I did a maze thing ages ago that could support any number of dimensions, but it was very slow to generate. To get an idea of how it generally works with the multiplier and stuff, here's a gif of something I made with it:
One thing that always bugged me was I couldn't figure out pathfinding, and I thought there'd be some cool looking intricate paths between some stuff. I asked about that (since I'm stuck at home doing nothing due to having a broken wrist), and someone suggested linked lists, so I rewrote it all, and managed to get pathfinding between two points working fairly easily.
However, since I'd made the nearest neighbour check run by default, checking for collisions was a huge bottleneck. I tried to optimise it a little, by only doing the pythagoras stuff if the highest coordinate difference was within the combined size of two nodes, which did speed it up like 2x, but it was still quite slow.
Someone else suggested that's what you use trees for, and since I have no idea how KD trees work (and also the list is constantly being added to), I spent a good few hours yesterday making an octree that would work in any dimension, so I could find which nodes are near to then narrow down what the collision function has to check through. The result was like 2.5x faster at 1000 nodes, but exponentially going up to like 10x faster at 8000 nodes, which I'm pretty happy with.
I've just got it fully working and cleaned up now, so I'm looking for a bit of feedback on either my writing style or anything that could be improved. Also, before the line length is mentioned, I decided to do 100 instead of 80.
from __future__ import division
import random
import cPickle
class Node(object):
"""Store the data for each node."""
def __init__(self, id, location, size, distance=0,
parent=None, children=None, tree=None, neighbours=None):
self.id = id
self.location = tuple(location)
self.size = size
self.parent = parent
self.distance = distance
self.children = children if children else []
self.tree = tree
self.neighbours = neighbours
def __repr__(self):
return ('Node(id={x.id}, '
'tree={x.tree}, '
'distance={x.distance}, '
'location={x.location}, '
'size={x.size}, '
'parent={x.parent}, '
'children={x.children}, '
def update_neighbours(self):
self.neighbours = len(self.children) + (self.parent is not None)
def update_parent(self, parent, node_list):
"""Set a new parent and calculate the distance from origin."""
if parent < 0:
parent = None
self.parent = parent
self.distance = node_list[parent].distance + 1
except TypeError:
self.distance = 0
def recursive_pathfind(start, end, node_list, _path=[], _reverse=True, _last_id=None):
"""Recursively find a path between two nodes."""
_path = _path + [start]
#Path complete
if start == end:
return _path
#Search parents
if _reverse:
parent = node_list[start].parent
if parent is not None:
found_path = recursive_pathfind(parent, end, node_list,
_path=_path, _reverse=True, _last_id=start)
if found_path is not None:
return found_path
#Search children
for node_id in node_list[start].children:
if node_id != _last_id:
found_path = recursive_pathfind(node_id, end, node_list,
_path=_path, _reverse=False, _last_id=start)
if found_path is not None:
return found_path
return None
class CoordinateToSegment(object):
"""Class used for the tree calculations.
Its main purpose is to find which segment a node would be in, and
generate the path to it.
def __init__(self, dimensions, tree_data):
self.td = tree_data
self.dimensions = dimensions
self._range = range(dimensions)
n = 0
#Build index of paths
self.paths = {}
for path in self._paths():
self.paths[tuple(path)] = n
n += 1
def convert(self, coordinates, point_size):
"""Convert a coordinate into segments."""
if len(coordinates) != self.dimensions:
raise ValueError('invalid coordinate size')
#Find path to each coordinate
segments = []
for i in self._range:
segments.append(self._find_segment(coordinates[i], point_size))
#Trim them all to the same length
min_len = min(len(i) for i in segments)
segments = [tuple(i[:min_len]) for i in segments]
#Calculate the path IDs
path = [self.paths[i] for i in zip(*segments)]
return path
def reverse(self, segment):
"""Calculate the coordinates from a segment.
This only gives a rough value, and is only needed for debugging.
