Inspired by this question, I decided to grow my own fractal tree.
The problem is: given an integer \$n\$, \$0 \leq n \leq 5\$, print the \$n\$th iteration of the fractal tree. The tree is probably easiest to describe in pictures, so here's a minified version of the first iteration:
And the second iteration:
The problem states that the output consists of 63 rows and 100 columns, and that the number of iterations is read from standard input. The length of the root (and each branch) of the first iteration is 16, and halves with each iteration.
let translateBy x0 y0 = (fun (x, y) -> (x + x0, y + y0))
let reflectYAxis (x, y) = (-x, y)
let root n = seq { for i in 0 .. n - 1 -> (0, i) }
let diag n = seq { for i in 0 .. n - 1 -> (i, i) }
let right n = diag n |> translateBy 1 n
let left n = reflectYAxis (right n)
let branch n = seq {
yield! left n
yield! right n
yield! root n
let rec tree n iterations =
match iterations with
| 0 -> Seq.empty
| _ -> seq {
yield! branch n
let child = tree (n/2) (iterations - 1)
yield! child |> translateBy n (2*n)
yield! child |> translateBy (-n) (2*n)
let format rows columns points =
let pointsByY =
Seq.groupBy snd points
|> (fun (y, pts) -> (y, fst pts |> set))
|> Map.ofSeq
seq {
for y in rows - 1 .. -1 .. 0 ->
match pointsByY.TryFind y with
| None -> new string('_', columns)
| Some xs -> String.init columns (fun x -> if xs.Contains x then "1" else "_")
let main argv =
let iterations = System.Console.ReadLine() |> System.Int32.Parse
let rows = 63
let columns = 100
let size = 16
let points = tree size iterations |> translateBy (columns/2 - 1) 0
for line in format rows columns points do
printfn "%s" line