This is going to be rather long and generic, so apologies in advance.
I've been reading a lot about Haskell lately, but I've never really programmed anything with it beyond simple experiments in ghci. So, I wanted to finally try and do some coding exercise that was easy but non-trivial and ended up choosing the "Recluse" problem from a book called Eloquent JavaScript.
The aim is to make a program that takes a text document with simple, custom markup and formats it into HTML according to the following rules:
- Paragraphs are separated by blank lines.
- A paragraph that starts with a '%' symbol is a header. The more '%' symbols, the smaller the header.
- Inside paragraphs, pieces of text can be emphasised by putting them between asterisks.
- Footnotes are written between braces.
So for example, the text document
% Heading %% Sub-heading Text with *emphasis*. Another {an example footnote} paragraph.
would be formatted as
<p>Text with <i>emphasis</i>.</p>
<p>Another<a href="#footnote1"><sup>1</sup></a> paragraph.</p>
<p><small><a name="footnote1">1. an example footnote</a></small></p>
The main program should read the text document from stdin and output the HTML to stdout.
This seemed like a simple enough task at first (I'd estimate that using Python, a language I have a lot of experience with, I could've finished it in about 15-30 minutes), but as I got deeper into the implementation, I realized I have no clue how to do something like this in Haskell. The footnotes seemed particularily challenging, as you kind of have to accumulate them on the side while building the rest of the document, and I didn't have any idea how to express that in functional terms (at least not without dragging an extra footnotes argument in every single function call).
I hacked at the problem for a few evenings, re-reading Haskell tutorials and perusing the standard library reference, and finally ended up with a solution that works correctly, with some assumptions (for example, nested markup is not supported). However, my solution feels like it's over-complicated for such a simple problem and it consumes relatively high amounts of memory.
So, my question is: how could I simplify the program and turn it into more idiomatic Haskell? The formatText
function especially is something that turned out really ugly in my opinion. I'm not expecting anyone to rewrite the whole program, but small fixes here and there would be greatly appreciated.
Secondly, how would I make the program more memory efficient? The current implementation allocates about 400KB of heap for every 1KB of input text, which isn't really a problem for this program, but I think it indicates that I'm doing something stupid. I've read articles about reducing memory consumption by forcing strictness, but it's not readily apparent to me where strictness should be applied in my program for the best effect.
import Char
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.State
data Footnote = Footnote Int String
data Footnotes = Footnotes Int [Footnote]
type TrackNotes = State Footnotes
type HTML = String
-- |Enclose content in the given HTML element
-- e.g. html "span" "foo" -> "<span>foo</span>"
html :: String -> String -> HTML
html tag content = foldl1' (++) ["<", tag, ">", content, "</", tag, ">"]
-- |Generate a HTML link element
ahref :: String -> String -> HTML
ahref link txt = foldl1' (++) ["<a href=\"", link, "\">", txt, "</a>"]
-- |Replace <, > and & with HTML entities
htmlEscape :: String -> HTML
htmlEscape "" = ""
htmlEscape (x:xs) = prefix $! htmlEscape xs
where prefix = case x of
'&' -> showString "&"
'<' -> showString "<"
'>' -> showString ">"
_ -> (x:)
-- |Add a new footnote
addFootnote :: String -> TrackNotes Int
addFootnote s = State $ \(Footnotes i ns) ->(i, Footnotes (i+1) $ ns ++ [Footnote i s])
-- |Format a text section into HTML
formatSection :: String -> TrackNotes HTML
formatSection s = case s of
('%'):xs -> formatHeading s
_ -> formatParagraph s
-- |Format a text heading into HTML heading
formatHeading :: String -> TrackNotes HTML
formatHeading s = liftM headingTag content
where headingTag = html ("h" ++ show level)
level = length prefix
content = formatText $ htmlEscape $ dropWhile isSpace postfix
(prefix,postfix) = span (=='%') s
-- |Format a text paragraph into HTML paragraph
formatParagraph :: String -> TrackNotes HTML
formatParagraph = liftM (html "p") . formatText . htmlEscape
-- |Format inline markup in text contents, e.g. "*foo* bar" -> "<i>foo</i> bar"
formatText :: String -> TrackNotes HTML
formatText "" = return ""
formatText s = do
(content,rest) <- processTag $ postfix
rest' <- formatText $ rest
return $ prefix ++ (content ++ rest')
where (prefix,postfix) = break (`elem` "*{") s
processTag "" = return ("", "")
processTag (tag:rest) = do
html' <- format $ between
return (html', tail')
where (format, endChar) = case tag of
'*' -> (formatEmph, '*')
'{' -> (formatNote, '}')
(between, _:tail') = break (==endChar) rest
formatEmph = return . html "i"
formatNote s = do
idx <- liftM show $ addFootnote s
let link = "#footnote" ++ idx
let text = html "sup" idx
return $ ahref link text
-- |Split a string into sections.
