
I wrote this code for an assignment. It was originally meant to be written in Maple, but got very frustrated with some of Maple's idiosyncrasies that I decided to play around with Pandas instead. This is a very trivial multi-linear regression model, which calculates variable weights using least-squares optimisation, and also allows for basic forward selection and backward elimination for model refinement (both without any form of backtracking). All suggestions welcome.

import pandas as pd
from numpy import dot, mean, sqrt
from numpy.linalg import inv

def _weights(X, Y):
    # Least squares solution for the w that minimises
    #  abs(Y - dot(X,w))

    # In newer Python and Numpy, the following
    # abombination filled lines will become the much nicer:
    #  weights = (inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T) @ Y
    #  return pd.Series(weights, index=X.columns)
    abomination = inv(dot(X.T, X))
    abomination = dot(abomination, X.T)
    abomination = dot(abomination, Y)
    return pd.Series(abomination, index=X.columns)

class LinearRegression:
    (multi)linear regression model using least-squares error
    minimisation. The weights calculated for each variable are 
    available in the Series self.weights, whose labels are aligned
    to the columns of X; the constant coefficient has the label ''.

    def __init__(self, X, Y):
        X: a pandas DataFrame of the independant variables
        Y: a Series of the single dependent variable

        self.X = X
        self.observed_Y = Y

        if not self.vars:
            # No indepedent vars => every Y is equal
            # (simple linear model with gradient = 0)
            intercept = mean(Y)
            self.weights = pd.Series([intercept], index=[''])
            self.fitted_Y = pd.Series(intercept, index=Y.index)
            # Augment the X with a column of 1s at the left,
            # Then the weights will come back with a
            # constant coefficient at the top.
            ones_column = pd.DataFrame({'':1}, index=X.index)
            augmented_X = ones_column.join(X)

            self.weights = _weights(augmented_X, Y)
            self.fitted_Y = augmented_X.dot(self.weights)

    def empty(cls, Y):
        Create a model with the given observations for the 
        dependent variable and *no* independent variables.

        X = pd.DataFrame([], index=Y.index)
        return cls(X, Y)

    def vars(self):
        # Needs to be a list so that, eg, `if self.vars:`
        # is a test for the empty model. If this was 
        # instead a Pandas Index, that would be an error.
        return list(self.X.columns)

    def backward_elimination(self, threshold):
        Simplify the model by the method of backward
        Drop columns if one at a time, choosing that column
        with the least impact on the model's RMSE, but only
        if that impact is within than `threshold`.

        Y = self.observed_Y
        overall_best = self

        def impact(m):
            return abs(m.rmse - overall_best.rmse)

        while overall_best.vars:
            X = overall_best.X
            candidates = (type(self)(X.drop(i, axis=1), Y) 
                for i in overall_best.vars)
            best = min(candidates, key=impact)

            if impact(best) < threshold:
                overall_best = best

        return overall_best

    def forward_selection(self, threshold):
        Improve the model by the method of forward selection.
        Starting with the empty model, progressively add one column
        at a time, choosing the one with the best improvement to RMSE
        over, but only if that improvement is at least `threshold`.

        Y = self.observed_Y

        overall_best = type(self).empty(Y)

        def improvement(m):
            return overall_best.rmse - m.rmse

        while len(overall_best.vars) < len(self.vars):
            X = overall_best.X
            candidates = (type(self)(X.join(self.X[i]), Y)
                for i in self.vars
                if i not in overall_best.vars)

            best = max(candidates, key=improvement)

            if improvement(best) >= threshold:
                overall_best = best

        return overall_best

    def residuals(self):
        return self.observed_Y - self.fitted_Y

    def rmse(self):
        return sqrt(mean(self.residuals**2))

    def __str__(self):
        y = self.observed_Y.name
        intercept = "{:.3f}".format(self.weights[''])
        xs = ('{:=+7.3f}*{}'.format(self.weights[n], n)
            for n in self.vars)
        return '{} = {} {}'.format(y, intercept, ' '.join(xs))

1 Answer 1


Two things confuse me about _weights. One, why is there an underscore before the name? That's usually a convention for indicating that a variable or method are ostensibly private and shouldn't be used externally. Which brings me to my second point, why is this created as a standalone function when it's use is tied to the LinearRegression class? Solve both problems and put _weights inside LinearRegression.


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