This program is meant to ease making mods for a game. A mod is made with XML. I used the lxml library to handle making the XML. I used PyQt for the GUI and this code is the functionality of the GUI. Most functions do just what their name says: open file opens a file, save saves, addFunction
makes sure that button that says add function actually adds a function.
This code is long and so as much as help to improve one function would be awesome. It works, but I know this code can be improved I just need feedback. I am no expert yet, so anything would be awesome feedback.
It needs a GUI .py file to be run. It is long and takes too much space, but if it is a must then I guess I can include it anyways.
This program basically helps make XML files with certain tags for a game. The game uses XML files to add features created by the users. Making these XML files is extremely easy but tedious and so I decided to make this program to achieve just that. It works so far as it is expected, but it has became very large, and I fear I am making it more complicated than it has to be and that it could be less complex.
from lxml import etree
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import sys
import design
import dialog
import modBuilder as mb
import modtoolbar as mtb
import errorMessages as em
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from os import path
from copy import deepcopy
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
OrderedDict = dict
import time
class ExampleApp(QtGui.QMainWindow, design.Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.confBttn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setNewSoftwareTypeValues())
self.setNameGeneratorBttn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setNameGenerator(self.tree))
self.OSCHECKBOX.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.dependencyCheckStatus())
self.tree = ""
self.depco = 1
self.depco2 = 1
self.depco3 = 1
self.cdepco = 1
self.oslist = {}
self.audlist = {}
self.vislist = {}
self.customDependencyList = {}
self.listOfFeatures = {}
self.keyIncidentDict = {}
self.featureToEdit = "nothing"
self.functionKey = 0
self.vitalStatus = False
self.fromStatus = False
self.forcedStatus = False
mainMenu = self.defineMenuBar()
fileMenu = self.addMenuToMenuBar(mainMenu, '&File')
def defineMenuBar(self):
mainMenu = self.menuBar() #
return mainMenu #
def addMenuToMenuBar(self,menu,name):
fileMenu = menu.addMenu(name) #
return fileMenu #
def addActionsToMenuBar(self,fileMenu,action):
fileMenu.addAction(action) #
def defineCloseFunction(self,menuBar,fileMenu):
closeAction = QtGui.QAction("&Close", self) #
closeAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Q") #
closeAction.triggered.connect(self.close) #
self.addActionsToMenuBar(fileMenu,closeAction) #
def defineSaveAsFunction(self,menuBar,fileMenu):
saveAsAction = QtGui.QAction("&Save As", self)
def defSaveFunction(self,menuBar,fileMenu):
tree = self.tree # Stores self.tree in the variable tree
saveAction = QtGui.QAction("&Save", self) # Creates QAction to Save and stores it in the variable saveAction
saveAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") # Sets saveAction shortcut to Ctrl + S
saveAction.triggered.connect(self.executeSave) # Connects saveAction to executeSave
self.addActionsToMenuBar(fileMenu,saveAction) # Executes function addActionsToMenuBar
def defineNewMod(self,menuBar,fileMenu):
newAction = QtGui.QAction("&New Mod", self) # Creates QAction, calls it New Mod and stores it in the varaible newAction
newAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+N") # Sets newAction shortcut to Ctrl + N
newAction.triggered.connect(self.createNewMod) # Connects newAction ('Ctrl + N') to function createNewMod
self.addActionsToMenuBar(fileMenu,newAction) # Executes addActionsToMenuBar
def close(self):
choice = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Warning',"You are about to exit. All unsaved progress will be lost. Do you want to continue?",QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
if choice == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: # Checks if choice is equal to the user response of yes
sys.exit() # Executes system function exit
def executeSave(self): # Executes the function save
def openFileHandler(self):
self.filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File') = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
def openFile(self):
with open(self.filename) as f: # Opens the filename as f
self.tree = etree.parse(f) # parses f and stores it in the variable self.tree
self.statusBar().showMessage('File Loaded',1500) # Shows message 'File loaded'
self.addFeatureBttn.setEnabled(True) # Enables addFeatureBttn button
self.PopulateSoftwareTypeFields(self.tree) # Executes the function PopulateSoftwareTypeFields
self.addFeaturesToComboBox(self.tree) # Executes the function addFeaturesToComboBox
if self.filename == '':
