to get a better understanding of what's going on. Any improvements are welcomed as well as any suggestion that I can implement.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Poker.Achievements;
using Poker.Combinations;
using Poker.Users;
using Flush = Poker.Achievements.Flush;
using FourOfAKind = Poker.Achievements.FourOfAKind;
using FullHouse = Poker.Achievements.FullHouse;
using RoyalFlush = Poker.Achievements.RoyalFlush;
using Straight = Poker.Achievements.Straight;
using StraightFlush = Poker.Achievements.StraightFlush;
namespace Poker
public partial class MainPoker : Form
public enum TableCards
FirstCard = 12,
SecondCard = 13,
ThirdCard = 14,
FourthCard = 15,
FifthCard = 16
#region Variables
public static Classic Classic = new Classic();
public static RoyalFlush RoyalFlushAchievement = new RoyalFlush(1, new Tuple<string, int?>("Royal Card Pack", 100000));
public static StraightFlush StraightFlushAchievement = new StraightFlush(1,
new Tuple<string, int?>("Bicycle Card Back", 50000));
public static FourOfAKind FourOfAKindAchievement = new FourOfAKind(1, new Tuple<string, int?>("Angel Card Back", 35000));
public static FullHouse FullHouseAchievement = new FullHouse(3, new Tuple<string, int?>("Awesome Card Back", 30000));
public static Flush FlushAchievement = new Flush(5, new Tuple<string, int?>("Water Card Back", 20000));
public static Straight StraightAchievement = new Straight(5, new Tuple<string, int?>("Twisted Card Back", 15000));
public static MoneyFirst MoneyFirstAchievement = new MoneyFirst(500000, new Tuple<string, int?>("Rich Card Back", null));
public static MoneySecond MoneySecondAchievement = new MoneySecond(2000000,
new Tuple<string, int?>("Mansion Card Back", null));
public static PlayedHands PlayedHandsAchievement = new PlayedHands(100, new Tuple<string, int?>("Blue Card Pack", null));
public static Player Player = new Player(Properties.Settings.Default.StartingChips, new Point(560, 470));
public static Bot Bot1 = new Bot(10000, AnchorStyles.Left, "Bot 1", 2, (int)UsersProperties.CUser.Bot1,
new Point(15, 420), false, new Tuple<int?, int>(Player.Chips, 6));
public static Bot Bot2 = new Bot(10000, AnchorStyles.Left, "Bot 2", 4, (int)UsersProperties.CUser.Bot2,
new Point(75, 65), true, new Tuple<int?, int>(Player.Chips, 6));
public static Bot Bot3 = new Bot(10000, AnchorStyles.Left, "Bot 3", 6, (int)UsersProperties.CUser.Bot3,
new Point(590, 25), true, new Tuple<int?, int>(Player.Chips, 6));
public static Bot Bot4 = new Bot(10000, AnchorStyles.Left, "Bot 4", 8, (int)UsersProperties.CUser.Bot4,
new Point(1115, 65), true, new Tuple<int?, int>(Player.Chips, 6));
public static Bot Bot5 = new Bot(10000, AnchorStyles.Left, "Bot 5", 10, (int)UsersProperties.CUser.Bot5,
new Point(1160, 420), false, new Tuple<int?, int>(Player.Chips, 6));
private Hand _sorted;
private readonly Help _help = new Help();
public static int ThinkTime { get; set; } = Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkingTime;
public static int[] AllAchievements { get; set; } = {
public static bool Raising { get; set; }
public static int AchivementMoney { get; set; }
public static int AchivementHands { get; set; }
public static int Bb { get; set; } = 500;
public static int Sb { get; set; } = 250;
public static int Call { get; set; } = 500;
public static int Raise { get; set; }
public static int Rounds { get; set; }
public static int TempCall { get; set; }
public int Folds { get; set; }
public int WonHands { get; set; }
public int LostHands { get; set; }
public int PlayedHands1 { get; set; }
public static string[] StatusLabels { get; } = new string[6];
public static string[] ChipsTextBoxes { get; } = new string[6];
public static string[] UsernameLabels { get; } = new string[6];
public static bool[] AllAchievementsBools { get; set; } = {
Properties.Settings.Default.GetStraight >= StraightAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetFlush >= FlushAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetFullHouse >= FullHouseAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetFourOfAKind >= FourOfAKindAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetStraightFlush >= StraightFlushAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetRoyalFlush >= RoyalFlushAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyF >= MoneyFirstAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyS >= MoneySecondAchievement.Requirement,
Properties.Settings.Default.GetPlayedHands >= PlayedHandsAchievement.Requirement,
public static List<Hand> Win { get; } = new List<Hand>();
public static string GetCards { get; set; } = @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic";
public static string GetBack { get; set; } = @"Assets\Back\Back_Classic\Back_Classic.png";
public static Timer Timer { get; set; } = new Timer();
public static Timer Updates { get; set; } = new Timer();
private int _up = int.MaxValue,
_t = 30,
_foldedPlayers = 5,
_tableNumber = 12;
private const int Flop = 1,
