This takes in a user specified number of points then finds the two points with the shortest distance.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;
public class FindNearestPoints
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the number of points: ");
final int numOfPoints = scan.nextInt();
double[][] points = new double[numOfPoints][2];
double shortestDistance=0;
double distance=0;
String closestPoint1="";
String closestPoint2="";
//enter x,y coords into the ix2 table points[][]
for (int i=0; i<numOfPoints; i++)
System.out.print("Enter point x" + i + ": ");
points[i][0] = scan.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter point y" + i + ": ");
points[i][1] = scan.nextDouble();
//get the distance between the point in the ith row and the (m+1)th row
//and check if it's shorter than the distance between 0th and 1st
for (int i=0; i<numOfPoints; i++)
//use m=i rather than 0 to avoid duplicate computations
for (int m=i; m<numOfPoints-1;m++)
double dx = points[i][0] - points[m+1][0];
double dy = points[i][1] - points[m+1][1];
distance = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
//set shortestDistance and closestPoints to the first iteration
if (m == 0 && i == 0)
shortestDistance = distance;
closestPoint1 = "(" + points[0][0] + "," + points[0][1] + ")";
closestPoint2 = "(" + points[1][0] + "," + points[1][1] + ")";
//then check if any further iterations have shorter distances
else if (distance < shortestDistance)
shortestDistance = distance;
closestPoint1 = "(" + points[i][0] + "," + points[i][1] + ")";
closestPoint2 = "(" + points[m+1][0] + "," + points[m+1][1] + ")";
System.out.println("The shortest distance is: " + shortestDistance);
System.out.println("The closest points are " + closestPoint1 + " and " + closestPoint2);