#def createFile(self):
def save(self, tree):
with open(self.filename, 'wb+') as f: # Opens filename as f with the intention to write
tree.write(f, pretty_print=True) # Writes tree into filename
self.statusBar().showMessage('Saved',1500) # Shows message 'Saved'
if self.filename == '': # Checks if filename is equal to empty string
em.showSaveError(self) # Shows saverError imported from errorMessages
em.showSaveErrorTwo(self) # Shows saverErrorTwo imported from errorMessages
def saveAs(self,tree):
self.filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save As') = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Choose your directory')
filename = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.filename))
with open(self.filename,'wb') as f:
tree.write(f, pretty_print=True)
directory = open(,'w')
def createNewMod(self):
self.filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Choose a name for your mod')
numberOfFeatures = self.numberOfFeatures.value() # Gets the value of self.numberOfFeatures and stores it in numberOfFeatures
mb.createMod(numberOfFeatures,self.filename) # Executes the createMod function imported from modBuilder
self.settingModForChanges(self.filename) # Executes settingModForChanges function
self.funcName.setEnabled(True) # Enables funcName
self.addFeatureBttn.setEnabled(True) # Enables addFeatureBttn button
directory = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Choose your directory')
self.statusBar().showMessage('New Mod Created',1500) # Shows message 'New Mod Created'
em.errorCreatingMod(self) # Show error message for error while creating mod
def settingModForChanges(self,modName):
self.PopulateSoftwareTypeFields(self.tree) # Executes the function PopulateSoftwareTypeFields
self.addFeaturesToComboBox(self.tree) # Executes the function addFeaturesToComboBox
def PopulateSoftwareTypeFields(self,tree):
Name = (tree.find('Name').text) # Finds the tag Name, gets its text value and stores it in the variable Name
Description = (tree.find("Description").text) # Finds the tag Description, gets its text value and stores it in the variable Description
Unlock =(tree.find("Unlock").text) # Finds the tag Unlock, gets its text value and stores it in the variable Unlock
Population = (tree.find("Population").text) # Finds the tag Population, gets its text value and stores it in the variable Population
Random = (tree.find("Random").text) # Finds the tag Random, gets its text value and stores it in the variable Random
OSSpecific = (tree.find("OSSpecific").text) # Finds the tag OSSpecific, gets its text value and stores it in the variable OSSpecific
InHouse = (tree.find("InHouse").text) # Finds the tag InHouse, gets its text value and stores it in the variable InHouse
Category = (tree.find("Category").text) # Finds the tag Category, gets its text value and stores it in the variable Category
setTextList = {self.nameLE:Name,self.DescLE:Description, # Creates the dictionary SetTextList
for line,value in setTextList.items(): # Goes through every line and value in setTextList
line.setText(value) # Sets the text for the current line to whatever value is
self.funcName.setEnabled(True) # Enables funcName
def setNameGenerator(self,tree):
nameGenerator = (tree.find('NameGenerator')) # Finds the tag NameGenerator
nameGeneratorChoice = str(self.nameGeneratorLE.text()) # Gets the text of the lineEditor nameGenerator, turns it into a string, and then stores it in the variable nameGeneratorChoice
nameGenerator.text = nameGeneratorChoice # Gives the text value of nameGenerator the value of nameGeneratorChoice
def populateFeatureFields(self, tree):
features = tree.find('Features') # Finds the tag Features and stores it in the variable features
for functionName,functionKey in self.listOfFeatures.items(): # Goes through each fuctionName and functionKey in the list self.listOfFeatures
if functionName == self.featureComboBox.currentText(): # Checks if functionName is equal to the current text of featureComboBox
Description = (features[functionKey].find("Description").text) # Finds the tag Description's text value and stores it in the Description variable
Unlock = (features[functionKey].find("Unlock").text) # Finds the tag Unlock's text value and stores it in the Unlock variable
DevTime = (features[functionKey].find("DevTime").text) # Finds the tag DevTime's text value and stores it in the DevTime variable
Innovation = (features[functionKey].find("Innovation").text) # Finds the tag Innovation's text value and stores it in the Innovation variable
Usability = (features[functionKey].find("Usability").text) # Finds the tag Usability's text value and stores it in the Usability variable
Stability = (features[functionKey].find("Stability").text) # Finds the tag Stability's text value and stores it in the Stability variable
CodeArt = (features[functionKey].find("CodeArt").text) # Finds the tag CodeArt's text value and stores it in the CodeArt variable
