
Products Class that are like

Table, Chair, etc.

Please review it and give your thoughts and let me know if there are any rooms for improvement.



abstract class Products


class Table extends products
    public function __construct()
        echo "New Table Created";

class Chair extends products
    public function __construct()
        echo "New Chair Created";

Factory Class That can produce Plastic Furniture, Wooden Furniture

Abstract Factory Class - FurnitureClass

include "products.php";

abstract class FurnitureFactory
    abstract function building();

class WoodenFactory extends FurnitureFactory
    const TABLE = 1;
    const CHAIRS = 2;

    public function building()
        echo "Building Wooden Furniture";

    public function makeWoodenTable()
        echo "Wooden ";
        return new Table();

    public function makeWoodenChair()
        echo "Wooden ";
        return new Chair();

class PlasticFactory extends FurnitureFactory
    public function building()
        echo "Building Plastic Furniture";

$wfactory = new WoodenFactory();
$wtable = $wfactory->makeWoodenTable();
$wchair - $wfactory->makeWoodenChair();
  • \$\begingroup\$ seems to be redundant in case if some factory should build a furniture set which is comprised of 1 table and 2 chairs \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 12, 2016 at 20:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ imho, having a WoodenFactory where you have to call makeWooden... methods, is not entirely how you would like your factory. A makeTable and makeChair will make more sence. Then every furnitureFactory can have a makeTable and makeChair, changing the factory from Wooden to Plastic just produces different objects. (instead of also changing the method calls) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 7:59

1 Answer 1


The class Products seems better named as Product (singular) since a table is a type of product, as is a chair.

The methods in WoodenFactory could simply be static methods since they don't appear to depend on any state, and thus the word wooden could be removed from them - e.g. WoodenFactory::makeTable() and WoodenFactory::makeChair().

The constants TABLE and CHAIRS don't appear to be used for anything...


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