Turn = 2,
River = 3,
End = 4;
private static int _horizontal,
private static bool _restart;
private static bool _addingChips;
private bool _ifFormLoaded;
private static bool dontRepeat;
private static readonly string[] CombinationNames =
" High Card ",
" Pair ",
" Two Pair ",
" Three of a Kind ",
" Straight ",
" Flush ",
" Full House ",
" Four of a Kind ",
" Straight Flush ",
" Royal Flush ! "
private List<bool> _turns = new List<bool>();
private readonly List<UsersProperties> _users = new List<UsersProperties>();
private readonly List<string> _addWinners = new List<string>();
private static readonly int[] _reserve = new int[17];
private static readonly Image[] Deck = new Image[52];
private static readonly PictureBox[] Holder = new PictureBox[17];
private static string[] _imgLocation = Directory.GetFiles(GetCards, "*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
private static readonly List<string> NewImgLocation = new List<string>();
// private static string[] _imgLocation ={
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\51.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\52.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\4.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\20.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\1.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\20.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\1.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\20.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\1.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\20.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\1.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\20.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\1.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\18.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\32.png",
// @"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\10.png",@"Assets\Cards\Pack_Classic\23.png"};
public MainPoker()
if (Player.Chips != null) AchivementMoney = (int)Player.Chips;
AchivementHands = PlayedHands1;
TempCall = Call;
KeyPress +=
Call = Bb;
MaximizeBox = false;
MinimizeBox = false;
Timer.Interval = (1000);
Timer.Tick += timer_Tick;
Updates.Interval = (100);
Updates.Tick += Update_Tick;
tbRaise.Text = (Bb * 2).ToString();
private async void MainPoker_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Player = (Player)SetControls(Player, pStatus, playerName, tbChips);
Bot1 = (Bot)SetControls(Bot1, b1Status, bot1Name, tbBotChips1);
Bot2 = (Bot)SetControls(Bot2, b2Status, bot2Name, tbBotChips2);
Bot3 = (Bot)SetControls(Bot3, b3Status, bot3Name, tbBotChips3);
Bot4 = (Bot)SetControls(Bot4, b4Status, bot4Name, tbBotChips4);
Bot5 = (Bot)SetControls(Bot5, b5Status, bot5Name, tbBotChips5);
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
UsernameLabels[j] = _users[j].Name;
ChipsTextBoxes[j] = _users[j].ChipsTextBox.Text;
StatusLabels[j] = _users[j].StatusLabel.Text;
Player = (Player)SetStatus(Player);
Bot1 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot1);
Bot2 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot2);
Bot3 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot3);
Bot4 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot4);
Bot5 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot5);
_ifFormLoaded = true;
await Shuffle();
UpdateStatistics(Folds, PlayedHands1, LostHands, WonHands);
private string[] Shuffle(string[] input)
var random = new RngCrypto();
for (_i = input.Length; _i > 0; _i--)
int j = random.Next(_i);
string k = input[j];
input[j] = input[_i - 1];
input[_i - 1] = k;
return input;
private static string[] RemoveStrings(string[] input, IEnumerable<string> charsToRemove, int i)
foreach (string c in charsToRemove.Where(c => input != null))
input[i] = input[i].Replace(c, string.Empty);
return input;
private async Task Shuffle()
var refreshBackImage = new Bitmap(GetBack);
MaximizeBox = false;
MinimizeBox = false;
bool check = false;
_horizontal = Player.CardsLocation.X;
_vertical = Player.CardsLocation.Y;
_imgLocation = Shuffle(_imgLocation);
string[] charsToRemove = { GetCards, ".png", @"\" };
for (_i = 0; _i < 17; _i++)
if (dontRepeat) continue;
if (Deck != null) Deck[_i] = Image.FromFile(_imgLocation[_i]);
_imgLocation = RemoveStrings(_imgLocation, charsToRemove, _i);
if (_reserve != null) _reserve[_i] = int.Parse(_imgLocation[_i]) - 1;
if (Holder != null)
Holder[_i] = new PictureBox
SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage,
Height = Settings.Height,
Width = Settings.Width,
Name = "pb" + _i
await Task.Delay(150);
SetPlayers(Player, _i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
SetPlayers(Bot1, _i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
SetPlayers(Bot2, _i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
SetPlayers(Bot3, _i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
SetPlayers(Bot4, _i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
