
Here's my assembler for the HACK assembly language, part of the Nand2Tetris course. I'd really appreciate any comments/criticism/help!

If you want to know what input and output files should look like, you can check out the test data in the /tests/ folder on GitHub.


 *  file: assembler.c
 *  usage of assembler for the hack assembly language.

#include "assemble.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // check input is correct
    if (argc != 3)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: assembler source output\n");
        return 1;

    // open source file
    FILE* source = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if (source == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open source file %s\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;

    // open output file
    FILE* output = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
    if (output == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open output file %s\n", argv[2]);
        return 1;

    if (assemble(source, output) == false)
        fprintf(stderr, "Quitting with error.\n");
        return 1;
    return 0;


 *  file: assemble.h
 *  assembler for the hack assembly language.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define MAX_A 32767
#define COMP_TABLE_SIZE 28
#define MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE 10

// node for symbol and its translation
typedef struct symNode
    char symbol[MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE];
    char translation[17];
    struct symNode* next;

// node for comp code and its translation
typedef struct compNode 
    char entry[4];
    char translation[8];

// node for jump code and its translation
typedef struct jumpNode 
    char entry[4];
    char translation[4];

 * assemble: translates source assembly file into machine code.
 * returns true on success, else false;
bool assemble(FILE* source, FILE* output);

 *  addSym: add the symbol-translation pair to the start of the linked list beginning with head.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool addSym(const char* symbol, const char* translation, int line);

 *  buildTables: builds the table for comp/jump codes and their translations.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool buildTables(void);

 *  clearTables: frees the tables of comp/jump codes and their translations.
void clearTables(void);

 *  decodeA: reads in an A instruction from source, and outputs the a-instruction to out, converted to binary.
 *  returns source line number, or -1 if error.
int decodeA(FILE* source, FILE* output, int line);

 *  writeComp: translates comp and outputs it to output.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool writeComp(char* comp, FILE* output);

 *  writeJump: translates jump and outputs it to output.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool writeJump(char* jump, FILE* output);

 *  decodeC: reads in a C instruction from source (first char is c), and outputs the C-instruction to out, converted to binary.
 *  returns line number, or -1 on error.
int decodeC(char c, FILE* source, FILE* output, int line);

 *  loadLabels: populates the symbol dictionary with all of the labels in the file.
 *  returns true on success, else false;
bool loadLabels(FILE* source);


 *  file: assemble.c
 *  assembler for the hack assembly language.
 *  usage: assembler source output

#include "assemble.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>    // bool type
#include <ctype.h>      // isspace(), isdigit()
#include <stdlib.h>     // atoi()
#include <string.h>     // strcpy(), strcmp(), strchr()

// head for symbol dictionary linked list
symNode* symHead;

// table for comp codes and their translations
compNode* compDict[COMP_TABLE_SIZE];

// table for jump codes and their translations
jumpNode* jumpDict[JUMP_TABLE_SIZE];

const char* compCodes[COMP_TABLE_SIZE] = {"0", "1", "-1", "D", "A", "!D", "!A", "-D", "-A",
                                            "D+1", "A+1", "D-1", "A-1", "D+A", "D-A", "A-D",
                                            "D&A", "D|A", "M", "!M", "-M", "M+1", "M-1", "D+M",
                                            "D-M", "M-D", "D&M", "D|M"};

const char* compTranslations[COMP_TABLE_SIZE] = {"0101010", "0111111", "0111010", "0001100",
                                                "0110000", "0001101", "0110001", "0001111",
                                                "0110011", "0011111", "0110111", "0001110",
                                                "0110010", "0000010", "0010011", "0010011",
                                                "0000000", "0010101", "1110000", "1110001",
                                                "1110011", "1110111", "1110010", "1000010",
                                                "1010011", "1000111", "1000000", "1010101"};

const char* jumpCodes[JUMP_TABLE_SIZE] = {"JGT", "JEQ", "JGE", "JLT", "JNE", "JLE", "JMP"};

const char* jumpTranslations[JUMP_TABLE_SIZE] = {"001", "010", "011", "100", "101", "110", "111"};