#Find path from the path index IDs
segments = [k for i in segment for k, v in self.paths.iteritems() if v == i]
#Split into separate coordinates
joined_segments = []
for i in range(self.dimensions):
joined_segments.append([j[i] for j in segments])
#Calculate where the coordinate is following the path
totals = []
for coordinate in joined_segments:
n = self.td.size - 1
total = 0
for i in coordinate:
total += i * pow(2, n)
n -= 1
print totals
def _paths(self, current_path=None, current_level=0, directions=(-1, 1)):
"""Generate a list of paths in the current dimension.
This is used to get the path index.
if current_path is None:
current_path = []
if current_level == self.dimensions:
return [current_path]
#Repeat recursively until editing current_path[-1]
return_path = []
for i in directions:
return_path += self._paths(current_path + [i], current_level + 1,
return return_path
def _find_segment(self, coordinate, point_size):
"""Convert a number into the correct segment.
If the maximum tree size changes, this needs to be recalculated.
This runs until either the minimum size has been hit, or the
node is overlapping multiple segments.
total = 0
path = []
coordinate_sort = sorted((coordinate - point_size, coordinate + point_size))
for i in range(self.td.size - self.td.min - 1):
current_amount = pow(2, self.td.size - i - 1)
#Detect whether to end or which way to continue
if coordinate == total or coordinate_sort[0] <= total <= coordinate_sort[1]:
return path
elif coordinate_sort[1] < total:
total -= current_amount
elif coordinate_sort[0] > total:
total += current_amount
raise ValueError('unknown segment error')
return path
def get_recursive_items(tree, items=None):
"""Iterate through a list to get all recursive items."""
if items is None:
items = []
for branch in tree:
items += get_recursive_items(branch)
except TypeError:
items += tree
return items
class TreeData(object):
"""Class to store the tree of points.
It can work in any dimension, and dynamically grows when needed.
def __init__(self, generation, start_size, min_size=None):
self._gen = generation
self._conversion = CoordinateToSegment(self._gen.dimensions, self)
if min_size is None:
min_size = start_size
self.size = start_size
self.min = min_size
self._branch_length = range(len(self._conversion.paths) + 1)
self.data = [[] for i in self._branch_length]
def adjust_size(self, coordinate):
"""Increase the size of the tree if needed.
If the size does change, everything is recalculated.
start_size = self.size
highest_coord = max(coordinate)
lowest_coord = min(coordinate)
#Increment by 1 until the size fits
max_range = pow(2, self.size)
while max_range < highest_coord or -max_range > lowest_coord:
self.size += 1
max_range = pow(2, self.size)
if self.size - start_size:
def recalculate(self):
"""Recalculate the path to every point."""
self.data = [[] for i in self._branch_length]
for node in self._gen.nodes:
path = self.calculate(node.location, node.size, check_size=False)
self.add(node, path)
def add(self, node, path):
"""Add a node to the tree."""
node.tree = path
def calculate(self, location, size, check_size=True):
"""Calculate the path to a point with location and size."""
if check_size:
path = self._conversion.convert(location, size)
return path
def near(self, path):
"""Find all nodes near a path for collision checking.
Use TreeData.calculate to get the path.
branch, nodes = self._recursive_branch(path)
nearby_nodes = get_recursive_items(branch)
return nearby_nodes + nodes
def _recursive_branch(self, path):
"""Follows a recursive path to get part of a list.
If the path goes deeper than the list, new branches of the list
will be created.
