On Linux, the file /proc/cpuinfo
returns a set of key-value pairs, where the key and value are separated by a colon and each pair has its own line. It's a bit more complicated than that in reality, but for my needs that's as complicated as it needs to be. (I have only one processor core.)
My goal is to write a function in bash that takes the key for one of those items and returns the value corresponding to that key. Here's my current function:
function get_cpuinfo_prop () {
TARGET_LINE=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^$1)
read -ra PARTS <<< "$TARGET_LINE"
And you'd call it like this:
$(get_cpuinfo_prop 'key_name')
Is there a better way of doing it? How could I improve this code? Additionally, I think this might be returning extra whitespace before the actual value. How can I trim those characters off the beginning/end?