SetPlayers(Bot5, _i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
SetTable(_i, ref check, refreshBackImage);
Bot1 = FoldedPlayer(Bot1);
Bot2 = FoldedPlayer(Bot2);
Bot3 = FoldedPlayer(Bot3);
Bot4 = FoldedPlayer(Bot4);
Bot5 = FoldedPlayer(Bot5);
if (_i != (int)TableCards.FifthCard) continue;
if (!_restart)
MaximizeBox = true;
MinimizeBox = true;
_restart = true;
await Turns();
dontRepeat = true;
private void Ending()
if (_foldedPlayers == 5)
var dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(@"Would You Like To Play Again ?",
@"You Won , Congratulations ! ", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
switch (dialogResult)
case DialogResult.Yes:
case DialogResult.No:
_foldedPlayers = 5;
private Bot FoldedPlayer(Bot user)
if (user.Chips <= 0)
user.FoldTurn = true;
if (Holder != null)
Holder[user.RightCard].Visible = false;
Holder[user.LeftCard].Visible = false;
user.UsernameLabel.Visible = false;
user.FoldTurn = false;
if (_i != user.LeftCard) return user;
if (Holder[user.LeftCard] == null) return user;
Holder[user.RightCard].Visible = true;
Holder[user.LeftCard].Visible = true;
return user;
private void SetPlayers(UsersProperties user, int turn, ref bool check, Image refreshbackImage)
if (user.Chips <= 0) return;
if (turn < user.RightCard || turn > user.LeftCard) return;
if (Holder[user.RightCard].Tag != null)
Holder[user.LeftCard].Tag = _reserve[user.LeftCard];
Holder[user.RightCard].Tag = _reserve[user.RightCard];
if (!check)
_horizontal = user.CardsLocation.X;
_vertical = user.CardsLocation.Y;
check = true;
Holder[turn].Anchor = user.CardsAnchor;
Holder[turn].Image = refreshbackImage;
if (turn < Bot1.RightCard)
Holder[turn].Image = Deck[_i];
Holder[turn].Location = new Point(_horizontal, _vertical);
_horizontal += Holder[turn].Width;
Holder[turn].Visible = true;
user.Panel.Location = user.PanelLocation;
user.Panel.BackColor = Color.DarkBlue;
user.Panel.Size = user.PanelSize;
user.Panel.Visible = false;
if (_i != user.LeftCard) return;
check = false;
private void SetTable(int turn, ref bool check, Image refreshBackImage)
if (turn < _tableNumber) return;
switch (_tableNumber)
case (int)TableCards.FirstCard:
Holder[_tableNumber].Tag = _reserve[_tableNumber];
if (turn > _tableNumber) Holder[turn].Tag = _reserve[turn];
if (!check)
_horizontal = 410;
_vertical = 265;
check = true;
if (Holder[turn] == null) return;
Holder[turn].Anchor = AnchorStyles.None;
Holder[turn].Image = refreshBackImage;
//Holder[i].Image = Deck[i];
Holder[turn].Location = new Point(_horizontal, _vertical);
_horizontal += Holder[turn].Width + 20;
private static UsersProperties SetControls(UsersProperties user, Label status, Label username, TextBox chips)
if (chips != null)
chips.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + user.Chips;
status.Text = StatusLabels[user.EnumCasted];
user.StatusLabel = status;
user.ChipsTextBox = chips;
if (username == null) return user;
username.Location = user.UsernameLabelLocation;
username.Size = user.UsernameLabelSize;
username.Text = user.Name;
username.Visible = true;
user.UsernameLabel = username;
return user;
public static void ReplacePacks()
var previousBack = new Bitmap(GetBack);
string helpPack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardPack;
string helpBack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardBack;
GetBack = helpBack;
GetCards = helpPack;
if (helpPack == null || helpBack == null)
if (helpPack == "") return;
string[] tempImgLocation = Directory.GetFiles(helpPack, "*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
for (int j = 0; j < 17; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < tempImgLocation.Length; k++)
string[] charsToRemove = { helpPack, ".png", @"\" };
tempImgLocation = RemoveStrings(tempImgLocation, charsToRemove, k);
if (_imgLocation[j] == tempImgLocation[k])
int tempInt = int.Parse(tempImgLocation[k]);
if (Help.AreEqual((Bitmap)Holder[j].Image, previousBack))
Holder[j].Image = new Bitmap(helpBack);
GetBack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardBack;
Holder[j].Image = new Bitmap(NewImgLocation[j]);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(@"An unexpected error has occured !" + ex.Message);
if (Deck != null) Deck[j] = new Bitmap(NewImgLocation[j]);
public static void ReplaceBacks()
var previousBack = new Bitmap(GetBack);
string helpBack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardBack;
GetBack = helpBack;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpBack)) return;
for (int j = 0; j < 17; j++)
if (!Help.AreEqual((Bitmap)Holder[j].Image, previousBack)) continue;
Holder[j].Image = new Bitmap(helpBack);
GetBack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardBack;
private static List<bool> ReturnTurns()
return new List<bool>
private void SetPlayerStuff(bool enableOrDisable)
if (enableOrDisable)
pbTimer.Value = 1000;
_t = 30;
Timer.Enabled = true;
else Timer.Enabled = false;
pbTimer.Visible = enableOrDisable;