Server = (features[functionKey].find("Server").text) # Finds the tag Server's text value and stores it in the Server variable
self.functionKey = functionKey # Stores the value of functionKey in the variable self.functionKey
featureText = {self.descEdit:Description,self.unlockEdit:Unlock, # Makes the dictionary called feautureText
for line,text in featureText.items(): # Goes through every line and text in the dictionary featureText
line.setText(text) # Sets the text of the current line to the value of text
listOfThingsToEnable = [self.descEdit,self.unlockEdit,self.devtimeEdit, # Creates the list listOfThingsToEnable
for thing in listOfThingsToEnable: # Goes through each item in the list listOfThingsToEnable
thing.setEnabled(True) # Enables the selected item
self.featureToEdit = functionKey # Sets the value of featureToEdit to the value of functionKey
self.addDependenciesToComboBox(self.tree,self.functionKey) # Executes the function addDependenciesToComboBox
self.deleteFeatureBttn.setEnabled(True) # Enables the button deleteFeatureBttn
def addFeature(self,tree):
name = self.funcName.text() # Finds the text value of funcName and stores it in the variable name
if name != '': # Checks that name is not equal to an empty string
features = tree.find('Features') # Finds the Features tag and stores its value in the variable features
count = len(features) # Gets the size of features and stores it in the variable count
functionExists = self.checkIfFeatureExists(tree,features,count,name) # Executes the function checkIfFeatureExists and stores the returned value in the variable functionExists
if functionExists != True: # Checks if functionExists is not equal to True
new_feature = deepcopy(features[0]) # Makes a copy of the first feature and stores it in the variable new_feature
for tag in new_feature: # Goes through every tag in new_feature
tag.text = '' # Sets the text value to an empty string
new_feature.find('Name').text = name # Finds the tag Name and sets its text value to the value of the variable name
features.insert(count, new_feature) # Finds the tag name in the feature that will be added and gives it a text value of name
self.addFeaturesToComboBox(self.tree) # Inserts a new feature
self.statusBar().showMessage('Feature Created',1500) # Executes the addFeaturesToComboBox function
elif name == '': # Shows message 'Feature Created'
em.showNoFeatureNameError(self) # Shows error message for no feature name
def checkIfFeatureExists(self,tree,features,numberOfFeatures,name):
numberOfFeatures -= 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfFeatures and assigns it to numberOfFeatures
while numberOfFeatures >= 0: # Loop that runs while numberOfFeatures is greater than or equal to 0
featureName = features[numberOfFeatures].find('Name') # Finds the tag Name in the selected feature and stores it in the variable featureName
if featureName.text == name: # Checks if the text value of featureName is equal to name
return True # Returns the value True
numberOfFeatures -= 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfFeatures and assigns it to numberOfFeatures
def getFeatureIndex(self,tree,features,numberOfFeatures,name):
while numberOfFeatures >= 0: # Loop that runs while numberOfFeatutes is greater than or equal to 0
featureName = features[numberOfFeatures].find('Name') # Finds the Name tag in the selected feature and stores it in the variable featureName
if featureName.text == name: # Checs if the text value of featureName is equal to name
return numberOfFeatures # Returns the variable numberOfFeatures
numberOfFeatures -= 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfFeatures and assigns it to numberOfFeatures
def getDependencyIndex(self,tree,dependencies,numberOfDependencies,name):
numberOfDependencies -= 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfDependencies and assigns the new value to numberOfDependencies
while numberOfDependencies >= 0: # Loop that runs while numberOf
dependencyName = dependencies[numberOfDependencies] # Gets the wanted dependency and stores it in the variable dependencyName
if dependencyName.text == name: # Checks if the text value of dependencyName is equal to the value of the varaible name
return numberOfDependencies # Returns the value of the variable numberOfDependencies
numberOfDependencies -= 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfDependencies and assigns the new value to numberOfDependencies
def addFeaturesToComboBox(self,tree):
self.featureComboBox.clear() # Clears self.featureComboBox
features = tree.find('Features') # Finds features and stores it in the variable features
numberOfFeatures = len(features) - 1 # Gets the size of features and subtracts one from it, then stores it in the variable numberOfFeatures
if numberOfFeatures >= 0: # Checks if numberOfFeatures is greater than or equal to 0
