I wrote the following code which transforms a nested data structure
(def board [[{:mine true} {:warn 1 :explored true} {:explored true}]
[{:warn 1 :explored true} {:warn 1 :explored true} {} ]
[{} {} {:flag true } ]])
into a printable form and prints it
(("[ ]" "[1]" "[E]") ("[1]" "[1]" "[ ]") ("[ ]" "[ ]" "[F]"))
The functions for the transformation are the following:
(defn cell->icon
(letfn [(cell->str [v] (format "[%s]" v))]
(if (:explored cell)
(cond (:mine cell) (cell->str "M")
(:warn cell) (cell->str (:warn cell))
:else (cell->str "E"))
(cond (:flag cell) (cell->str "F")
:else (cell->str " ")))))
(defn board->icons
(map (partial map cell->icon) board))
So far so good (if you have any recommendations for a nicer approach though, do not hesitate to mention).
The function which I don't like though is the following:
(defn print-board
(map println
(map (partial clojure.string/join " ")
(board->icons board)))))
I don't like to use println
together with map since it is not a pure function (has side-effects)!? Maybe I am a bit too critical but I would be glad if somebody could advice me or give a hint how to do it in a nicer Clojure like way.