bRaise.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
bCall.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
bRaise.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
bRaise.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
bFold.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
private async Task Turns()
while (true)
_turns = ReturnTurns();
if (!Player.FoldTurn && Player.Chips > 0)
if (Player.Turn)
Call -= Player.PreviousCall;
_up = int.MaxValue;
Bot1.Turn = true;
_restart = true;
if (!Player.Turn)
await Flip(Player.EnumCasted);
if (Player.FoldTurn || !Player.Turn || Player.Chips <= 0)
Call = TempCall;
if (StatusLabels[Player.EnumCasted].Contains(RepetitiveVariables.Fold))
Bot1.Turn = true;
for (int j = 1; j < _users.Count; j++)
_users[j] = await RotateTurns((Bot)_users[j]);
_restart = false;
if (!_restart)
private async Task<Bot> RotateTurns(Bot user)
UsersProperties[] users = { Player, Bot1, Bot2, Bot3, Bot4, Bot5 };
var userNext = new UsersProperties();
for (int j = 0; j < users.Length; j++)
if (user == users[j])
userNext = j + 1 < users.Length ? users[j + 1] : users[0];
if (!user.FoldTurn && user.Turn)
int previous = user.PreviousCall;
Call -= user.PreviousCall;
if (Properties.Settings.Default.ThinkCheck)
AutoCloseMsb.Show(user.Name + " Turn", "Turns", ThinkTime);
user = (Bot)Ai(user, ref previous);
await CheckTextBoxes();
user.Turn = false;
userNext.Turn = true;
CheckIfBlind(user, previous);
Call = TempCall;
if (user.FoldTurn)
_turns = ReturnTurns();
userNext.Turn = true;
await Flip(user.EnumCasted);
return user;
private static void CheckIfBlind(UsersProperties user, int previousCall)
if (user.StatusLabel.Text.Contains(RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind))
user.PreviousCall = previousCall + Bb;
if (user.StatusLabel.Text.Contains(RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind))
user.PreviousCall = previousCall + Sb;
if (!user.StatusLabel.Text.Contains(RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind) &&
user.PreviousCall = previousCall;
private static UsersProperties PickNextBlindProperties(UsersProperties user, UsersProperties nextUser,
int correctPass, string option)
if (nextUser != null) nextUser.Turn = true;
user.Turn = false;
if (option == RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind)
if (StatusLabels != null) StatusLabels[user.EnumCasted] = RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind + Bb;
user.StatusLabel.Text = RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind + Bb;
user.Chips -= Bb;
user.PreviousCall = Bb;
if (StatusLabels != null) StatusLabels[user.EnumCasted] = RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind + Sb;
user.StatusLabel.Text = RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind + Sb;
user.Chips -= Sb;
user.PreviousCall = Sb;
_correct = correctPass;
_correct = correctPass;
user = GetStatus(user);
return user;
private void PickNextBlind()
switch (_newTurn)
case 0:
Bot5 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot5, Player, Bot5.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind);
Bot4 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot4, Player, Bot5.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind);
case 1:
Player =
(Player)PickNextBlindProperties(Player, Bot1, Player.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind);
Bot5 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot5, Bot1, Player.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind);
case 2:
Bot1 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot1, Bot2, Bot1.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind);
Player =
(Player)PickNextBlindProperties(Player, Bot2, Bot1.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind);
case 3:
Bot2 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot2, Bot3, Bot2.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind);
Bot1 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot1, Bot3, Bot2.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind);
case 4:
Bot3 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot3, Bot4, Bot3.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind);
Bot2 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot2, Bot4, Bot3.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind);
case 5:
Bot4 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot4, Bot5, Bot4.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.BigBlind);
Bot3 = (Bot)PickNextBlindProperties(Bot3, Bot5, Bot4.EnumCasted, RepetitiveVariables.SmallBlind);
tbPot.Text = (Sb + Bb).ToString();
private void Combinations(UsersProperties user)
if (user.StatusLabel.Text.Contains(RepetitiveVariables.Fold)) return;
for (_i = 0; _i < 16; _i++)
if (_reserve[_i] == int.Parse(Holder[user.RightCard].Tag.ToString()) &&
_reserve[_i + 1] == int.Parse(Holder[user.LeftCard].Tag.ToString()))
var combinationAnalyzers = new List<BaseCombinationAnalyzer>
new HighCard(user, _reserve),
new PairFromTable(user, _reserve),