For collision check purposes, a list of all items found going
to that branch is also returned.
branch = self.data
nodes = []
for branch_id in path:
nodes += branch[-1]
#Create new branch if it doesn't exist
if not branch[branch_id]:
branch[branch_id] = [[] for i in self._branch_length]
branch = branch[branch_id]
return branch, nodes
class GenerationCore(object):
"""Create and store the main generation."""
def __init__(self, dimensions, size=1, min_size=None, multiplier=0.99,
bounds=None, max_retries=None, _nodes=None, _tree_data=None):
self.nodes = [] if _nodes is None else _nodes
self.dimensions = dimensions
self.range = range(dimensions)
self.directions = self._possible_directions()
self.size = max(0.001, size)
self.bounds = bounds
self.retries = max_retries
self.multiplier = max(0.001, multiplier)
self.highest = 0
if self.retries is None:
self.retries = self.dimensions
#Check the bounds are in the correct format
if self.bounds is not None:
if len(self.bounds) != 2:
raise ValueError('bounding box should contain 2 values')
for item in self.bounds:
if len(item) != self.dimensions:
raise ValueError('incorrect bounding box size')
#Find out how small the tree needs to go
if min_size is None:
min_size = self.size / 20
self.min_size = max(0.001, min_size)
min_size_exp = 0
while pow(2, min_size_exp) > self.min_size:
min_size_exp -= 1
#Make the tree cover everything without wasting space
self.tree = TreeData(self, 0, min_size_exp)
if _tree_data is not None:
self.tree.data = _tree_data
def _possible_directions(self):
"""Build a list of every direction the maze can move in."""
directions = []
for i in self.range:
for j in (-1, 1):
directions.append([j if i == n else 0 for n in self.range])
return directions
def generate(self, max_nodes=None, max_length=None, location=None, min_nodes=None,
"""Main function to generate the maze."""
self.nodes = []
#Sort out number of nodes
if max_nodes is None:
if min_nodes is None:
raise ValueError('either maximum or minimum nodes should be specified')
max_nodes = min_nodes
if min_nodes is None:
min_nodes = 0
#Take off 1 since total_nodes starts at -1
max_nodes -= 1
min_nodes -= 1
#Make up other values if not specified
if max_length is None:
max_length = max_nodes // 5
#Check the location is in the correct format
if location is None:
location = [0.0 for i in generation.range]
elif len(location) != self.dimensions:
raise ValueError('invalid coordinates for starting location')
#General range checks
min_nodes = max(-1, min_nodes)
max_nodes = max(min_nodes, max_nodes)
max_length = max(1, max_length)
#Start generation
failed_nodes = current_retries = 0
current_length = total_nodes = -1
while (total_nodes + failed_nodes < max_nodes
or total_nodes < min_nodes and failed_nodes < max_fails):
#End the branch if too many fails
if current_retries >= self.retries:
current_length = max_length
current_retries = 0
failed_nodes += 1
#End the branch if too long
if current_length >= max_length:
node_id = random.randint(0, total_nodes)
current_length = 0
node_id = total_nodes
if node_id < 0:
node_status = self._add_node(location=location)
node_status = self._add_node(node_id=node_id)
if node_status == -1:
current_retries = self.retries
failed_nodes += 1
elif node_status == -2:
current_retries += 1
total_nodes += 1
current_length += 1
def _add_node(self, node_id=None, location=None):
"""Add individual node to the generation.
Needs either a base node or a location to work off.
if node_id is None:
if location is None:
raise ValueError('location must be defined if no nodes exist')
new_size = self.size
new_location = location
new_id = 0
node_start = self.nodes[node_id]
#Get the initial values to create the new node from
new_size = node_start.size * self.multiplier
new_id = self.nodes[-1].id + 1
#End branch now if size is too small
if new_size < self.min_size:
return -1
direction = random.choice(self.directions)
new_location = tuple(a + b * node_start.size * 2 * max(1, self.multiplier)
for a, b in zip(node_start.location, direction))
#Check tree for collisions
node_path = self.tree.calculate(new_location, new_size)
near_nodes = self.tree.near(node_path)
if self.collision_check(new_location, new_size, self.bounds, near_nodes):
return -2
#Add to original node as child
node_start.neighbours += 1
except UnboundLocalError:
#Create a new node
new_node = Node(new_id, new_location, new_size, neighbours=node_id is not None)
new_node.update_parent(node_id, self.nodes)
if new_node.distance > self.highest:
self.highest = new_node.distance
#Update values with new node
self.tree.add(new_node, node_path)
return new_id
def add_branch(self, length=1, node_id=None):
"""Individually add a new branch to the generation."""