while numberOfFeatures >= 0: # Loop that runs while numberOFFeatures is greater than or equal to 0
name = features[numberOfFeatures].find('Name') # Finds the tag name in the selected feature and stores it in the variable name
self.listOfFeatures[name.text]= numberOfFeatures # Creates a key for self.listOfFeatures and gives it the value of numberOfFeatures
self.featureComboBox.addItem(name.text) # Adds the text value of name to featureComboBox
numberOfFeatures = numberOfFeatures - 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfFeatures
listOfThingsToEnable = [self.featureComboBox,self.editFeatureBttn, # Creates a list called listOfThingsToEnable
for item in listOfThingsToEnable: # Goes through each item in listOfThingsToEnable
item.setEnabled(True) # Enables the current item
def addDependenciesToComboBox(self,tree,key):
self.dependencyComboBox.clear() # Clears the dependencyComboBox
features = tree.find('Features') # Finds Features in tree and stores it in the variable features
feature = features[key] # Finds the wanted feature and stores it in the variable feature
dependencies = feature.find('Dependencies') # Finds dependencies and stores it in dependencies
numberOfDependencies = len(dependencies) - 1 # Gets the size of dependencies and substracts one from it, then stores it in the variable numberOfDependencies
if numberOfDependencies >= 0: # Checks if numberOfDependencies is greater than or equal to 0
while numberOfDependencies >= 0: # Loop that runs while numberOfDependencies is greater than or equal to 0
nameOfDependency = dependencies[numberOfDependencies].text # Gets the text of the currently selected dependency and stores it in the variable nameOfDependency
self.dependencyComboBox.addItem(nameOfDependency) # Adds nameOfDependency to the dependencyComboBox
numberOfDependencies -= 1 # Subtracts one from numberOfDependencies and assigns the new value to numberOfDependencies
numberOfDependencies = 0 # Sets numberOfDependencies to 0
def getFeatureInformation(self,tree,features,feature):
fList = {(features[self.featureToEdit].find("Description")):self.descEdit, # Creates the list flist
(features[self.featureToEdit].find("Unlock")) :self.unlockEdit,
(features[self.featureToEdit].find("DevTime")) :self.devtimeEdit,
(features[self.featureToEdit].find("Innovation")) :self.innovationEdit,
(features[self.featureToEdit].find("Usability")) :self.usabilityEdit,
(features[self.featureToEdit].find("CodeArt")) :self.codeartEdit,
return fList # Returns the list flist
def addDependencies(self,tree,Dependencies):
for item,value in self.oslist.items(): # Goes through each item and value in self.oslist
etree.SubElement(Dependencies,"Dependency", Software = "Operating System").text = value # Add a Dependency for each item each with a text equal to the value associated to each item
for item,value in self.vislist.items(): # Goes through each item and value in self.vislist
etree.SubElement(Dependencies,"Dependency",Software = "Visual Tool").text = value # Add a Dependency for each item each with a text equal to the value associated to each item
for item,value in self.audlist.items(): # Goes through each item and value in self.audlist
etree.SubElement(Dependencies,"Dependency",Software = "Audio Tool").text = value # Add a Dependency for each item each with a text equal to the value associated to each item
def clearDependencyLists(self):
self.oslist.clear() # Clears oslist
self.vislist.clear() # Clears vislist
self.audlist.clear() # Clears audlist
self.customDependencyList.clear() # Clears customDependencyList
def addCustomDependency(self,key,value):
if key != '' and value != '': # Checks if key and value are both not equal to ''
if key in self.customDependencyList: # Checks if key is in self.customDependencyList[key]
self.checkForValue(value,key) # Executes function checkForValue
self.keyIncidentDict[key] = 1 # Creates a key for the dictionary keyIncidentDict and assigns it the value of 1
self.customDependencyList[key] = value # Creates a key for the dictionary customDependencyList and assigns it the value of the variable value
em.showNoSoftwareErrorOrNoFeatureError(self) # Shows message to let the user know he/she did not give a name for the Software or feature
def checkForValue(self,value,key):
if value not in self.customDependencyList[key]: # Checks if value is not in self.customDependencyList[key]
deplist = list(self.customDependencyList[key]) # Turns self.customDependencyList[key] into a list and stores it in deplist
deplist.append(value) # Appends value to deplist
self.customDependencyList[key] = deplist # Creates a key for self.customDependecyList and assigns it the value of deplist
self.keyIncidentDict[key] = self.keyIncidentDict[key] + 1 # Creates a key for keyIncidentDict and assigns it the value key + 1
self.statusBar().showMessage('Cannot add same dependency twice.',1500) # Shows message 'Cannot add same dependency twice.'