new PairInHand(user, _reserve),
new PairHandTable(user, _reserve),
new TwoPairFromTable(user, _reserve),
new TwoPairHandPairTablePair(user, _reserve),
new TwoPairHandTable(user, _reserve),
new TwoPairTwoDifferent(user, _reserve),
new ThreeOfAKind(user, _reserve),
new Combinations.Straight(user, _reserve),
new Combinations.Flush(user, _reserve),
new Combinations.FullHouse(user, _reserve),
new Combinations.FourOfAKind(user, _reserve),
new Combinations.StraightFlush(user, _reserve),
new Combinations.RoyalFlush(user, _reserve)
foreach (var combination in combinationAnalyzers)
if (Win.Count > 0)
_sorted =
Win.OrderByDescending(op => op.Current)
.ThenByDescending(op => op.Power)
private void Picking(int turn, int start, int segashenHod)
if (segashenHod != turn) return;
for (int k = start; k >= 0; k--)
if (_turns[k])
_correct = Array.LastIndexOf(_turns.ToArray(), false);
_correct = k;
private static void Show(int start, int end)
for (int j = start; j <= end; j++)
if (Holder[j].Image == Deck[j]) continue;
Holder[j].Image = Deck[j];
Player.PreviousCall = 0;
Bot1.PreviousCall = 0;
Bot2.PreviousCall = 0;
Bot3.PreviousCall = 0;
Bot4.PreviousCall = 0;
Bot5.PreviousCall = 0;
private async Task Restart()
UpdateStatistics(Folds, PlayedHands1, LostHands, WonHands);
_winners = 0;
Call = Bb;
TempCall = Call;
Raise = 0;
Rounds = 0;
_restart = false;
Raising = false;
_addingChips = false;
_sorted.Current = (int)Hand.Combinations.Default;
_sorted.Power = 0d;
tbPot.Text = @"0";
_t = 30;
_up = int.MaxValue;
_turnCount = 0;
Bot.PotText = Bb + Sb;
if (_newTurn < 5)
_newTurn = 0;
_imgLocation = Directory.GetFiles(GetCards, "*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
for (int os = 0; os < 17; os++)
Holder[os].Image = null;
Holder[os].Visible = false;
dontRepeat = false;
await Shuffle();
private static void ResetProperties(UsersProperties user)
user.Type = (int)Hand.Combinations.Default;
user.Power = 0;
user.FoldTurn = false;
user.Panel.Visible = false;
user.PreviousCall = 0;
user.StatusLabel.Text = "";
private void RefillChips()
if (Player.Chips > 0) return;
var f2 = new AddChips();
if (f2.A == 0) return;
Player.Chips = f2.A;
Bot1.Chips += f2.A / 2;
Bot2.Chips += f2.A / 2;
Bot3.Chips += f2.A / 2;
Bot4.Chips += f2.A / 2;
Bot5.Chips += f2.A / 2;
Bb = (int)Player.Chips / 30;
Sb = Bb / 2;
Player.FoldTurn = false;
Player.Turn = true;
bRaise.Enabled = true;
bFold.Enabled = true;
bCheck.Enabled = true;
bRaise.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Raise;
private async Task CheckLabels()
const string fold = @"Fold";
bool[] conditions =
StatusLabels[Player.EnumCasted] == fold,
StatusLabels[Bot1.EnumCasted] == fold,
StatusLabels[Bot2.EnumCasted] == fold,
StatusLabels[Bot3.EnumCasted] == fold,
StatusLabels[Bot4.EnumCasted] == fold,
StatusLabels[Bot5.EnumCasted] == fold
var a = StatusLabels.Count(x => x == fold);
if (a == 5)
var lastOne = Array.IndexOf(conditions, false);
var users = new List<UsersProperties> { Player, Bot1, Bot2, Bot3, Bot4, Bot5 };
foreach (var t in users.Where(t => lastOne == t.EnumCasted))
t.Panel.Visible = true;
t.Chips += int.Parse(tbPot.Text);
MessageBox.Show(t.Name + @" Wins");
if (t == Player)
UpdateStatistics(Folds, PlayedHands1, LostHands, WonHands);
await Restart();
private async Task CheckTextBoxes()
const string fold = @"Fold";
const int zero = 0;
bool[] conditions =
Player.Chips != zero && StatusLabels[Player.EnumCasted] != fold,
Bot1.Chips != zero && StatusLabels[Bot1.EnumCasted] != fold,
Bot2.Chips != zero && StatusLabels[Bot2.EnumCasted] != fold,
Bot3.Chips != zero && StatusLabels[Bot3.EnumCasted] != fold,
Bot4.Chips != zero && StatusLabels[Bot4.EnumCasted] != fold,
Bot5.Chips != zero && StatusLabels[Bot5.EnumCasted] != fold
string[] zeroChips =
ChipsTextBoxes[Player.EnumCasted], ChipsTextBoxes[Bot1.EnumCasted],
ChipsTextBoxes[Bot2.EnumCasted], ChipsTextBoxes[Bot3.EnumCasted], ChipsTextBoxes[Bot4.EnumCasted],
var a = zeroChips.Count(x => x == RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero);
var b = StatusLabels.Count(x => x == fold);
var c = conditions.Count(x => x);
if (6 - b == a && b != 5 || c == 1 && a > 0)
_sorted.Current = (int)Hand.Combinations.Default;
_sorted.Power = 0d;
Player = (Player)Winner(Player, 1);
Bot1 = (Bot)Winner(Bot1, 0);
Bot2 = (Bot)Winner(Bot2, 0);
Bot3 = (Bot)Winner(Bot3, 0);
Bot4 = (Bot)Winner(Bot4, 0);
Bot5 = (Bot)Winner(Bot5, 2);
await Restart();
private async Task Flip(int currentTurn)
bool foldOnFlip = false;
var a = StatusLabels.Count(x => x == RepetitiveVariables.Fold);
if (a == 5)
await CheckLabels();
int ravno = _turns.Count(c => !c) == 2 ? 0 : 1;
if (Raising)
_turnCount = 0;
Raising = false;
if (currentTurn == Player.EnumCasted)
_correct = Array.LastIndexOf(_turns.ToArray(), false);
Picking(Bot1.EnumCasted, Player.EnumCasted, currentTurn);
Picking(Bot2.EnumCasted, Bot1.EnumCasted, currentTurn);
Picking(Bot3.EnumCasted, Bot2.EnumCasted, currentTurn);
Picking(Bot4.EnumCasted, Bot3.EnumCasted, currentTurn);