total_directions = len(self.directions)
#Find a node without any neighbours
while node_id is None:
node_id = random.choice(self.nodes).id
if self.nodes[node_id].neighbours == total_directions:
node_id = None
#Draw a path until a limit is reached
i = 0
retries = 0
while i < length:
node_status = self._add_node(node_id)
if node_status == -1 or retries > self.retries:
return i
elif node_status == -2:
retries += 1
node_id = node_status
retries = 0
i += 1
return i
def collision_check(self, location, size, bounds=None, node_ids=None):
"""Check a new node isn't too close to an existing one.
The first calculation is a simple range check, if a bounding box
has been defined.
The second calculation iterates through all the nodes, and first
checks that the maximum distance on a single plane isn't over
the combined node size. If it is within range, pythagoras is
used to find and compare the squared distance.
#Get every node ID if not provided
if node_ids is None:
node_ids = range(len(self.nodes))
#Bounding box search
if bounds:
for i in self.range:
if not bounds[0][i] + size <= location[i] <= bounds[1][i] - size:
return True
#Pythagoras search
for node_id in node_ids:
node = self.nodes[node_id]
size_total = size + node.size
distance = [abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(location, node.location)]
#Skip before the calculation if the maximum distance is too far
if max(distance) > size_total:
distance_total = sum(pow(i, 2) for i in distance)
if distance_total < pow(size_total, 2):
return True
return False
def save(self, location):
save_data = {'Bounds': self.bounds,
'Dimensions': self.dimensions,
'Min': self.min_size,
'Multiplier': self.multiplier,
'Nodes': self.nodes,
'Retries': self.retries,
'Size': self.size,
'Tree': self.tree.data}
with open(location, 'w') as f:
def load(cls, location):
with open(location, 'r') as f:
file_data = cPickle.loads(f.read())
return cls(bounds=file_data['Bounds'],
def get_bounds(self):
"""Find the bounds of the generation, including the node size."""
bounds = [[float('inf') for i in range(self.dimensions)],
[-float('inf') for i in range(self.dimensions)]]
for node in self.nodes:
for i, coordinate in enumerate(node.location):
if bounds[0][i] > coordinate:
bounds[0][i] = coordinate - node.size[i]
except TypeError:
bounds[0][i] = coordinate - node.size
elif bounds[1][i] < coordinate:
bounds[1][i] = coordinate + node.size[i]
except TypeError:
bounds[1][i] = coordinate + node.size
bounds = tuple(tuple(i) for i in bounds)
return bounds
For any Maya users, this doesn't include the animation or colours yet, but here's a class to build it in 3D. You only need to iterate through generation.nodes
to use node.location
and node.size
, so if you have a different 3D software package it'd still be easily possible to display.
def format_coordinate(coordinate, links, default_location=[], default_value=0.0):
"""Reformat a coordinate using the new links.
For example, the coordinate (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0) with new links as (1, 2, 0, 3)
will be reformatted as [0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0].
Always returns a list of len(links) values.
dimensions = len(coordinate)
#Trim off any unnecessary coordinates
n = 0
for i in links[::-1]:
if i >= dimensions:
n += 1
if n:
links = links[:-n]
#Reformat the coordinate
new_location = [None for i in links]
for i, j in enumerate(links):
if j < dimensions:
new_location[i] = coordinate[j]
new_location[i] = default_location[i]
new_location[i] = default_value
return new_location
class MayaDraw(object):
"""Class to be used for Maya only.
