I've written a simple tabbed component in ReactJS, whose purpose was to make defining different tabs very simple. My implementation does this very well in my opinion, since defining tabs becomes very simple:
<Name>Tab 1</Name>
<h1>This is the first tab</h1>
<p>This is the first tab content</p>
<Name>Tab 2</Name>
<h1>This is the second tab</h1>
<p>This is the second tab content</p>
My solution works fine, but the code seems kind of hacky:
import './TabbedComponent.scss';
import React from 'react';
import InlineComponent from './InlineComponent.react';
* Tabbed component, using an inline layout.
* Usage:
* <TabbedComponent>
* // If you only have one tab, what's the point ^^
* <Tab>
* Names must be unique
* <Name>The display name of the tab in the sidebar</Name>
* You can stick anything you want in here
* <Content>This will be rendered inside the viewbox</Content>
* </Tab>
* </TabbedComponent>
class TabbedComponent extends React.Component {
displayName = 'TabbedComponent';
state = {
activeChild: null
constructor(props) {
this._handleTabClick = this._handleTabClick.bind(this);
componentWillMount() {
let tabs = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children)
.filter(child => child.type === Tab);
// default to first tab as active
if (this.state.activeChild === null) {
let first = tabs[0].props.children.filter(
child => child.type === Name)[0];
this.setState({ activeChild: first.props.children })
render() {
// extract only Tab children, anything else is invalid and will be ignored
let tabs = React.Children.toArray(this.props.children)
.filter(child => child.type === Tab);
// extract tab names from own children within Tab elements
let tabNames = tabs.map(tab => {
return tab.props.children.filter(child => child.type === Name);
let tabNamesArray = [].concat.apply([], tabNames);
let tabNamesElements = tabNamesArray.map(tabName => {
let tabText = React.Children.only(tabName).props.children;
return (
active={tabText == this.state.activeChild}
// find the tab content that should be active given a state
let tabContent = tabs.filter(tab =>
tab.props.children[0].props.children == this.state.activeChild
// pass children from tab content down into child
// traversal: tabContent(Tab) -> 1st child(Content) -> children: text
tabContent = tabContent[0].props.children[1].props.children;
return (
<InlineComponent className="tabbed-component">
<nav className="col-25 tabbed-nav">
<div className="col-75 tabbed-viewbox">
_handleTabClick(target) {
if (this.state.activeChild != target) {
this.setState({ activeChild: target });
* Tab is more or less of a semantical element, no render value, but it makes
* defining tabs very easy.
class Tab extends React.Component {
displayName = 'TabbedComponentTab';
constructor(props) {
render() {
return null;
* This is the component that displays in the tab navigation. When the element
* is active, the `active` class is added.
class Name extends React.Component {
displayName = 'TabbedComponentName';
constructor(props) {
this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);
render() {
return (
className={'tabbed-nav-tab' + (this.props.active ? ' active' : '')}
_handleClick(e) {
// Tell the top level tabbed component that it should switch tabs
* This is the component that renders in the viewport.
class Content extends React.Component {
displayName = 'TabbedComponentContent';
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<div className="tabbed-content">
export default TabbedComponent;
export { Tab, Name, Content };
I don't really know how to explain it, but the code doesn't seem particularly clean to me; there's a lot of direct array access e.g. tabContent[0].props.children[1].props.children;
, but I can't really see how I would get around that.
Any feedback would be appreciated.