def addCustomDependencies(self,tree,Dependencies):
for key,value in self.customDependencyList.items: # Goes through each key and value in self.customDependencyList
counter = (len(self.customDependencyList[key])) - 1 # Gets the length of self.customDependencyList[key] and assigns it to the variable 'counter'
software = key # Assigns the value key to the variable software.
if self.keyIncidentDict[key] > 1: # Condition: Checks if self.keyIncident[key] is greater than 1
self.AddCustomDependencyToTree(key,counter,value,software) # Executes the function AddCustomDependencyToTree
etree.SubElement(Dependencies,"Dependency", Software = software).text = value # Adds a Dependency to the file with an attribute of the value of software and with the text of value
self.keyIncidentDict.clear() # Clears the keyIncidentDict dictionary
def AddCustomDependencyToTree(self,key,counter,value,software):
while counter >= 0: # Loop: While counter is greater than 0
software = key # Assigns the value of key to the variable software
value = self.customDependencyList[key][counter] # Assigns the value of self.customDependencyList[key][counter] to the variable value
etree.SubElement(Dependencies,"Dependency", Software = software).text = value # Adds a Dependency to the file with an attribute of the value of software and with the text of value
counter = counter - 1 # Subtracts one from the counter
def saveChangesToFeature(self,tree):
features = tree.find('Features') # Finds Features in tree and stores it in the features variable
feature = features[self.functionKey] # Finds feature in features and stores it in the variable feature
fList = self.getFeatureInformation(tree,features,feature) # Executes the self.getFeatureInformation fucntion and stores the returned valuei n the fList list
for field,content in fList.items(): # Goes through the contents of fList
field.text = str(content.text()) # Turns the context's text into a string and stores it in field.text
Dependencies = (features[self.featureToEdit].find("Dependencies")) # Finds dependencies
self.dependencyManaging(tree,Dependencies,features) # Executes the dependencyManaging function
self.checkForAttributes(feature) # Executes the check for Attributes function
self.enableDependencyBoxes() # Executes enableDependencyBoxes
self.clearDependencyLists() # Executes the clearDependencyList function
self.addDependenciesToComboBox(self.tree,self.featureToEdit) # Executes the addDependenciesToComboBox function
self.statusBar().showMessage('Saved changes to feature',1500) # Shows 'Saved changes to feature' message
if self.fromStatus == True:
feature.attrib['From'] = str(self.fromLE.text())
def enableDependencyBoxes(self):
depBoxList = [OSDEPBOX, VISDEPBOX, AUDIODEPBOX] # Makes a list with all dependency boxes
for depBox in depBoxList: # Goes through every dependency box in depBoxList
self.depbox.setEnabled(True) # Enables the dependency box
def dependencyManaging(self,tree, Dependencies, features):
if Dependencies is None: # Checks if Dependencies is None
etree.SubElement(features[self.functionKey],"Dependencies") # Adds Dependencies tag to the feature that is being edited
Dependencies = (features[self.featureToEdit].find("Dependencies")) # Finds Dependencies and stores it in a variable
self.addDependencies(tree,Dependencies) # Executes the addDependencies Function
self.addCustomDependencies(tree,Dependencies) # Executes the addCustomDependencies Functions
self.addDependencies(tree,Dependencies) # Executes addDependencies Function
self.addCustomDependencies(tree,Dependencies) # Executes addCustomDependencies Function
def checkForAttributes(self,feature):
if self.vitalStatus == True: # Checks if vitalStatus is True
feature.attrib['Vital'] = 'TRUE' # Adds the attribute 'Vital' = TRUE to the selected feature
if self.forcedStatus == True: # Checks if forcedStatus is True
feature.attrib['Forced'] = 'TRUE' # Adds the attribute 'Forced' = TRUE to the selected feature
if self.fromStatus == True: # Checks fromStatus is True
feature.attrib['From'] = 'TRUE' # Adds the attribute 'From' = TRUE to the selected feature
def setNewSoftwareTypeValues(self): # Sets new values for software (User must still save for changes to be made)
Name = self.tree.find('Name') # Looks for Name tag
Description = self.tree.find('Description') # Looks for Description tag