 *  addSym: add the symbol-translation pair to the start of the linked list beginning with head.
 *  returns true on success, else false;
bool addSym(const char* symbol, const char* translation, int line)
    // construct the new node
    symNode* temp = malloc(sizeof(symNode));
    if (temp == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): cannot malloc new symbol node.\n", line);
        return false;
    strcpy(temp->symbol, symbol);
    strcpy(temp->translation, translation);

    if (symHead != NULL)    // list not empty
        temp->next = symHead;
    symHead = temp;
    return true;

 *  buildTables: builds the table for comp/jump codes and their translations.
bool buildTables(void)
    int i;

    // build comp table
    for (i = 0; i < COMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
        compNode* temp = malloc(sizeof(compNode));
        if (temp == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create comp table\n");
            return false;
        strcpy(temp->entry, compCodes[i]);
        strcpy(temp->translation, compTranslations[i]);
        compDict[i] = temp;

    // build jump table
    for (i = 0; i < JUMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
        jumpNode* temp = malloc(sizeof(jumpNode));
        if (temp == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create jump table\n");
            return false;
        strcpy(temp->entry, jumpCodes[i]);
        strcpy(temp->translation, jumpTranslations[i]);
        jumpDict[i] = temp;

    // load default register symbols into symbol table
    int v;
    int k;
    int j;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        char* tempSym = malloc(4);
        if (tempSym == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create register table\n");
            return false;

        char* tempTran = malloc(17);
        if (tempTran == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create register table\n");
            return false;

        tempSym[0] = 'R';
        sprintf(tempSym+1, "%d", i);
        v = i;
        k = 0;
        for (j = 15; j >= 0; j--, k++)
            tempTran[k] = '0' + ((v >> j) & 1);     
        tempTran[k] = '\0';
        if (addSym(tempSym, tempTran, 0) == false)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create register table\n");
            return false;
    return true;

 *  clearTables: frees the tables of comp/jump codes and their translations.
void clearTables(void)
    // clear computations table
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < COMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++)

    // clear jump table
    for (i = 0; i < JUMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++)

    // clear symbol table
    symNode* pos = symHead;
    symNode* next;
    while (pos != NULL)
        next = pos->next;
        pos = next;

 *  decodeA: reads in an A instruction from source, and outputs the a-instruction to out, converted to binary.
 *  returns source line number, or -1 if error.
int decodeA(FILE* source, FILE* output, int line)
    static int varNum = 16;

    char* instruction = malloc(MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE + 1); //holds the number in the @instruction
    if (instruction == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error (decodeA): cannot malloc instruction\n");
        return -1;

    // read in the @ instruction
    int i = 0;
    char c;
    if ((c = fgetc(source)) && !isdigit(c))     // symbol
            if (i > MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): symbol too large (max length %d chars)\n", line, MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE);
                return -1;
            instruction[i++] = c;
        } while ((c = fgetc(source)) && !isspace(c) && c != EOF);

        if (i == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): expected value for A-instruction\n", line);
            return -1;
        instruction[i] = '\0';

        // search table for instruction
        symNode* pos;
        for (pos = symHead; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
            if (strcmp(instruction, pos->symbol) == 0)
                fprintf(output, pos->translation);
        if (pos == NULL)        // symbol not in table: add it!
            char* tempTran = malloc(17);
            int k = 0;
            int j;
            int v = varNum;
            for (j = 15; j >= 0; j--, k++)
                tempTran[k] = '0' + ((v >> j) & 1);     
            tempTran[k] = '\0';
            addSym(instruction, tempTran, 0);
            // output symbol
            fprintf(output, tempTran);
            fputc('\n', output);
            return line;
    if (isdigit(c))     // non-symbolic a-instruction
            if (i > 4)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): integer too large\n", line);
                return -1;
            instruction[i++] = c;
        } while ((c = fgetc(source)) && isdigit(c));

        if (i == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): expected value for A-instruction\n", line);
            return -1;
        instruction[i] = '\0';

