From what I can tell a string starting with &H
is a hex literal.
There exists a number of conversion functions that can convert an expression to the desired type.
So it should simply be, depending on desired type:
Function ConvertHex(ByVal value As String) As Currency
Dim result As Currency
result = CCur(value)
If result < 0 Then
'Add two times Int32.MaxValue and another 2 for the overflow
'Because the hex value is apparently parsed as a signed Int64/Int32
result = result + &H7FFFFFFF + &H7FFFFFFF + 2
End If
ConvertHex = result
End Function
Currency vs Double
Maximum accurately representable positive integer value :
So why use Currency
over Double
when the latter works for a larger range of integers?
is always accurate. If we overflow a Currency
value we get an error. If we overflow the maximum representable integer value of a double we get an approximate integer value:
Dim doubleMax As Double
Dim doubleAfter As Double
doubleMax = CDbl("&H0020000000000000")
doubleAfter = doubleMax + 1
MsgBox "Double before: " & Format(doubleMax, "#") & vbNewLine & "after: " & Format(doubleAfter, "#")
Dim currencyMax As Currency
Dim currencyAfter As Currency
currencyMax = CCur("&H000346DC5D638865")
currencyAfter = currencyMax + 1
MsgBox "Currency before: " & Format(currencyMax, "#") & vbNewLine & "after: " & Format(currencyAfter, "#")
The output of this example is:
Double before: 9007199254740990
after: 9007199254740990
And then a run-time error '6': Overflow
which is great if you want to avoid rounding errors. Now MSDN claims Double
stored as IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) floating-point number
but if you've read anything about the IEEE 754 binary64 you should be a bit surprised about the output from the example. The actual maximum is &H00038D7EA4C68000
, orDecimal
. \$\endgroup\$Cdbl("&HFFFF")
? \$\endgroup\$CDbl
is wrong for this scenario. \$\endgroup\$