-- Two consecutive line breaks form a section break.
splitSections :: String -> [String]
splitSections = sections . lines
where sections (x:[]:xs) = x : sections xs
sections (x:y:xs) = sections $ (x ++ ('\n' : y)) : xs
sections x = x
-- | Format a footnote at the end of the document
formatFootnote :: Footnote -> HTML
formatFootnote (Footnote i s) = html "p" $ html "small" $ anchor
where anchor = "<a name=\"footnote" ++ show i ++ "\">" ++ text ++ "</a>"
text = show i ++ ". " ++ s
-- |Format a text document into HTML document
formatDocument :: String -> String
formatDocument txt = unlines $ sections ++ footnotes
where (sections, state) = runState stateMonad (Footnotes 1 [])
stateMonad = mapM formatSection $ splitSections txt
Footnotes _ notes = state
footnotes = map formatFootnote notes
main = interact formatDocument
UPDATE: I rewrote the program so that parsing and output are separate as per sepp2k's suggestion, and while that does make the program a bit longer, it keeps the individual functions a lot simpler.
import Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
type HTML = String
type HeadingLevel = Int
Data types and functions for parsing the markup to a parse tree
data Section = Heading HeadingLevel [DocNode] | Paragraph [DocNode]
data DocNode = PlainText String | Emphasis [DocNode] | Footnote [DocNode]
parseMarkup :: String -> [Section]
parseMarkup = mapMaybe parseSection . splitSections
parseSection :: String -> Maybe Section
parseSection "" = Nothing
parseSection s = case s of
('%':_) -> Just $ parseHeading s
_ -> Just $ Paragraph $ parseNodes s
parseHeading :: String -> Section
parseHeading s = Heading lvl nodes
where lvl = length prefix
nodes = parseNodes $ dropWhile isSpace postfix
(prefix,postfix) = span (=='%') s
parseNodes :: String -> [DocNode]
parseNodes "" = []
parseNodes s = fst $ parseNodes' Nothing $ zipper s
where parseNodes' g ((i,(c:t)):_) | (g == Just c) = ([PlainText i], t)
parseNodes' _ [(i,"")] = ([PlainText i], "")
parseNodes' g ((i,t):xs) = case t of
('*':_) -> continue Emphasis '*' i t
('{':_) -> continue Footnote '}' i t
_ -> parseNodes' g xs
continue f end "" t = parseNonText f end $ tail t
continue f end i t = (PlainText i : moreNodes, rest)
where (moreNodes, rest) = parseNonText f end $ tail t
parseNonText f end t = ((f nodes) : moreNodes, rest')
where (nodes, rest) = parseNodes' (Just end) $ zipper t
(moreNodes, rest') = parseNodes' Nothing $ zipper rest
Data types and functions for tracking footnotes
data Footnotes = Footnotes Int [String]
type TrackNotes = State Footnotes
addFootnote :: String -> TrackNotes Int
addFootnote s = State $ \(Footnotes i ns) ->(i, Footnotes (i+1) $ ns ++ [s])
Functions for converting nodes to HTML
docToHTML :: [Section] -> HTML
docToHTML ss = unlines $ sections ++ footnotes
where (sections, state) = runState stateMonad $ Footnotes 1 []
stateMonad = mapM sectionToHTML ss
(Footnotes _ notes) = state
footnotes = map formatFootnote $ zip notes [1..]
sectionToHTML :: Section -> TrackNotes HTML
sectionToHTML (Heading lvl nodes) = liftM htag $ nodesToHTML nodes
where htag = html $ "h" ++ show lvl
sectionToHTML (Paragraph nodes) = liftM ptag $ nodesToHTML nodes
where ptag = html "p"
nodesToHTML :: [DocNode] -> TrackNotes HTML
nodesToHTML = liftM (foldl' (++) "") . mapM nodeToHTML
-- | Convert a single DocNode to HTML
nodeToHTML :: DocNode -> TrackNotes HTML
nodeToHTML (PlainText s) = return s
nodeToHTML (Emphasis nodes) = liftM (html "i") $ nodesToHTML nodes
nodeToHTML (Footnote nodes) = do
content <- nodesToHTML nodes
idx <- liftM show $ addFootnote content
let link = "#footnote" ++ idx
let text = html "sup" idx
return $ ahref link text
-- | Format a footnote at the end of the document
formatFootnote :: (String, Int) -> HTML
formatFootnote (s,i) = html "p" $ html "small" $ anchor
where anchor = "<a name=\"footnote" ++ show i ++ "\">" ++ text ++ "</a>"
text = show i ++ ". " ++ s
-- |Enclose content in the given HTML element
-- e.g. html "span" "foo" -> "<span>foo</span>"
html :: String -> String -> HTML
html tag content = foldl1' (++) ["<", tag, ">", content, "</", tag, ">"]
-- |Generate a HTML link element
ahref :: String -> String -> HTML
ahref link txt = foldl1' (++) ["<a href=\"", link, "\">", txt, "</a>"]
-- |Replace <, > and & with HTML entities
htmlEscape :: String -> HTML
htmlEscape "" = ""
htmlEscape (x:xs) = prefix $! htmlEscape xs
where prefix = case x of
'&' -> showString "&"
'<' -> showString "<"
'>' -> showString ">"
_ -> (x:)
Miscellanous string utilities
-- |Split a string into sections.
-- Two consecutive line breaks form a section break.
splitSections :: String -> [String]
splitSections = sections . lines
where sections (x:[]:xs) = x : sections xs
sections (x:y:xs) = sections $ (x ++ ('\n' : y)) : xs
sections x = x
-- | A "zipper" for navigating a string
-- Generates a list of (init,tail) pairs that traverse the list
-- E.g. zipper "foo" -> [("","foo"), ("f","oo"), ("fo","o"), ("foo","")]
zipper :: String -> [(String,String)]
zipper s = zip (inits s) (tails s)
formatDoc :: String -> HTML
formatDoc = docToHTML . parseMarkup
main = interact formatDoc