        // convert the @ instruction to int
        int v = atoi(instruction);
        if (v > MAX_A || v < 0) 
            fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): %d is an invalid integer\n", line, v);
            return -1;

        // output the a-instruction converted to binary
        for (i = 15; i >= 0; i--)
            fputc('0' + ((v >> i) & 1), output);

    // carry on reading until newline
    while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
        c = fgetc(source);
    if (c == '\n')
        fputc('\n', output);

    return line;

 *  writeComp: translates comp and outputs it to output.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool writeComp(char* comp, FILE* output)
    // search computations for the comp
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < COMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
        if (strcmp(compDict[i]->entry, comp) == 0)
            // found
            fprintf(output, compDict[i]->translation);
            return true;
    // not found
    printf("%s not found\n", comp);
    return false;

 *  writeJump: translates jump and outputs it to output.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool writeJump(char* jump, FILE* output)
    // search jump table for the jump
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < JUMP_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
        if (strcmp(jumpDict[i]->entry, jump) == 0)
            // found
            fprintf(output, jumpDict[i]->translation);
            return true;
    // not found
    return false;

 *  decodeC: reads in a C instruction from source (first char is c), and outputs the C-instruction to out, converted to binary.
 *  returns line number, or -1 on error.
int decodeC(char c, FILE* source, FILE* output, int line)
    // C-instructions have three parts: dest, comp, and jump.
    char* dest = malloc(4);
    char* comp = malloc(4);
    char* jump = malloc(4);
    if (dest == NULL || dest == NULL || jump == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error (line: %d): cannot malloc\n", line);

    char* buffer = malloc(4);
    int i = 0;
    bool destIn = false;
    bool compIn = false;
    bool jumpIn = false;
        if (i > 3)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error (line: %d): invalid instruction\n", line);
        else if (c == '=')  // buffer is dest
            strcpy(dest, buffer);
            dest[i] = '\0';
            destIn = true;
            i = 0;
        else if ((((c == '\n') || (c == '/') || c == EOF) && !compIn) || c == ';')  // buffer is comp
            strcpy(comp, buffer);
            comp[i] = '\0';
            compIn = true;
            i = 0;
        else if (((c == '\n') || (c == '/') || c == EOF) && compIn) // buffer is jump
            strcpy(jump, buffer);
            jump[i] = '\0';
            jumpIn = true;
            i = 0;
        else if (!isspace(c) && c != '/')
            buffer[i++] = c;
        if (c == '\n' || c == '/' || c == EOF)
    while (c = fgetc(source));

    // write C-instruction code (111)
    fprintf(output, "111");

    if (compIn) 
        if (writeComp(comp, output) == false)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error (line: %d): cannot translate '%s'\n", line, comp);
            return -1;
        // write default comp code
        fprintf(output, "111101010");

    if (destIn)
        if (strchr(dest, 'A') != NULL)
            fputc('1', output);
            fputc('0', output);
        if (strchr(dest, 'D') != NULL)
            fputc('1', output);
            fputc('0', output);
        if (strchr(dest, 'M') != NULL)
            fputc('1', output);
            fputc('0', output);
        // write default dest
        fprintf(output, "000");

    if (jumpIn)
        if (writeJump(jump, output) == false)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error (line: %d): cannot translate jump '%s'\n", line, jump);
            return -1;
        // write default jump
        fprintf(output, "000");


    fputc('\n', output);
    return line;

