I'm not sure whether I should be throwing exceptions in the below model code (and rescuing in the controller - rescues not implemented below) or returning nil
(in both or one of the exception cases). Also, should the model method be identify
, or is identify
My line of thinking is if the title is not set when identify is called, something is wrong or it is being used incorrectly. Regarding the second exception, if there are no results, then the movie in question can not be scraped, thus making all operations later (which depend on the scraped data) useless.
I guess this comes down to return nil vs throw exception - I have been reading quite a few arguments on this subject and to me it seems proper to throw in both cases, thoughts? Perhaps i'm missing a "rails way" of doing this too? I'm fairly new to Rails. If it matters, I am using Rails 3.2.
Movie model
validates :title, :presence => true
def identify
raise "No Title" if self.title.nil?
search_content = Nokogiri::HTML open("http://akas.imdb.com/find?q=#{CGI::escape(self.title)};s=tt")
top_result = search_content.xpath("//div[@id='main']/p[1]/b/a").first
raise "No Results" if top_result.nil?
self.title = top_result.content
self.imdb_id = top_result["href"].split("/")[2][2..-1].to_i
def populate_data
identify if self.imdb_id.nil?
# ...scrape imdb and save content to model attributes...
def create
@movie = Movie.new :title => params[:movie][:title]
if @movie.save
# ...the usual set flash, else recover kinda thing...