if (currentTurn == Bot5.EnumCasted)
_correct = Array.LastIndexOf(_turns.ToArray(), false, 4, _turns.ToArray().Length - 1);
if (_turns[_correct])
foldOnFlip = true;
if (_turns.Count(c => !c) == StatusLabels.Count(c1 => c1 == RepetitiveVariables.Check))
foldOnFlip = true;
if (currentTurn == _correct && _turnCount > ravno || foldOnFlip)
Raise = 0;
Call = 0;
_turnCount = 0;
TempCall = 0;
_correct = currentTurn;
if (!Player.FoldTurn) StatusLabels[Player.EnumCasted] = "";
if (!Bot1.FoldTurn) StatusLabels[Bot1.EnumCasted] = "";
if (!Bot2.FoldTurn) StatusLabels[Bot2.EnumCasted] = "";
if (!Bot3.FoldTurn) StatusLabels[Bot3.EnumCasted] = "";
if (!Bot4.FoldTurn) StatusLabels[Bot4.EnumCasted] = "";
if (!Bot5.FoldTurn) StatusLabels[Bot5.EnumCasted] = "";
if (Rounds == Flop)
Show((int)TableCards.FirstCard, (int)TableCards.ThirdCard);
if (Rounds == Turn)
Show((int)TableCards.ThirdCard, (int)TableCards.FourthCard);
if (Rounds == River)
Show((int)TableCards.FourthCard, (int)TableCards.FifthCard);
if (Rounds >= End)
Winner(Player, 1);
Winner(Bot1, 0);
Winner(Bot2, 0);
Winner(Bot3, 0);
Winner(Bot4, 0);
Winner(Bot5, 2);
await Restart();
private UsersProperties Winner(UsersProperties inputUser, int options)
var user = inputUser;
for (int j = 0; j <= 16; j++)
if (Holder[j].Visible)
Holder[j].Image = Deck[j];
if (options == 1)
_sorted.Current = (int)Hand.Combinations.Default;
_sorted.Power = 0d;
Player = (Player)RemoveFolded(Player);
Bot1 = (Bot)RemoveFolded(Bot1);
Bot2 = (Bot)RemoveFolded(Bot2);
Bot3 = (Bot)RemoveFolded(Bot3);
Bot4 = (Bot)RemoveFolded(Bot4);
Bot5 = (Bot)RemoveFolded(Bot5);
if (user.Type == _sorted.Current && user.Power == _sorted.Power)
Timer.Enabled = false;
user.Panel.Visible = true;
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.HighCard)
MessageBox.Show(user.Name + CombinationNames[0]);
MessageBox.Show(user.Name + CombinationNames[user.Type]);
if (options != 2) return user;
Player = (Player)WinnersUpdate(Player);
Bot1 = (Bot)WinnersUpdate(Bot1);
Bot2 = (Bot)WinnersUpdate(Bot2);
Bot3 = (Bot)WinnersUpdate(Bot3);
Bot4 = (Bot)WinnersUpdate(Bot4);
Bot5 = (Bot)WinnersUpdate(Bot5);
return user;
private UsersProperties WinnersUpdate(UsersProperties user)
if (!_addWinners.Contains(user.Name)) return user;
if (user.Name == Player.Name)
user.Chips += int.Parse(tbPot.Text) / _winners;
user.ChipsTextBox.Text = user.Chips.ToString();
user.Panel.Visible = true;
UpdateStatistics(Folds, PlayedHands1, LostHands, WonHands);
return user;
public void EditSettings()
Properties.Settings.Default.GetStraight = AllAchievements[StraightAchievement.EnumCasted];
Properties.Settings.Default.GetFlush = AllAchievements[FlushAchievement.EnumCasted];
Properties.Settings.Default.GetFullHouse = AllAchievements[FullHouseAchievement.EnumCasted];
Properties.Settings.Default.GetFourOfAKind = AllAchievements[FourOfAKindAchievement.EnumCasted];
Properties.Settings.Default.GetStraightFlush = AllAchievements[StraightFlushAchievement.EnumCasted];
Properties.Settings.Default.GetRoyalFlush = AllAchievements[RoyalFlushAchievement.EnumCasted];
private void NewCombinationAchievement(UsersProperties user)
if (user != Player || user.Type < (int)Hand.Combinations.Straight) return;
AllAchievements[user.Type - 4]++;
if (AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[user.Type - 4].IsUnlocked(AllAchievements[user.Type - 4],
AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[user.Type - 4].Requirement))
if (AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[user.Type - 4].Rewards.Item2 != null &&
AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[user.Type - 4].Rewards.Item2 >
var item2 = AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[user.Type - 4].Rewards.Item2;
if (item2 != null)
Properties.Settings.Default.StartingChips =
UnlockedNewAchievement(user.Type - 4);
else if (AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[user.Type - 4].Rewards.Item2 == null)
UnlockedNewAchievement(user.Type - 4);
private static void NewMoneyAchievement()
Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyF = AllAchievements[MoneyFirstAchievement.EnumCasted];
Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyS = AllAchievements[MoneySecondAchievement.EnumCasted];
//smenqne na granicite na fora pri dobavqne na novi parichni achi
for (int j = MoneyFirstAchievement.EnumCasted; j <= MoneySecondAchievement.EnumCasted; j++)
if (Player.Chips >= AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[j].Requirement)
if (AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[j].Rewards.Item2 != null &&
AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[j].Rewards.Item2 <
Properties.Settings.Default.StartingChips =
else if (AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[j].Rewards.Item2 == null)
if (Player.Chips != null)
Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyF = (int)Player.Chips;
Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyS = (int)Player.Chips;