 *  loadLabels: populates the symbol dictionary with all of the labels in the file.
 *  returns true on success, else false.
bool loadLabels(FILE* source)
    char* tempLabel;
    char* tempTran;
    int line = 0;
    bool definingLabel = false; // are we defining a label?
    bool comment = false;   // are we in a comment?
    bool content = false; // is there content on the current line?
    bool addLabel = false; // should we add the current line to the label tag?
    int numLabels = 0;
    char c;
    int i = 0; // label pos
    while ((c = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        if (c == '/')
            comment = true;
        else if (c == '(' && !comment)  // new label
            if (definingLabel)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): cannot enter '(' in label name\n", line);
                return false;
            definingLabel = true;

            tempLabel = malloc(MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE + 1);
            if (tempLabel == NULL)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): cannot malloc tempLabel\n", line);
                return false;
        else if (c == ')' && !comment)
            if (!definingLabel)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): cannot enter ')' outside label\n", line);
                return false;
            definingLabel = false;

            // add to dict
            tempLabel[i] = '\0';
            i = 0;
            addSym(tempLabel, "", line);
            addLabel = true;
        else if (definingLabel && !comment)
            if (isspace(c))
                fprintf(stderr, "Error (line %d): cannot enter whitespace in label name\n", line);
                return false;
                tempLabel[i++] = c;
        if (c == '\n')
            comment = false;
            if (content)
            content = false;
        else if (!isspace(c) && !comment && !definingLabel && c != ')')
            content = true;
            if (addLabel)
                tempTran = malloc(17);
                int v = line;
                int k = 0;
                int j;
                for (j = 15; j >= 0; j--, k++)
                    tempTran[k] = '0' + ((v >> j) & 1);     
                tempTran[k] = '\0';

                for (symNode* pos = symHead; numLabels > 0; numLabels--)
                    strcpy(pos->translation, tempTran);
                    pos = pos->next;
                addLabel = false;
    if (addLabel)
        tempTran = malloc(17);
        int v = line;
        int k = 0;
        int j;
        for (j = 15; j >= 0; j--, k++)
            tempTran[k] = '0' + ((v >> j) & 1);     
        tempTran[k] = '\0';

        for (symNode* pos = symHead; numLabels > 0; numLabels--)
            strcpy(pos->translation, tempTran);
            pos = pos->next;

    // rewind the file
    fseek(source, 0, SEEK_SET);

    return true;

bool assemble(FILE* source, FILE* output)
    // build translation tables
    if (buildTables() == false)
        fprintf(stderr, "Terminating program due to error\n");
        return 1;

    if (loadLabels(source) == false)
        fprintf(stderr, "Terminating program due to error\n"); 
        return 1;

    // main read loop
    char c;
    bool comment = false;   // are we in a comment?
    bool label = false;     // are we in a label?
    int line = 1;   // source line number
    while ((c = fgetc(source)) != EOF)
        if (c == '/')
            comment = true;
        else if (c == '\n')
            comment = false;    // newline breaks comments
        else if (c == '(')
            label = true;
        else if (c == ')')
            label = false;
        else if (label)
        else if (isspace(c))
        else if (comment) 
            continue;   // skip comments
        else if (c == '@')  // A-INSTRUCTION
            line = decodeA(source, output, line);
        else                // C-INSTRUCTION (or invalid)
            line = decodeC(c, source, output, line);
        if (line == -1)
            fprintf(stderr, "Terminating assembly due to error\n");
            return false;

    // clear translation tables


    printf("Assembly successful\n");
    return true;

1 Answer 1


Linear searches

I noticed that there are several places where you search through your various tables using linear searches. It would be easy to sort your tables and add a search function that uses a binary search instead.

Currently your symHead points to a linked list of symbols, but you could modify that to be an array instead (just resize as needed). Then you could use a binary search on it.


Depending on your speed requirements, you could even go a step further and build a trie for your symbol table. Searches and symbol additions would be faster using a trie than using a sorted array.

However, you should only do this if you expect large symbol tables and if execution time is a major concern. For small input files, I doubt that using a trie will make a noticeable difference.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks! I was wondering whether or not to sort -- I wasn't sure whether it was worth O(n lg n) time to sort the array every time you add a symbol just to gain O(lg n) speed on binary search rather than O(n). I guess it is worth it, since you add symbols far less than you search them. I'll get on it! :D \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 16:44

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