Unlock = self.tree.find('Unlock') # Looks for Unlock tag
Population = self.tree.find('Population') # Looks for Population tag
Random = self.tree.find('Random') # Looks for Random tag
OSSpecific = self.tree.find('OSSpecific') # Looks for OSSpecific tag
InHouse = self.tree.find('InHouse') # Looks for InHouse tag
Category = self.tree.find('Category') # Looks for Category tag
setTextDict = {Name:self.nameLE,Description:self.DescLE, # Creates setTextDict
def setText(self,setText):
for field,line in setText.items(): # Goes through a dictionary assigning a text field for each category
field.text = str(line.text()) # Stores the wanted text in the right tag
self.statusBar().showMessage('Changes made',1500) # Shows
def delFunc(self):
functionToBeDeleted = self.featureComboBox.currentText() # The function currently selected is the function to be deleted
index = self.featureComboBox.findText(functionToBeDeleted) # Gets the index for the function to be deleted
self.featureComboBox.removeItem(index) # Removes the function that was selected
def deleteFeature(self,tree):
featureToDelete = str(self.featureComboBox.currentText()) # Stores the name of the feature that will be deleted into a variable
features = tree.find('Features') # Defines features
numberOfFeatures = len(features) - 1 # Stores the number of features - 1 into a variable
featureKey = self.getFeatureIndex(tree,features,numberOfFeatures,featureToBeDeleted) # Looks for the index of the feature that will be deleted and stores it in a variable
features.remove(features[featureKey]) # The feature is removed from features.
self.delFunc() # The delfunc function is executed and results in the function to be removed from the function combo box
def deleteDependency(self,tree):
features = tree.find('Features') # Finds features and stores it in a varaible
dependencies = (features[self.featureToEdit].find("Dependencies")) # Finds Dependencies and stores it in a varaible
dependencyName = str(self.dependencyComboBox.currentText()) # Gets the current text in the dependency ComboBox, turns it into a string, and stores it in a varaible
numberOfDependencies = self.dependencyComboBox.count() # Stores the count from the dependency ComboBox and stores it in a variable
index = self.getDependencyIndex(tree,dependencies,numberOfDependencies,dependencyName) # Gets the index for the dependency that will be deleted
dependencies.remove(dependencies[index]) # Using the index from the last step, removes the dependency from the dependencies
self.removeDependencyFromComboBox(dependencyName) # Removes the dependency from the dependency ComboBox
if self.dependencyComboBox.count() == 0:
self.statusBar().showMessage('There are no dependencies to delete',1500) # Shows a message that says 'There are no dependencies to delete' if there are no dependencies in the dependency ComboBox
em.showUnexpectedError(self) # Shows an unexpected error message
def removeDependencyFromComboBox(self,dependencyName):
comboBoxDependency = self.dependencyComboBox.findText(dependencyName) # Finds the text given by the dependencyName parameter and stores it in a varaible
self.dependencyComboBox.removeItem(comboBoxDependency) # Removes the dependency from the dependency comboBox
def checkForDependency(self,testVar,dependency):
dependencyStatus = None # Creates the variable dependencyStatus and sets it to None
while testVar > 0: # Creates a loop that runs while testVar is greater than 0
dependencyStatus = dependency not in self.oslist #
if dependencyStatus == True: # Checks if dependencyStatus is True
testVar = testVar - 1 # Substracts one from the testVar
elif dependencyStatus == False: # Checks if dependencyStatus is False
break # Breakes the loop
return dependencyStatus
def addOSDependency(self):
testVar = self.depco - 1 # Subtracts one from the class variable depco and assigns it to testVar
dependencySelected = str(self.OSDEPBOX.currentText()) # Gets the current text from the OS Dependency ComboBox, turns it into a string, and assigns it to dependencySelected
dependencyStatus = self.checkForDependency(testvar,dependencySelected) # Executes the checkForDependency function and stores it into the dependencyStatus variable
if dependencyStatus != False: # Checks if dependencyStatus is False
self.oslist[self.depco] = dependencySelected # Makes a key for the dictionary oslist and gives it a value.