It handles building cubes and curves to visualise the maze.
import pymel.core as pm
def __init__(self, generation, time_stretch=3):
self._gen = generation
self._cubes = []
self._curves = []
self._paths = []
self._shaders = []
self._bounding_box = None
self._links = range(4)
self._time_mult = time_stretch
def cubes(self, colours=None, amount=25):
"""Draw cubes based on information from the nodes.
As neighbour checking is spherical, there may be some
overlapping where corners meet.
It is here you interpret the dimensions, where currently it has
support for up to 4 (4th is used for keyframes).
self.remove(cubes=True, curves=False, paths=False, shaders=True, bounding_box=False)
default_location = self._gen.nodes[0].location
for node in self._gen.nodes:
size = node.size * 1.98
new_location = format_coordinate(node.location, self._links, default_location)
#Create new cube
new_cube = self.pm.polyCube(n='genCube{}'.format(node.id), w=size, h=size, d=size)[0]
self.pm.move(new_cube, new_location[:3])
#Set attributes
self.pm.addAttr(new_cube, sn='gen_id', ln='GenerationID', min=0, at='long')
self.pm.setAttr('{}.gen_id'.format(new_cube), node.id)
self.pm.addAttr(new_cube, sn='gen_dist', ln='GenerationDistance', min=0, at='long')
self.pm.setAttr('{}.gen_dist'.format(new_cube), node.distance)
self.pm.addAttr(new_cube, sn='gen_parent', ln='GenerationParent', dt='string')
self.pm.setAttr('{}.gen_parent'.format(new_cube), str(node.parent))
self.pm.addAttr(new_cube, sn='gen_child', ln='GenerationChildren', dt='string')
self.pm.setAttr('{}.gen_child'.format(new_cube), ', '.join(map(str, node.children)))
self.pm.addAttr(new_cube, sn='gen_adj', ln='GenerationNeighbours', min=0, at='long')
self.pm.setAttr('{}.gen_adj'.format(new_cube), node.neighbours)
#Set 4th dimension as keys
if self._gen.dimensions > self._links[3]:
time_gap = max(1, node.size * 2 * self._time_mult)
time_start = new_location[3] * self._time_mult
self.pm.setKeyframe(new_cube, at='v', value=0, time=time_start - time_gap)
self.pm.setKeyframe(new_cube, at='v', value=1, time=time_start)
self.pm.setKeyframe(new_cube, at='v', value=0, time=time_start + time_gap)
self.bounding_box(time_slider=True, draw=False)
if colours is None:
colours = ['black', 'white']
self.update_shaders(colours, amount)
def update_shaders(self, colours, amount=25):
shader_name = self._shader_build(colours, amount)
increment = (amount - 1) / self._gen.highest
for cube in self._cubes:
distance = self.pm.getAttr('{}.gen_dist'.format(cube)) * increment
i = int(round(distance))
def curves(self):
"""Draw curves by following the path of children.
Start a new curve when the next ID is no longer a child.
self.remove(curves=True, cubes=False, paths=False, shaders=False, bounding_box=False)
default_location = self._gen.nodes[0].location
#Run through all the points
curve_list = []
for i, node in enumerate(self._gen.nodes):
#Start a new curve
if node.id not in self._gen.nodes[i-1].children:
start_point = self._gen.nodes[self._gen.nodes[i].parent].location
start_point = format_coordinate(start_point, self._links, default_location)[:3]
except TypeError:
start_point = []
new_location = format_coordinate(node.location, self._links, default_location)[:3]
#Convert to suitable coordinates and draw
for curves in curve_list:
if len(curves) > 1:
converted_coordinates = [coordinate for coordinate in curves if coordinate]
new_curve = self.pm.curve(p=converted_coordinates, d=1)
def path(self, start, end):
"""Draw path between two nodes."""