private static void UnlockedNewAchievement(int achiNumber)
AllAchievements[MoneyFirstAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyF;
AllAchievements[MoneySecondAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyS;
AllAchievements[PlayedHandsAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetPlayedHands;
AllAchievements[StraightAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetStraight;
AllAchievements[FlushAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetFlush;
AllAchievements[FullHouseAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetFullHouse;
AllAchievements[FourOfAKindAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetFourOfAKind;
AllAchievements[StraightFlushAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetStraightFlush;
AllAchievements[RoyalFlushAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetRoyalFlush;
if (!AllAchievementsBools[achiNumber])
AllAchievementsBools[achiNumber] = true;
Updates.Enabled = false;
DialogResult dialogResult =
@"You have unlocked new achievement !" + Environment.NewLine +
@"Would You like to check it out ?", @"Achievement", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) return;
Timer.Enabled = false;
new Help().ShowNewAchievement(AchievementRequirements.AchivementList[achiNumber]);
private UsersProperties RemoveFolded(UsersProperties user)
if (user.StatusLabel.Text.Contains(RepetitiveVariables.Fold))
user.Type = (int)Hand.Combinations.Default;
user.Power = 0;
return user;
private static UsersProperties Ai(Bot user, ref int previous)
if (!user.FoldTurn)
if (Rounds == 0)
for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++)
for (int k = 1; k < 10; k++)
if ((_reserve[user.RightCard] / 4 != j || _reserve[user.LeftCard] / 4 != k) &&
(_reserve[user.RightCard] / 4 != k || _reserve[user.LeftCard] / 4 != j)) continue;
if (Call <= 0)
user = user.Check(user, out previous);
goto skip;
if (Call <= user.Chips)
user = user.Call(user, out previous);
goto skip;
user = user.Fold(user);
goto skip;
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.HighCard || user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.PairTable)
user.HighCard(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.Pair)
user.PairHand(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.TwoPair)
user.TwoPair(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.ThreeOfAKind)
user.ThreeOfAKind(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.Straight)
user.Straight(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.Flush)
user.Flush(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.FullHouse)
user.FullHouse(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.FourOfAKind)
user.FourOfAKind(user, ref previous);
if (user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.StraightFlush ||
user.Type == (int)Hand.Combinations.RoyalFlush)
user.StraightFlush(user, ref previous);
if (user.StatusLabel.Text.Contains(RepetitiveVariables.Fold))
Holder[user.RightCard].Visible = false;
Holder[user.LeftCard].Visible = false;
user.UsernameLabel.Visible = false;
if (user.Chips <= 0)
user.FoldTurn = true;
if (Call < Raise)
Call = Convert.ToInt32(Raise);
return user;
#region User Interface
private async void timer_Tick(object sender, object e)
_help.Shown += (o, k) =>
Timer.Enabled = false;
Updates.Enabled = false;
if (pbTimer.Value <= 0)
Player.FoldTurn = true;
Player.Turn = false;
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Fold;
ThinkTime = 0;
UpdateStatistics(Folds, PlayedHands1, LostHands, WonHands);
await Turns();
if (_t > 0)
pbTimer.Value = _t / 3 * 100;
private void Update_Tick(object sender, object e)
AllAchievements[MoneyFirstAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyF;
AllAchievements[MoneySecondAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetMoneyS;
AllAchievements[PlayedHandsAchievement.EnumCasted] = Properties.Settings.Default.GetPlayedHands;
_help.Shown += (o, k) =>
Timer.Enabled = false;
Updates.Enabled = false;
if (_ifFormLoaded)
Player = (Player)SetStatus(Player);
Bot1 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot1);
Bot2 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot2);
Bot3 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot3);
Bot4 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot4);
Bot5 = (Bot)SetStatus(Bot5);
Updates.Enabled = true;
tbPot.Text = Bot.PotText.ToString();
if (Player.Chips <= 0)
tbChips.Text = RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero;
if (Bot1.Chips <= 0)
tbBotChips1.Text = RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero;
if (Bot2.Chips <= 0)
tbBotChips2.Text = RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero;
if (Bot3.Chips <= 0)
tbBotChips3.Text = RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero;
if (Bot4.Chips <= 0)
tbBotChips4.Text = RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero;
if (Bot5.Chips <= 0)
tbBotChips5.Text = RepetitiveVariables.ChipsZero;
