I have spent countless hours trying to speed up my bilinear interpolation up. I even tried implementing an SSE version (a double version and a float version), but that was even slower than this version.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I wrote this under VS2010 and it is intended to be called from MATLAB as a MEX function (thus the minus one subtraction in interp2_mx because indexing in MATLAB is from 1:end as opposed to 0:end-1).
My function interp2 requires a T (intended float/double type) pointer to Z (mz by nz matrix) and interpolates the points in XI and YI into ZI (which are all the same size mi by ni).
template <typename T>
__forceinline void interp2_mx(const T& x, const T& y,
const T* z,
const int32_t& n,
const int32_t& mm2,
const int32_t& nm2,
T& val,
const T& extrapval = T(0))
int64_t xp = (int64_t)(x) - 1; // adjust for MATLAB indexing
int64_t yp = (int64_t)(y) - 1;
if (xp < 0 || xp > nm2 || yp < 0 || yp > mm2)
val = extrapval;
const T* line = z + yp * n + xp;
T xf = x - (int64_t)(x); // get decimal portion
T yf = y - (int64_t)(y);
T x1mf = (T)1 - xf;
T y1mf = (T)1 - yf;
T v00 = x1mf * y1mf * (*(line));
T v01 = xf * y1mf * (*(line + 1));
T v10 = x1mf * yf * (*(line + n));
T v11 = xf * yf * (*(line + n + 1));
val = v00 + v01 + v10 + v11;
template <typename T>
void interp2(const T* z,
const int32_t& mz, const int32_t& nz,
const T* xi, const T* yi,
const int32_t& mi, const int32_t& ni,
T* zi,
const T& extrapval = T(0))
const int32_t nzm2 = nz - 2;
const int32_t mzm2 = mz - 2;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int m = 0; m < mi; ++m)
T* line_zi = zi + m * ni;
const T* x = xi + m * ni;
const T* y = yi + m * ni;
for (int n = 0; n < ni; ++n, ++x, ++y, ++line_zi)
interp2_mx((*x), (*y), z, nz, mzm2, nzm2, (*line_zi));