nodes = self._gen.nodes
path = recursive_pathfind(start, end, nodes)
if path is None:
curve_points = [format_coordinate(nodes[node_id].location,
for node_id in path]
self._paths.append(str(self.pm.curve(p=curve_points, d=5)))
def bounding_box(self, draw=True, time_slider=False):
default_location = self._gen.nodes[0].location
bb = [format_coordinate(i, self._links, default_location)
for i in self._gen.get_bounds()]
#Draw the box
if draw:
self.remove(bounding_box=True, curves=False, cubes=False, paths=False, shaders=False)
mid_point = [i / 2 for i in (bb[0][i] + bb[1][i] for i in range(3))]
bb_cube = self.pm.polyCube(w=bb[1][0] - bb[0][0],
h=bb[1][1] - bb[0][1],
d=bb[1][2] - bb[0][2])
self.pm.move(bb_cube[0], mid_point)
self._bounding_box = str(bb_cube[0])
#Update the time slider
if time_slider and self._gen.dimensions > self._links[3]:
pm.playbackOptions(min=int(bb[0][3] * self._time_mult - 1),
max=int(bb[1][3] * self._time_mult) + 2)
pm.currentTime(int(bb[0][3] - 1) * self._time_mult)
return bb
def remap_coordinates(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, t=None):
"""Update coordinate links using the input value.
It will attempt to rearrange them based on the input to not
result in any duplicates.
See format_coordinates() for how the links are used.
available_links = range(4)
if x is not None:
del available_links[available_links.index(x)]
if y is not None:
del available_links[available_links.index(y)]
if z is not None:
del available_links[available_links.index(z)]
if t is not None:
del available_links[available_links.index(t)]
if x is None:
x = available_links.pop(0)
if y is None:
y = available_links.pop(0)
if z is None:
z = available_links.pop(0)
if t is None:
t = available_links.pop(0)
self._links = [x, y, z, t]
def remove(self, cubes=True, curves=True, paths=True, shaders=True, bounding_box=True):
"""Remove any objects created by this class."""
scene_objects = set(map(str, self.pm.ls()))
delete_objects = []
if cubes:
for cube in self._cubes:
if cube in scene_objects:
self._cubes = []
if curves:
for curve in self._curves:
if curve in scene_objects:
self._curves = []
if paths:
for path in self._paths:
if path in scene_objects:
self._paths = []
if shaders:
for shader in self._shaders:
if shader in scene_objects:
self._shaders = []
if bounding_box:
if self._bounding_box in scene_objects:
def _colour_build(self):
"""Build a dictionary of colours."""
colour_core = {'BLACK': ((0, 0, 0), 'blk'),
'WHITE': ((1, 1, 1), 'wht')}
colour_main = {'RED': ((1, 0, 0), 'red'),
'GREEN': ((0, 1, 0), 'grn'),
'BLUE': ((0, 0, 1), 'blu'),
'YELLOW': ((1, 1, 0), 'ylw'),
'MAGENTA': ((1, 0, 1), 'mgt'),
'CYAN':((0, 1, 1), 'cyn')}
colour_extra = {'ORANGE': ((1, 0.5, 0), 'org'),
'PURPLE': ((0.5, 0, 0.5), 'ppl'),
'GREY': ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 'gry'),
'BROWN': ((0.3, 0.2, 0), 'brn')}
for name, values in dict(colour_main).iteritems():
value = tuple({0: 0, 1: 0.5}[i] for i in values[0])
colour_main['DARK{}'.format(name)] = (value, 'd{}'.format(values[1]))
value = tuple({0: 0.5, 1: 1}[i] for i in values[0])
colour_main['LIGHT{}'.format(name)] = (value, 'l{}'.format(values[1]))
for name, values in dict(colour_extra).iteritems():
value = tuple({0: 0, 0.2: 0.1, 0.3: 0.2, 0.5: 0.3, 0.7: 0.6, 0.8: 0.7, 1: 1}[i] for i in values[0])
colour_extra['DARK{}'.format(name)] = (value, 'd{}'.format(values[1]))
value = tuple({0: 0, 0.2: 0.3, 0.3: 0.4, 0.5: 0.7, 0.7: 0.8, 0.8: 0.9, 1: 1}[i] for i in values[0])
colour_extra['LIGHT{}'.format(name)] = (value, 'l{}'.format(values[1]))
result = {}
return result
def _colour_transition(self, colours, amount):
"""Create a transition between colours.
