Coming from a OO (C#) background, I am trying to learn some FP. To help me transition, I am trying to learn F#. I am taking baby steps.
I set myself a simple challenge to count the instances of each letter in a sentence, ordered alphabetically. ("Hello World" -> "[D, 1]; [E, 1]; [H, 1]; [L, 3]; [O, 2]; [R, 1]; [W, 1]; ").
My solution works but I can't help but thinking that I am not able to break out of an imperative style (my solution is based on Linq type thinking).
open System
let getLetterCount xs =
xs |>
Seq.filter Char.IsLetter |> Char.ToUpper |>
Seq.groupBy id |>
Seq.sortBy fst |> (fun (k,v) -> (k, Seq.length v))
let tuplesToString = Seq.fold (fun a (k,v) -> a + sprintf "[%c, %i]; " k v) ""
printfn "%s" (tuplesToString (getLetterCount "Hello World"))
Does anyone know of a good source of challenges to help me get my teeth into learning this?
operators at the ends of the argument lines is very unidiomatic and much harder to read. No actual F# programmer will do it like that. Putting them before the respective functions they "pipe into" makes the whole call chain a lot easier to follow. \$\endgroup\$