
I have the following code that converts a string that looks like aaa-bbb|ccc-ddd|eee-fff to two strings that look like aaa|ccc|eee and bbb|ddd|fff.

var splittedId = id.split('|');
var from = "", to = "";
$(splittedId).each(function(a,b) {
    from = from + b.split("-")[0]+"|";
    to = to + b.split("-")[1] + "|";
from = from.substring(0,from.length-1);
to = to.substring(0,to.length-1);

The code works fine, but I am wondering if it's possible to do this in fewer operations / or with faster runtime.


1 Answer 1


Yes, there are few built-in array functions you may use to simplify your code. I don't think you will ever notice any performance difference but code will also be easier to read:


// Format is fixed then it's easy to use a regex
var splittedId = id.split(/[\|-]/);

// Now we can pick "every other element" and then join strings
var from = splittedId.filter(function (v, i) {
    return i & 1 == 0;

var to = splittedId.filter(function (v, i) {
    return i & 1 == 1;

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