self.depco = self.depco + 1 # Subtracts one from depco and assigns it to depco
self.statusBar().showMessage('Cannot add same dependency twice',1500) # Shows a message that says 'Cannot add same dependency twice'
def addVisDependency(self):
testVar = self.depco2 - 1 # Subtracts one from depco2 and assigns it to testVar
dependencySelected = str(self.VISDEPBOX.currentText()) # Gets the current text from the Visual Dependency ComboBox, turns it into a string, and assigns it to dependencySelected
dependencyStatus = self.checkForDependency(testVar,dependencySelected) # Executes the checkForDependency function and stores it into the dependencyStatus variable
if dependencyStatus != False: # Checks if dependencyStatus is False
self.vislist[self.depco2] = dependencySelected # Makes a key for the dictionary vislist and gives it a value.
self.depco2 = self.depco2 + 1 # Subtracts one from depco2 and assigns it to depco2
self.statusBar().showMessage('Cannot add same dependency twice',1500) # Shows a message that says 'Cannot add same dependency twice'
def addAudDependency(self):
testVar = self.depco3 - 1 # Subtracts one from depco3 and assigns it to testVar
dependencySelected = str(self.AUDIODEPBOX.currentText()) # Gets the current text from the Audio Dependency ComboBox, turns it into a string, and assigns it to dependencySelected
dependencyStatus = self.checkForDependency(testVar,dependencySelected) # Executes the checkForDependency function and stores it into the dependencyStatus variable
if dependencyStatus != False: # Checks if dependencyStatus is False
self.audlist[self.depco3]= dependencySelected # Makes a key for the dictionary audlist and gives it a value.
self.depco3 = self.depco3 + 1 # Subtracts one from depco3 and assigns it to depco3
self.statusBar().showMessage('Cannot add same dependency twice',1500) # Shows a message that says 'Cannot add same dependency twice'
def dependencyCheckStatus(self):
checkboxDict = {self.OSCHECKBOX:[self.OSDEPBOX,self.addDependencyBttn], # Creates the dictionary checkboxDict
for checkbox,buttons in checkboxDict.items(): # Goes through the items in checkboxDict
for button in buttons: # Goes through each button in buttons
if checkbox.isChecked() == True: # Checks if the checkbox is checked
button.setEnabled(True) # Enables the button
button.setEnabled(False) # Does not enable the button
def checkForcedCheckBoxStatus(self):
ForcedStatus = self.FORCEDCHECKBOX.isChecked() # Assigns the value of self.FORCEDCHECKBOX.isChecked() to ForcedStatus
if ForcedStatus == True: # Checks if ForcedStatus is True
self.forcedStatus = True # Sets forcedStatus to True
self.FROMCHECKBOX.setEnabled(False) # Disables FROMCHECKBOX
self.VITALCHECKBOX.setEnabled(False) # Disables VITALCHECKBOX
self.forcedStatus = False # Sets forcedStatus to False
self.FROMCHECKBOX.setEnabled(True) # Enables FROMCHECKBOX
self.VITALCHECKBOX.setEnabled(True) # Enables VITALCHECKBOX
def checkVitalCheckBoxStatus(self):
VitalStatus = self.VITALCHECKBOX.isChecked() # Assigns the value from self.VITALCHECKBOX.isChecked() to VitalStatus
if VitalStatus == True: # Checks if VitalStatus is True
self.vitalStatus = True # Sets vitalStatus to True
self.FORCEDCHECKBOX.setEnabled(False) # Disables FORCEDCHECKBOX
self.vitalStatus = False # Sets vitalStatus to False
def checkFromCheckBoxStatus(self):
ForcedStatus = self.FROMCHECKBOX.isChecked() # Stores the value from self.FROMCHECKBOX.isChecked() in ForcedStatus
if ForcedStatus == True: # Checks if ForcedStatus is True
self.fromStatus = True # Sets fromStatus to True
self.FORCEDCHECKBOX.setEnabled(False) # Disables FORCEDCHECKBOX
self.fromStatus = False # Sets fromStatus to False
def clearThings(self):
self.oslist.clear() # Clears oslist
self.vislist.clear() # Clears vislist
self.audlist.clear() # Clears audlist
clearList = {self.descEdit, self.unlockEdit, self.devtimeEdit, self.innovationEdit,
self.usabilityEdit, self.codeartEdit, self.serverEdit, self.stabilityEdit}
for item in clearList:
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
global form
form = ExampleApp()
if __name__ == '__main__':