tbChips.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Player.Chips;
tbBotChips1.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Bot1.Chips;
tbBotChips2.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Bot2.Chips;
tbBotChips3.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Bot3.Chips;
tbBotChips4.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Bot4.Chips;
tbBotChips5.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Bot5.Chips;
ChipsTextBoxes[0] = tbChips.Text;
ChipsTextBoxes[1] = tbBotChips1.Text;
ChipsTextBoxes[2] = tbBotChips2.Text;
ChipsTextBoxes[3] = tbBotChips3.Text;
ChipsTextBoxes[4] = tbBotChips4.Text;
ChipsTextBoxes[5] = tbBotChips5.Text;
if (Player.Chips <= 0)
Player.Turn = false;
Player.FoldTurn = true;
_t = 0;
if (_up > 0)
_up = int.MaxValue;
if (Player.Chips >= Call)
bCall.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Call + Call;
bCall.Text = RepetitiveVariables.AllIn;
bRaise.Enabled = false;
if (Call > 0)
bCheck.Enabled = false;
if (Call <= 0 && Player.Chips > 0)
bCheck.Enabled = true;
bCall.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Call;
bCall.Enabled = false;
if (Player.Chips <= 0)
bRaise.Enabled = false;
int parsedValue;
if (tbRaise.Text != "" && int.TryParse(tbRaise.Text, out parsedValue))
bRaise.Text = Player.Chips <= int.Parse(tbRaise.Text)
? RepetitiveVariables.AllIn
: RepetitiveVariables.Raise;
if (Player.Chips <= Call)
bRaise.Enabled = false;
private async void bFold_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Fold;
Player.Turn = false;
Player.FoldTurn = true;
UpdateStatistics(Folds, PlayedHands1, LostHands, WonHands);
Player = (Player)GetStatus(Player);
await Turns();
private async void bCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Call <= 0)
Player.Turn = false;
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Check;
bCheck.Enabled = false;
Player.PreviousCall = 0;
Player = (Player)GetStatus(Player);
await Turns();
private async void bCall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Player.Chips >= Call)
Player.Chips -= Call;
tbChips.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Player.Chips;
tbPot.Text = tbPot.Text != ""
? (Bot.PotText = int.Parse(tbPot.Text) + Call).ToString()
: Call.ToString();
Player.Turn = false;
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Call + TempCall;
Player.PreviousCall = Call;
else if (Player.Chips <= Call && Call > 0)
if (Player.Chips != null)
Bot.PotText = int.Parse(tbPot.Text) + (int)Player.Chips;
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.AllIn + Player.Chips;
Player.Chips = 0;
tbChips.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Chips + Player.Chips;
Player.Turn = false;
bFold.Enabled = false;
Player.PreviousCall = (int)Player.Chips;
Player = (Player)GetStatus(Player);
await Turns();
private async void bRaise_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int parsedValue;
if (tbRaise.Text != "" && int.TryParse(tbRaise.Text, out parsedValue))
if (Player.Chips > Call)
if (int.Parse(tbRaise.Text) < Bb * 2)
tbRaise.Text = (Bb * 2).ToString();
MessageBox.Show(@"You must raise atleast twice as the current Big Blind !");
if (Raise > 0 && Raise * 2 > int.Parse(tbRaise.Text))
tbRaise.Text = (Raise * 2).ToString();
MessageBox.Show(@"You must raise atleast twice as the current raise !");
if (Player.Chips >= int.Parse(tbRaise.Text))
Call = int.Parse(tbRaise.Text);
TempCall = Call;
Raise = int.Parse(tbRaise.Text);
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Raise + TempCall;
Bot.PotText = int.Parse(tbPot.Text) + Call;
bCall.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Call;
Player.Chips -= int.Parse(tbRaise.Text);
Raising = true;
Player.PreviousCall = Convert.ToInt32(Raise);
if (Player.Chips != null)
Call = (int)Player.Chips;
TempCall = Call;
Raise = (int)Player.Chips;
Bot.PotText = int.Parse(tbPot.Text) + (int)Player.Chips;
pStatus.Text = RepetitiveVariables.Raise + TempCall;
Player.Chips = 0;
Raising = true;
Player.PreviousCall = Convert.ToInt32(Raise);
Player.Turn = false;
Player = (Player)GetStatus(Player);
await Turns();
public static UsersProperties SetStatus(UsersProperties user)
user.StatusLabel.Text = StatusLabels[user.EnumCasted];
user.ChipsTextBox.Text = ChipsTextBoxes[user.EnumCasted];
return user;
public static UsersProperties GetStatus(UsersProperties user)
StatusLabels[user.EnumCasted] = user.StatusLabel.Text;
ChipsTextBoxes[user.EnumCasted] = user.ChipsTextBox.Text;
return user;
UserProperties class:
namespace Poker.Users
public class UsersProperties : UserControl
public enum CUser
public int RightCard { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int? Chips { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
public bool Turn { get; set; }
public bool FoldTurn { get; set; }
public int PreviousCall { get; set; }
public int LeftCard { get; set; }
public double Power { get; set; }
public int EnumCasted { get; set; }
Edit Adding GitHub for the project : https://github.com/tempAccount741/PokerReview