Input must be in (R, G, B) format.
if len(colours) == 1:
return [colours[0]] * amount
amount -= 1
increment = amount / (len(colours) - 1)
result = []
for i in range(amount):
progress = i / increment
colour_index = int(progress)
colour_percentage = progress % 1
colour_current = colours[colour_index]
colour_next = colours[colour_index + 1]
difference = [colour_next[0] - colour_current[0],
colour_next[1] - colour_current[1],
colour_next[2] - colour_current[2]]
difference = [i * colour_percentage for i in difference]
result.append(tuple(i + j for i, j in zip(colour_current, difference)))
return result
def _shader_build(self, colours, amount):
"""Create the shaders."""
#Get colour values from input
colour_dict = self._colour_build()
valid_colours = []
for name in colours:
name_format = name.replace(' ','').upper()
except KeyError:
if not valid_colours:
raise ValueError('no valid colours input')
#Format name
name_base = ''.join(name.capitalize() for rgb, name in valid_colours)
name_surface = "surface{}{}{}".format(name_base, amount, 'n{}')
name_base = name_base[0].lower() + name_base[1:]
name_shader = '{}{}{}'.format(name_base, amount, 'n{}')
#Delete duplicate shaders
scene_objects = set(map(str, self.pm.ls()))
delete_list = []
if name_shader.format(0) in scene_objects:
for i in range(amount):
existing_shader = name_shader.format(i)
if existing_shader in scene_objects:
if delete_list:
transitions = self._colour_transition([rgb for rgb, name in valid_colours], amount)
for i, colour in enumerate(transitions):
#Create shader
new_shader = self.pm.shadingNode('lambert', asShader=True, name=name_shader.format(i))
new_shader.color.set(colour, type='double3')
#Link with surfaceshader
new_surface = self.pm.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=name_surface.format(i))
self.pm.connectAttr(new_shader.outColor, new_surface.surfaceShader)
return name_shader
Then this is the actual code to run the functions, I think it should work outside of Maya. max_length
is how long forks are allowed to grow before ending, the rest is fairly self explanatory I think.
#Delete previous generation
except NameError:
#Create new generation
dimensions = 4
generation = GenerationCore(dimensions, multiplier=0.98)
generation.generate(min_nodes=10000, max_length=100, max_fails=2000)
#Save/load generation
if False:
import os
file_location = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/MazeGen.cache'
generation = GenerationCore.load(file_location)
#Draw generation in 3D if in Maya
draw = MayaDraw(generation, time_stretch=10)
except ImportError:
draw.remap_coordinates(x=3, t=2)
draw.cubes(amount=100, colours=['white','cyan','purple','white'])
draw.path(0, generation.nodes[-1].id)
If you set some bounds and the multiplier to 1, it should draw a proper style maze, it's just a bit boring that way.
Since the tree data isn't really stored after the generation, here's an example of what the tree looks like at 3000 nodes in 3D. There's probably a better way of doing it but it worked for me.
One thing I've realised is I may be able to merge CoordinateToSegment
with TreeData
, but I've given up on coding for now so I dunno yet.
Edit: Added a few extra bits, mainly for Maya.
You can now remap coordinates, so for example, you could use a 3 dimensional generation and swap x
with t
, so basically you have the 3D generation, but only 2D slices of it that you view by changing the time.
I also added the shaders too, so now you can see 4D generations properly. To be totally honest, I thought they'd look cooler (the 4D generations, not shaders), but they're a bit disappointing haha, but I'll try render a video later to show what it looks like.
If anyone has an idea for the 5th dimension or any others, I'm all ears.